
very first journal entry. After spending a couple of weeks going through tons and tons of old entries, I have to say that sometimes it amazes me that so many of you are still around. But thanks to those of you who did hang around – let’s see if I have another six years’ worth of entries in me, shall we?

* * *
It ended up being a good thing that the spud and I didn’t go to Virginia this weekend to meet up with my mother, sister, and nephew, because their flight got canceled and they couldn’t get it rescheduled in a timely manner, so they ended up not going. I guess those of you in the Norfolk area were having some bad weather over the weekend, huh? I can’t imagine how peeved I would have been to get halfway to Virginia and realize that my shopping partners weren’t going to be there. I suppose we could have just hung out with my dad, though. Ah, well. Moot point!
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I got caught up on my email last night for the first time in about three weeks. If you emailed me in the last month or so and expected a response, re-send it, would you? It’s possible I got delete-happy at some point, since I was up until about midnight getting caught up.
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To celebrate the 6th journal-versary of this journal, I gotta say: I’ve got nothin’. Nothin’ to write about, not a damn thing. Nothing’s going on, no spud-gossip to share, nothin’. So I’m going to toss up some kitten pics and call it an entry. Fair enough? Oh, hey – if you used to read OnePhatMan, it’s back. Just in case you didn’t know, and weren’t on the notify list, thought I’d mention that.
* * *
The kittens are going to the pet store tomorrow afternoon. The shelter manager emailed me over the weekend to let me know that I could take them in today or tomorrow. Since they don’t do adoptions on Monday evenings, of course I opted to let them stay with us until tomorrow afternoon. Man. I’m going to miss the little brats. What I’m not going to miss is the rotten-egg gas Sugarbutt’s been suffering from lately. We were watching The Amityville Horror yesterday (Ryan Reynolds sounds JUST LIKE John Ritter) and I grabbed up Sugarbutt. He fell asleep on his back and the noxious fumes coming from him were just horrifying. Good thing for him he’s so cute. Speaking of Sugarbutt, I fully believe that if he were a dog, he’d be a bulldog. He’s bowlegged and barrel-chested and watching him run from one side of the room to the other just cracks me UP. Oh, how I’m going to miss his stinky little butt! Barrett waited until Miz Poo fell asleep, and then snuck right in there. With Smitty (left) and Sugarbutt (right) side-by-side like this, you can really see the difference in their faces. Like Callie, Smitty always looks like he’s smiling. Smilin’ Callie. This would be a better picture if my big dorky slipper wasn’t right there in the background. Gigglin’ Callie. Gigglin’ Smitty. Last night, Callie started out on my leg. Miz Poo was sleeping next to my leg. As Callie slept, she slid down my leg and ended up spooning with Miz Poo. Miz Poo was displeased, but you’ll note she didn’t jump down and run away. What my lap looked like last night. I don’t think I could have fit another cat in there anywhere. I think I see tonsils. Smitty and Sugarbutt tussling. The look on Sugarbutt’s face cracks me up. Check out the closeup: Also, Fred took this one Saturday afternoon: Awesome picture, no? All of today’s uploaded pictures (there are a ton of them today, because I took a bunch over the weekend) are here.
* * *
Previously 2004: Off to Myrtle Beach. 2003: Instead, we should probably go for β€œShizzle M. Andersizzle.” 2002: Why I journal. 2001: No entry. 2000: Okay, enough of that mushy crap. 1999: So. Welcome to my journal. ]]>

29 thoughts on “10/10/05”

  1. Wow! time does fly doesn’t it. 6 years you’ve been doing this and I’ve been hanging in there right along with you. Except I spend most of the time in the background and very rarely do I post a comment.
    But today is a special day and I want to say, you have given me many many days of pleasure and warmth with your words and pictures. You have a knack for writing and a sense of humor that is priceless. As I’ve said before, your journal is my favorite.
    Since becoming foster parents to kittens your journal has even gotten greater. I didn’t think you could get better than the score of 10 with 10 being the best of the best in journals…..But you rate an 11 with all them cute adorable kitty pictures.
    Happy 6th journal anniversary Robin
    A Loyal Reader
    Mary in Michigan

  2. Wow–6yrs!! And to think I’ve “known” you for that long, as I’ve been reading (but not commenting much) just about from the beginning. I’m glad I found you way back when, soon after I first got on the internet. So many other good journals have come and gone in that time, and you are still here. For that I am thankful. Reading an entry from you makes my day. I think it’s the fact that you are a lot like me that makes you so appealing. I love your sense of humor and the way that you write. You always have a good story to tell, and many funny things to share. I look forward to hearing from you for many more years! Happy anniversary!!!!

  3. Happy Anniversary, Robyn!!!!
    Let me say that this cat-lover truly enjoys visiting your site daily. My life is all that much better because of you. In fact, I think my mood has improved 10-fold just now because I saw those incredibly adorable photos of Callie spooning with Miz Poo. So wonderfully heart-warming! *sigh*

  4. Can I be a copycat and ask if anyone has the videotaped episode of the season opener (Sept. 22) of “ER?” My DVR got screwed up somehow and I missed it. My sister’s TIVO got messed up and she missed it too. We’d be two happy campers if someone could help us out! Thank you!

  5. I wish I had a handy picture of my Puddin’ to share. She looks like a GIANT version of Callie, right down to the line down her nose!

  6. Happy Journalversary, Robyn. I think I found your website about 4 or 5 years ago, and I’ve been reading ever since. Thanks for inviting all of us into your life. Even though we have never met, I feel like I’ve grown to know you over the years. I think you are a really super person, and I thank you again for sharing your life with all of us.

  7. The color yellow and smilie faces being your favorites are just right for you Robyn. Because you bring sunshine and smiles into our days doing what you do so well. Here’s to six more years! πŸ™‚

  8. On a semi-related note (cat-related) I thought you might enjoy this quote. It’s from The Robber Bride by Margaret Atwood, the book I’m currently reading that I LOVE.
    “The sidewalk is crowded with lunchtime shoppers; they avoid bumping into one another without seeming to look, as if they’re covered with cat whiskers.”

  9. my email isn’t showing up in my first comment, so, here it is for anyone who can help out with the “ER” plea. πŸ™‚

  10. Congratulations on the sixth year anniversary! I’ve only been here for 3 years, but my how time has flown.
    Looking forward to 6 more πŸ™‚

  11. Read your first entry. My gawd, please tell me your parents did not stay ELEVEN days! I can handle company for 3 nights max. Luckily everyone has come to terms with that. (Or they hate me and don’t come, win-win all round πŸ˜‰

  12. I have been hanging in there for 4 and I sure hope you make it 6 more..make that 60 when you entries will be all about the constipation and the arthritis but I will be here, moaning right along with you!
    I think Miz Poo looks content with little Callie by her side, motheresque even. How sweet and yes that last pic should be on a calendar somewhere.

  13. Hello there.
    How neat, you started your journal the day my daughter was born! She turned 6 today! πŸ™‚

  14. Happy Anniversary Robyn. I don’t post comments often but I never miss your journal. Your awesome!
    Thanks for letting us have a peek into your life.
    Happy 6 th!!

  15. Well, I’m a dork and posted my congratulatory comment on your six years of journaling in the comments under your first post. Anyway, love your journal and all of you in the Anderson household!

  16. Six years. Very cool! And you have them all in this journal now… that’s the best of all! I haven’t visited lately because for some reason your rss feed doesn’t seem to update in my newsgator… ugh!

  17. Awww, thanks you guys, for your nice comments. Y’all rock! πŸ™‚
    Amy: If I recall correctly, they really did stay for 11 days. They haven’t stayed that long since then, though – but I think the issue back then was that they were using frequent flyer miles, so they could only get certain flights on certain days or something. Since then, they generally only stay for about a week. πŸ™‚

  18. Happy Anniversary! And thank you for posting my request – I really appreciate it.
    I’m not sure how long I’ve been reading your journal, but once in a while I’ll look at the entries from two or three or four years ago and I’ll remember something and I’ll be like, “Jiminy Christmas! Has it really been THAT LONG since that happened?”
    Time does fly.
    You’re an awesome writer – keep it up! I know if you’re here another 6 years, I will be, too!

  19. P.S. I had to start saying “Jiminy Christmas” when I gave up taking the Lord’s name in vain for Lent this year. I’m not even Catholic anymore, but it seemed like a good idea to stop saying “G**damnit”, and that seemed like a good time of year to stop saying it.

  20. Congrats on the Jornalversary! I read everyday and feel like I’ve gotten to know you so well over the years.
    Here’s to many, many more!

  21. I think I found you and Fred about 5 years ago. I was mostly reading Fred and now, to be honest, I don’t read him regularly, but I read your journal every single day.
    Happy Journalversary!

  22. OH MY GAWD! The pictures of Callie and Miz Poo are priceless! Spooning lookalike kitties are the best stuff on earth!

  23. Yes, we are having rain here in Virginia Beach!!! It’s the first time in awhile we’ve had rain consistently for a week at a time. I was looking forward to your sister and nephew coming down ’cause we were supposed to get together at some point…
    πŸ™ Probably a good thing they didn’t get here because it’s STILL raining!

  24. Congrats on the six years Robyn:) Tracy-I was looking forward to seeing you too=/ I was gonna drag you to Norfolk with us to see the Zoo……I am thinking April, what do you think? Busch Gardens here we come!! (Course we won’t have a free place to stay this time……can we camp in your front yard?)

  25. Happy six years smooches from me and Vince. I’ve been with you since the start and you’re one of the only journals I read anymore.

  26. I am trying to post a pic here..hope it works. ANyway, I think you should make note cards of this pic for your cafe press account, to benefit the cat shelter. I know I would buy some. Those kittens are just ADORABLE!
    If this doesn’t work (and it probably won’t, I am so tired I barely know what I am doing) then it is the pic of the foster kitties that Fred took from your
    Oct.10 enty, the one at the very bottom with the caption “awesome picture, no?”

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