While we were waiting for our food, I took a few pictures of Debbie and Shaun, the majority of which I just accidentally erased, prone as I am to acts of fuckwaddery. I was about to snap another picture of them, when Brian, who was returning from the bathroom, ran over to make rabbit ears.
Every time I look at the look on Brian’s face, I howl. I just LOVE that look on his face.
After lunch, we went to the mall, where I purchased a gift item for Fred, so I can’t mention what it is, and we visited Bath and Body Works, where I lost my mind and ran around throwing things in a basket. On the way out of the mall, we hit a small candle store, where I just had to have the candle scent of the month, Sunflower. Also while at the mall, I bought the ton of postcards (okay, 20) I’ll be sending out Monday.
We didn’t get back to my parents’ house until after 2:00, and I whiled away the afternoon writing postcards and reading my book (First Lady by Susan Elizabeth Phillips, if you must know). Around 5 (actually, almost on the very dot of 5:00), Debbie, Brian, Gram, my brother Randy and his girlfriend (and their dog Cola) showed up for the family gathering/ bbq we have every year.
Debbie, the goof. Danielle’s next to her, and that’s Brian’s back in the background.
With that, I leave you with one final picture.
A sweet dog, but mighty hyper.