this url, which claimed Osama Bin Laden had been captured at a railway station in New Delhi, and I got about two paragraphs in, exclaimed "Oh my god, that’s awesome!", and then said "I wonder why CNN isn’t reporting… DAMNIT!"
I also got this email:
I had found your little journal looking around, and who the hell do you think you are. Excuse me, but us poor people have some depth that you just couldn’t understand. We are hard working people, but have you ever thought of how many children one might have? Or maybe a wife’s support walked out on her, or maybe she is a single working mother that works her ass off. People like you really disgust me, like totally. You say don’t make me come after you, well don’t make the poor folk come after you. Some people cannot be born into money, some people have so little hope that they give up, and maybe can’t attend the best job, have the best clothes, but at least there is a roof over our heads and a place we can call home. It is people like you who make this world filthy, not us poor people, so you can just take your Walmart eating ass where ever the hell you came from, you really make me sick
("Walmart eating ass" will be the name of my seventh novel, in case you were curious.)
I read it and thought "What the fuh?", then realized that it had to be about this entry. And then I came to the conclusion that it had to be a joke. No one’s that much of a dumbass, are they? So I replied:
Despite the fact that the timestamp on your email is 10 minutes before midnight on March 31st, I’m going to assume that this is an attempt at an April Fool’s joke, because I refuse to believe that anyone could possibly be that dumb.
Nice try, though – you almost had me!
* * * * *
I watched
Life as a House Saturday night, by myself, because Fred watched the preview with me (god, I love dvds), grunted "That’s a CHICK movie", hitched up his pants and ran away before the chick-movie rays could start shrinking his penis.
What an awesome, incredible movie. Not a false step anywhere – I loved it from beginning to end, and immediately declared it my favorite movie. In fact, I went directly to Amazon and added it to my wish list, and I’m thinking about renting it to watch again this week. I love Kevin Kline; how can you not?
* * * * *
I feel like I spend my entire life walking around the house closing doors and drawers, and pushing chairs in. Apparently I’m the only one who understands that there aren’t little elves who do that sort of thing.
* * * * *
Man. I just got back from the post office. What a GREATmail day it was! From the wonderful
Nance, as thanks for sending her a set of grumpy mugs, I received a thank you card and:

a cat pin, from the folks responsible for
Boyd’s Bears. Adorable, isn’t it? I don’t know where, but Nance got the idea that I like cats. Where could she have gotten a silly idea like that?

I also got (it was addressed to both of us, but it’s really more for Fred):

from reader Debra. Thanks Debra, though I’m sure I’ll be cursing you when Fred’s playing the cd for the 53rd time in a row!
From, as the return address said, a fan of my web site, I received
The Quarterly Purge:

which looks
really good, especially
Is Fat a Feminist Issue? – I can’t wait to read it. Thanks, fan in Vegas! (I’m assuming it came from the editor, Marinn, because the signature in the letter from the editor looked a lot like the writing on the return address, but perhaps I’m assuming too much. 🙂
Next, reader Angie in WI (who works in IL), sent me a sheet of smiley-face stickers, a highlighter, and a pen:

What cracked me up is that it came in an envelope from her work, addressed to "Robyn Anderson, OFB LTD", and I figured I’d sent away for a free something-or-other, and I’d claimed I was the owner of OFB LTD so that I could get it. Hee! That’s totally something I’d do, too. Thanks, Angie!
Lastly, but certainly not least(ly?), I received from reader Lorraine (in CA) a daffodil poster:

I love it! In fact, I was recently thinking that not much of the stuff we have hung on the walls around here really reflects my taste (of course, we only have three or four pictures hung up in the entire house, so that’s not saying much), so I’m going to have the poster framed and try to figure out where I want to hang it. Thank you, Lorraine!
Have I mentioned that I love getting real mail?
It’s funny that all those things arrived in the mailbox at once, because the last few times I’ve looked, there’s been nothing in it at all – this was definitely a nice surprise, considering I had to get up an hour (okay, an hour and a HALF) earlier than usual, to go have my blood drawn for another thyroid test. Thanks y’all for making my day!]]>