
Guess What? Oh, don’t get excited. He’s not ours. My sister-in-law, Lee, and brother, Tracy, were in Alabama this weekend (Lee’s mother passed away late last week), and before they left Lee saw the picture of the kitten on the pet store page and just fell in love. Tracy gave me the go-ahead yesterday morning, and I ran to the pet store and adopted the kitten, spent the day playing with him (we thought the kitten was a girl, by the way, until Fred pointed out that it wasn’t so), and when Lee and Tracy got here last night, Lee took one look and fell even harder in love. Tracy, Lee, and Mireya didn’t stay nearly long enough, by the way. It was a lot of fun sitting around and talking with them and watching the kitten play. I think they should just move closer. Though why anyone would move to Alabama… 🙂 He’s so damn sweet, y’all. It was hard to let them leave with the kitten this morning, but I’m sure Miz Poo’s heart would have been broken if we’d kept him – he slept with me last night, and Miz Poo spent the night under the couch. I do not, however, envy Tracy and Lee the 13-hour drive home. I’m sure the kitten’s howling his little head off at this very moment. His name, by the way, is Gizmo. I think that’s a pretty perfect name for him. And Lee, you know you’re obligated to take 10,000 pictures of him as he gets bigger, right? :)]]>