10/4/10 – Monday

The Crooked Acres jam (and hot sauce) shop is now open! Go buy jam and hot sauces here. (And there’s a permanent link in the left sidebar, for future reference.) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +   (Pardon the yammering about … Continue reading “10/4/10 – Monday”

The Crooked Acres jam (and hot sauce) shop is now open!

Go buy jam and hot sauces here.

(And there’s a permanent link in the left sidebar, for future reference.)

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(Pardon the yammering about the jams and hot sauces being available. I’ll likely do that for the rest of the week so that the SKIMMAHS will see it and not ask me in three months when I’m going to have jam available. BUT YOU KNOW THEY WILL. Oh skimmers, why can’t I quit you?)

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Fred installed Linux on my computer last week, but couldn’t get it to connect to the network. I have a wireless thingy that allows me to connect to the internet and Windows was dealing okay with it, but Linux is apparently a PRINCESS and wouldn’t play along. So Fred ordered a cable from Amazon so that we could connect my computer to the router (that might not be what it’s called. I don’t pay much attention to the particulars. There’s a magic box that Fred’s computer is connected to so he doesn’t have to rely on the smoke and mirrors of the wireless thingy like I do. Said wireless thingy is a bit princessy itself, and if I had a nickel for every time I bellowed “WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN YOU DON’T SEE A WIRELESS NETWORK IT’S FIVE FUCKING FEET FROM YOU, YOU STUPID GODDAMN PIECE OF SHIT!” at my computer, I’d be able to afford a personal assistant to Google everything for me and print out the information I require, so that I might peruse it at my convenience whilst being hand-fed grapes by the pool boy who also does all the litterbox scooping.) The cord came this week, and yesterday I decreed that it was time to hook that motherfucker up.

Only…. we weren’t going to run the cable across the room, because that’s just asking for trouble. Either Fred would trip over it every time he entered the room, or a cat would chew through it, or there are any myriad* things that could go wrong with having a cable run across the middle of the room.

What we were going to do, instead, was drill a hole through the floor by where the internet connecting thingy was located, then a hole near where my computer is, and then someone was going to have to go under the house and take the cable from one hole, crawl to the other hole, and feed the cable back up through. Fred has been under the house many times (well a couple, anyway) and really does not care for it at all, so I told him I’d do it.

I suited up in an old pair of jeans, a long-sleeved shirt, and gloves, and climbed through the door to the under-house area. After hearing about the horror of being under the house many times, I expected it to be a horrifying experience, with cave crickets jumping in all directions, mice coming to sniff at me, and perhaps a raccoon or feral dog running out to occasionally bite me in the face.

Of course, after all that dreading, it wasn’t bad. I mean, I didn’t LOVE it – there were spider webs everywhere, and I killed a great big juicy spider the size of my thumb near the door, but mostly the spider webs had been abandoned. I crawled from the door to where I expected the hole to be, and there it was. I was displeased to see a cluster of cave crickets (if you’re lucky enough to not have cave crickets – also known as camel crickets – in your area, you’re not missing much. They have the legs of a spider and the jumpy spazziness of a cricket and they are hideous looking, but they won’t hurt you.) near the hole, and made Fred feed the cable down far enough that I wouldn’t have to actually touch any cave crickets. (Cave crickets are very springy and they generally jump at your face, making you jump and scream like a big baby, and I prefer not to get too close to them.)

I got the cable, and then couldn’t for the life of me find the hole where I was supposed to poke it back up through even though Fred was shining a flashlight into the hole. I finally found it, couldn’t get the damn cable to go through the hole (the hole being only slightly bigger than the end of the cable) and ended up having to lay on my back on the ground and push the cable with both hands.

Then I crawled back to the door, and it was done. Not one-tenth as bad as I’d expected it to be, either. But then, I’m smaller than Fred and am also not in the least bit claustrophobic. It’s not something I’d want to do on a daily basis, but once or twice a year, I could handle it.

That little wooden door is the door I came through (Fred closed it after me so Maxi or Newt didn’t get it into their heads to follow me in), and that cement thing to the left is the well.

*When I was taking college classes at New Hampshire College (on the Navy base in Brunswick) back in the days when I thought I might actually get my college degree someday, I took an English course (the title of which escapes me at the moment). The professor was fond of the word “myriad” and used it at least a couple of times each class. Toward the end of the semester, it came out that one of the other students thought that she had MADE THE WORD UP and he was amazed to find it in the dictionary. This was the same professor who thought my writing skillz were so awesome that I had to have gone to Catholic school. Heh.

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So last night we were upstairs in the foster room hanging out with Starsky and Hutch. They needed to be medicated (dewormer), so Fred held each of them while I shot the medicine in their little mouths. When he put the second one down, we both noticed that one of the kittens had drooled a drop of medicine on Fred’s hand. I grabbed a piece of paper towel and as I held it out to Fred, he put his hand down and WIPED THE GODDAMN MEDICINE ON THE CARPET.

My question to you: how deep do I have to bury him so that the dogs won’t dig up the body?

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So Friday morning, I decided to leave the house bright and early to take the kittens to Petsmart. I had originally intended to take them later in the morning so as not to get in the way when the Friday morning volunteer showed up to clean cages. But the night before, Fred and I had put Moxie, Melodie, and Dodger in the foster room so that Friday morning I’d be able to get my hands on them and put them in carriers. (We left Martin out because he’s very easy to get hold of. You say “Marty, come here” and he’s pretty sure you’re going to give him a snack.)

Melodie and Dodger have a gift for knowing when I’m about to do something to them they won’t care for, and they vanish. I was afraid they’d vanish or I’d end up chasing them around and be unable to catch them. Friday morning, they were ready to be OUT of that room, and they were howling and banging on the door. Which led me to the decision to take them to Petsmart before the Friday morning volunteer showed up instead of after.

So I grabbed Martin and put him in one carrier. Then I thought I’d be SMART, because I knew there was a good chance the kittens would be able to get past me if I opened the door with carriers in my hands. I closed my bedroom door and the bathroom door, and then I put the half door across the end of the hallway so if anyone got past me, they could only go into the hallway, and it would be easy enough to catch them there.

I opened the door, and went in holding the carriers in front of me. That blocked Melodie and Dodger, who backed away from the doorway, but Moxie would not be denied, and she jumped over the carriers and ran past me. I knew I didn’t have anything to worry about, though, right? Because she could only go into the hallway?

Except that before I even had a chance to turn around and look at her, Moxie had climbed over the half door at the end of the hallway and taken off for parts unknown.

I got Melodie and Dodger in one carrier (they were NOT thrilled to go into the carrier, if you were wondering) and then I went downstairs and started looking for Moxie. I found her huddled under the couch, but when I reached for her, she scampered away and went under the other couch. I stopped and thought for a moment, and then I went into the kitchen.

I took out a stack of plates and rattled them, which is the sound that alerts all the cats in the house to snack time. When I was done rattling the plates, I turned to see a group of cats running toward me, Moxie in the lead. I scooped her up and popped her into the carrier with Martin. Then I grabbed Reacher, who was standing right there hoping to get a snack, and I put him in a third carrier. Then I looked out back and did the snack time call to Corbett, who was chilling under the tree. When he came inside, I popped him into the fourth carrier.

And then we were on our way to Petsmart. The kittens had apparently had a prior discussion about what to do if put into carriers and then into the car, because they began coordinating their howling so that someone was always howling. The entire 35 minute drive to Petsmart, someone was always howling. Sometimes more than one was howling, and several times I’m pretty sure all six were howling, but at all times at least one of them was howling.

(Reminder to self: bring ear plugs next time!)

I got to Petsmart, and instead of going in and getting a cart, then piling the carriers in the cart, I somehow got it in my head that I could carry all four carriers in. I was actually able to do so, but by the time I got to the cat room, I felt like I was hauling 100 pounds of cat. The manager let me into the cat room, and I let Bolitar and Rhyme out of their cage, cleaned it, and got it set up for Reacher and Corbett. I did all the things I needed to do to get the cats all set up, and then I sat on the floor and told them all that I loved them (Melodie, for one, didn’t believe me for one single second), and then I put Moxie, Melodie, Dodger, and Martin in one cage, and Reacher and Corbett in another.

Melodie wasted no time – she went into the litter box and meowed sadly. The others seemed more curious than scared, so I told them one last time that I loved them, and then I put Bolitar and Rhyme in carriers, and left.

None of my babies were adopted over the weekend, and the word is that MMM&D were okay, if nervous, but Corbett was hiding in the litter box, and Reacher was freaked OUT. They’re always scared the first few days, so I know they’ll be okay. I have to go into Huntsville later today, so I may stop by and spend a little time with them.

When I got Bolitar and Rhyme home, I took them directly upstairs to the foster room, shut the door, and let them out of their carriers. They started slinking around the room, growling and hissing and smacking at each other. I spent some time with them, and then left them alone to get used to their new surroundings.

It was my intention to keep them in the room for at least a day, until they relaxed a little. But Fred got home and went up to see them, and when he opened the door they ran over to him and he made the decision to let them out into the house. There was drama queen behavior on both their parts, they hissed and growled and smacked the permanent residents (I’m sure you can imagine how THAT went over), but by Sunday afternoon they were settled in like they’d never been gone.

I meant to share the last of the MMM&D and Reacher & Corbett pics I had over the weekend, but got busy and never got around to it, so here they are!

I think I threw a stick, and cats ran from all corners of the yard to check it out.

Pretty Moxie.

I came home from running errands one day to find this going on. I guess Martin wanted a little Spanky love!

Marty in the sun.

Corbett, peering out the door.

Rhyme, just after we got home.


Bolitar, keeping an eye on things.

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Saturday morning, I scrubbed down the upstairs foster room, and then I moved Starsky and Hutch up there. They weren’t sure what to think at first, but they seem to like the toys and the brighter room. Especially the toys!

(These pics are from before I moved them.)

Hutch enjoys a good belly rub.

Starsky, having caught sight of Hutch, goes insta-floof.

Friday afternoon, when Bolitar and Rhyme were running around the house hissing at everyone like the drama queens they are, I opened the door to the guest bedroom to go in and see Starsky and Hutch. Now, the guest bedroom is where the Bookworms were pretty much raised – they were in there from the time we got them, and even when they were allowed out in the house, they spent their nights in that room. It stands to reason that Bolitar and Rhyme would consider that room theirs. So when I opened the door, they went running in, and there was an awful lot of hissing and growling and floofing up from all four cats. (Is there anything cuter than a floofed-up baby kitten?) I grabbed Bolitar and Rhyme and put them out of the room, and then had to spend ten minutes reassuring Starsky and Hutch. Poor babies.

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“Kittens again? FABULOUS.” Maxi always loves the kittens. NOT.

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2009: No entry.
2008: No entry.
2007: No, my number one concern is that a woman, somewhere in Alabama, might have purchased a device to ensure that she’s able to get off.
2006: The stinkin’ kitten is not so cute!
2005: Annnnnnnnd that’s just a little glimpse into the dorkiness that is my life.
2004: ARRRGH.
2003: No entry.
2002: Wow. Apparently I’ve been doing the pet store thing for three years now.
2001: Day Zero.
2000: I’m back!

10/1/10 – Friday

The Crooked Acres jam (and hot sauce) shop is now open! Go buy jam and hot sauces here. (And there’s a permanent link in the left sidebar, for future reference.) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +   New month, new banner! … Continue reading “10/1/10 – Friday”

The Crooked Acres jam (and hot sauce) shop is now open!

Go buy jam and hot sauces here.

(And there’s a permanent link in the left sidebar, for future reference.)

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New month, new banner!

Christine hits another one out of the park- Joe Bob in the alien mask is KILLING ME.

Thanks, Christine! You rock!

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I am envious of everyone with the techie husband/boyfriends. We know almost nothing and get a friend to help us!

Much like the cobbler’s children who go without shoes, we significant others of those who deal with computers have to beg and plead and limp along on crappy computers before the computer geniuses in our lives fix whatever is ailing our stupid computer. I have had to whine and plead a MILLION times to get Fred to fix shit on my computer. Is that fair, I ask you? I THINK NOT.

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I was going to recommend that instead of using olive oil PAM, you might want to check out the pump-type oil sprayers they have on Amazon (since you’re already shopping for a blender) or the one I picked up at Williams-Sonoma years ago for about $10 and still use all the time. You just add your favorite oil, pump, and spray—and without any added chemicals/preservatives, etc.
Have a great weekend!!!!

Oh, I have a pump sprayer, and I love it! I especially love to use it when my recipe calls for tossing something in olive oil before baking it. Instead of tossing whatever it is with oil, I spray a light coating of oil on the food, and it’s a lot less messy. I got mine at TJ Maxx for only a few bucks, and it was so worth it!

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I was just thinking about this when I woke up this morning, how we really need to get some kind of external storage dealie. Do you or your readers have any recommendations for that?

I couldn’t tell you what kind of USB external drive we have, but I can tell you that it’s always hooked up to my computer, and that’s where I save all my pictures. It was on sale when we got it and it’s super easy to use.

(Okay, how lazy AM I? I went and looked. It’s a Seagate FreeAgent external drive. I don’t know how much storage it has on it, but it easily holds my 40 GB of pictures and movies (is that a lot?), and some of Fred’s crap, too.)

Someone did have a suggestion, though:

Western Digital My Passport USB powered HD’s are awesome. I have 4 of them. They’re around $100, depends on the size of them really. I think you can get a 2Tb one for about 130-ish and a 500Gig for about 75 or so.

Readers? Any other suggestions?

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Switch to Windows 7. It’s not bloated, just big boned.

This made me laugh out loud. I have the Windows 7 disc sitting on my desk, and will be upgrading this weekend. (Thanks again, Susan!)

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Pet Monster Hat

I can only assume that one day this lady’s cats will stage some sort of coup.

That is IT. I have GOT to learn to crochet!

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My Grandfather had this poem/limerick? he used to say, “Mr. Nickels made some pickels on a rainy day. Mr Martin came a fartin’ and blew them all away.” It keeps popping back in to my head when I see Martin pictures. Is Martin a gassy cat by any chance?

Martin’s a bit of a gas bag, but not any gassier than the other cats. I particularly appreciate his gassiness when he’s curled up around my head in the middle of the night, as you can imagine.

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Have you ever thought of doing Xmas postcards? Less postage to send. And I’m glad you’re doing a card this year, I always request one for my mom and it always freaks her out (who sent this to us, how do we know Robyn and Fred, whose cat is this? – oh, it’s at least an hour of fun).

You know, I feel like an idiot. It NEVER occurred to me to do Xmas postcards – but that’s what I’m doing this year! I ordered 500 (!) postcards from VistaPrint for less than the two packs of 50 blank cards I got at Michael’s (and then I returned the blank cards to Michael’s!). How awesome is that? THANK YOU!

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Totally off subject, but it is September and once again I’m here asking for your cats family calendars. It makes the perfect Christmas gift to myself. Please make it include a donation to Challengers House. Thankyouverymuch.

I promise you that before Halloween rolls around, those calendars will be available! I’d like to say they’ll be ready by the 15th, but I have a lot of pictures to slog through, so I’m giving myself a little extra time.

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“While we waited for Fred to back up the trailer, Egg told me that he was still “down” in his back and that the doctors were going to put a needle in his back and inject Super Glue. At least, that’s what he thought they said, but now that he thought about it, they probably meant silicone.”

No, it’s a bone cement, and the procedure he’s probably talking about a kyphoplasty. They inject bone cement into a fractured vertebra to stabilize it.

“Poor ol’ Egg – not only does he have a bad back, he also has an aneurysm (he pointed vaguely to his lower abdomen, so I’m not sure where the aneurysm was located) and a kidney stone.”

Probably an abdominal aortic aneurysm, Triple-A. The aorta extends vertically down the length of the torso, before splitting off to supply the femoral arteries. It can bulge, but typically a pulmonary surgeon tracks the size of the bulge until it reaches a certain diameter, then they go in and repair the site. Of course, if it goes, it is unlikely the patient will survive unless they immediately get to a hospital. Dad’s was monitored twice a year for many years, and never reached the threshold where repair was considered.

The older I get, the more this medical stuff amazes me. When I was a kid, I thought that if they found a tumor, they’d rush you right to the emergency room and remove it before you could think twice. But nooooo, apparently they’ll wait weeks and WEEKS like it’s NO BIG DEAL. And now I find out that there are people walking around with aneurysms that are never repaired? MY MIND IS BLOWN! When I think of an aneurysm, I think of life and death, for god’s sake!

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I would like to apply to work on “I Will Throw All Your Shit Away.” When my g-ma died last year at her assisted living home, we needed to get her stuff out fast, as we didn’t want to pay for an empty room. I instructed my mom to bring trash bags, & if I do say so myself, I did a great job. My mom kept wanting to keep stuff, like broken pencils & almost-empty aspirin bottle, but I kept her on task, & we left with a minimum of things. Thank you for your consideration.


Robyn, I would really like to be part of “I Will Throw All Your Shit Away.” I had some kind of hoarding tendencies when I was younger and scared the hell out of myself. Now I’m a merciless junk-tosser. (That sounds like some kind of euphemism.) And while I don’t necessarily condone mocking the mentally ill in a public forum like reality TV, the psychotic meltdowns these people would have as we threw their shit away would be the real draw. I think this show would be a huge hit. It’d also be completely cruel. I look forward to viewing and hope I can guest-star one day! 😀

I look forward to pitching this idea to TLC. Or Bravo. Maybe A&E?

The companion show to I Will Throw All Your Shit Away will be called Pick Up This Fucking Garbage, You Nasty Asshole. The hoarding is one thing – the fucking GARBAGE is what gets me every time. People SHITTING IN BAGS and tossing it in the corner! Did y’all see the woman who had THIRTEEN dead cats in her house? And when Matt showed her, she blamed her BROTHER because he put the TV in that corner or some shit. AGH.

Tell me the truth, you guys. When you watch Hoarders, do you ever find yourself holding your breath so that the stank from the hoarder’s house doesn’t come through the TV and make you gag? Or is it just me?

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BTW, the kitty room looks so CLEAN. It always does, but I especially noticed now since we’ve been discussing the Hoarders and their filth around here lately. You run a tight ship, obviously.

I find that there’s very little in the way of possessions that I’m not willing to toss. I mean, there are certain things I like, but it would take very little for me to get rid of just about anything sitting around. I rarely keep any of the books I read, I don’t have a lot of tchotchkes. Really, the only things that clutter up the house are cat toys (it’s my intention, one of these days, to make a couple of wooden boxes to toss the cat toys into) and the fucking dining room table, which attracts every last piece of “I’ll deal with this later” in the house. I mean, seriously, look at this shit:

Laundry that needs to be folded and put away, a coffee maker that died (that Fred intends to attempt to fix), Fred’s clothes fucking hanging on the fucking chairs (he doesn’t like to go into the guest bedroom because that’s where the kittens are in their cage, and he doesn’t want to set them off because their shrieky little meows make his ears bleed), empty boxes that THE CATS MIGHT LIKE TO PLAY IN. Just, ugh.

(In my defense, after I snapped the picture, I folded the laundry and put it away…. and there’s already another fucking pile of laundry that needs to be folded and put away. I need to just stop doing the goddamn laundry, is what it is.)

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I just watched the Hoarders show this week where the water wasn’t working in the house and the people had started pooping in bags and throwing them in the corner. In my mind I’m sort of chanting to myself, *shit in a bag, shit in a bag, eeeewww.* The idea was just so nasty! Then the guy Matt (with the truck) said he couldn’t shovel it out because the bags would break so he had to pick it all up by hand! DO NOT try to eat lunch while watching this show. . .

I have no idea what Matt makes, but there’s no way it’s enough. NO WAY. Is there enough money on earth to convince me to spend HOURS picking up bags of shit, one by one? There is not. No fucking way. Can you imagine the nightmares that man has?

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If Newt and Maxie like the side porch, why not move the house there?

Mostly because there isn’t enough room there. We’ve been brainstorming a way where Fred could put an addition to the side stoop that would hold a shelter for the cats – and maybe make it not really attached to the side stoop, far enough away that they’d have to jump a little bit to get to it. We’ve got possums and other wild animals around, and I’d hate to have a possum or raccoon go into the cat shelter and corner a cat.

To be honest, though, that’s not a priority. My priority this winter is getting a covered porch on the back of the house, and the blue coop converted into a cat coop. (That might not be Fred’s priority, but it’s certainly mine!)

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What on earth is that green tube thingie by the front door?! I’m guessing a cat toy of some kind.

That is, in fact, a toy.

It’s a Bergan Turbo Track cat toy – we bought several of them, tossed the elevated sections (the balls kept getting stuck in the elevated sections) and joined them all together. The cats love them – my only gripe is that the sections come apart a little too easily, and every once in a while, I’ll hear the track ball go rolling across the floor because the cats have disconnected the track and stolen the ball!

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Was that a Feliway dispenser I saw plugged in near the cat tree? If it was, do you think they work?

It is a Feliway dispenser, but I have to admit that it’s empty. I’m terrible about replacing it when it’s empty. I used it for a couple of months and while I might have noticed a slight difference in their behavior, said slight difference could also have been due to a troublesome foster cat leaving the house. So… maybe it works, and maybe it doesn’t. 🙂

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It amazes me that someone could throw a kitten out of a car…. I’d like to throw their ass out of a moving vehicle and leave them on the side of the road to die!!!

It is absolutely infuriating and I don’t understand how anyone could do it and live with themselves.

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I showed the man one of your pix & asked him what kind of wood your cabinets are made of. After making a lewd comment (I expect nothing less), he said “I don’t know, why don’t you ask her!” They’re really pretty, what is it?

I’m assuming you mean the cabinets in the kitchen? I had to ask Fred, who said he thinks they’re probably walnut. It’s funny, I LOATHED those cabinets when we first moved in, but as soon as I changed the cabinet pulls from the horrendous white ceramic pulls the previous owners had to something darker, I liked them one hell of a lot better.

(I’d still like to gut the kitchen and start from scratch. Maybe after we win the lottery!)

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I don’t know if you read xkcd on a regular basis, but I saw today’s comic and thought of you 🙂

LOVE xkcd!!!

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Do you plant your vegetables from seed or from little plants (baby plants?) from the nursery? I am finally getting a little vegetable garden plot and I want to plant a few items, like okra, zucchini, tomatoes and maybe an eggplant and corn? As you can tell, I’ve never planted before so I thought I’d ask since you’ve seemed to have great success with your garden. Thanks!

It mostly depends on the vegetable – we buy tomato plants from the local high school most years and also start our own from seed (in small pots, then transplant to the garden when they’re big enough), but everything else, we sow directly into the ground. (When I say “we”, I mean “Fred,” of course.) Ashleas had some good advice, too:

I’m no expert so please take this little bit of advice with a grain of salt. I’ve just read our Gardening 1-2-3 book like 3 times through while working the Outside Garden register this summer.

Depending on where you live, you may want to start from seeds or baby plants inside and then transplant them outside. If you’re north or have a late last-frost date, you can do this so the plants have a head start and you can get the most out of a growing season. Also starting inside allows you to start from seed if you wish, which can be cheaper than the baby plants.
Robyn’s so far south that either method, either transplanting or starting from seed outside probably works for her.
What say you, Robyn?

I agree! 🙂

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Okay, I have a million pictures of MMM&D, and Reacher and Corbett. I’ll share some of them today, and then maybe the rest over the weekend.

Reacher and Jake.

Pretty pretty Corbett.

In this picture, I can absolutely see what Martin will look like when he’s grown up.

“What, lady? What you want?”

Moxie, Melodie, and Martin, hanging out in the guest bedroom.

Adopted before the weekend is out. GUARANTEED! (I hope.)

Reacher ADORES snoozing in the reusable grocery bag.

Kittens love an empty box. Shocking, right?

One couch, six cats.

Jake sure does like to tease Martin with his tail.

Okay, I’m going to leave with Martin, Melodie, Moxie, Dodger, Reacher, and Corbett in a few minutes. I refuse to be sad, because this is the next step toward their forever home, and I have a good feeling about this weekend. Hopefully at least a couple of them will be adopted this weekend (please please PLEASE) and go to loving homes.

So send good thoughts this way, would you?

(I sure am going to miss these guys!)

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Starsky and Hutch, hanging out on the heating pad.

Houston, we has a complainer.

Starsky and Hutch are doing well. Yesterday, they both lapped formula off a shallow plate without crawling through it, and I didn’t have to supplement with a bottle or syringe at all. It was amazingly easy – Monday, they wouldn’t even look at the plate with the formula on it. Yesterday, they both bellied up to the plate. Today, I begin the messy job of offering them canned food mixed with formula. I don’t think it’s going to be too much of a problem – I think I mentioned that I put a bowl of Babycat kibble in their cage, and several times when I went into the room, Starsky was bellied up to the bowl. I don’t know how much he actually ate, but there’s definitely some interest there.

My plan is to put Bolitar and Rhyme in the foster room upstairs when I get home from Petsmart and then slowly reintroduce them to the rest of the house. Once they’re acclimated to being out and about, I’ll move Starsky and Hutch upstairs.

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Coltrane, chilling in the back yard.

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2009: Life is good.
2008: How about that, genius?
2007: Except that seeing me so enraged the praying mantis that it took flight and flew at my head.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
2004: I could have done a faster job with a measuring spoon and my ass.
2003: She was stymied by her big butt, which wouldn’t fit under the shed.
2002: Here’s my question: It’s open 24-hours, so why the FUCKITY FUCK FUCK can’t they stock in the wee hours of the morning when NO ONE IS THERE?
2001: It’s funny how two people can look at the same thing and see it differently, isn’t it?
2000: No entry.