check it out here.
Next up: The spud’s room.
* * *
As of today, I’ve been journaling for seven years. Who the hell knew it would go on this long? Happy journalversary to me – and thanks, all of you, for reading!
Now someone go buy me a hot pink Razr phone to celebrate.
(I KID. I should buy you all hot pink Razr phones to thank you for reading!)
* * *
In lieu of a real entry today – since it’s getting late – I’m going to put up a faux entry, and tomorrow you’ll get the miles-long thousand-picture entry about the weekend, okay?
* * *

After being rescued from the air register, where he was forced to breathe the dust and fumes from a less-than-clean house, Spiderman took a little while to relax and unwind.

“Lady, you can suggest it all you want, but Spidey don’t clean. Spidey’s a CRIMEfighter, not a GRIMEfighter. Cleanin’ ain’t no fun! I’m bored. I’m going to go hunt down some crime, and fight it.”

“The only crime here is how good-lookin’ I am.”

“The only crime here is how fast that gum loses its flavor. But I can’t take on the Trident Corporation! I’m only one small spiderman!”

“The only crime here is how well that Goof Off stuff works!”

“The only crime here is how gorgeous that blue paint is! Uh.. oops. Need a little caulk here, Fred!”

“My spidey senses are tingling. There’s a fearsome beast around here somewhere, and I must find it!”

“It is! IT IS a fearsome beast! I thought the mythical Malevolent Madeleine was a myth, but here I see her, in her lair atop Momma Mountain!”

“This is almost too easy! I’ve got her pinned down!”

“Wait… she’s got my arm in some sort of superbeastly grip. I can’t get away from her! Not that I’d want to, being the superhero stud that I am. But if I did want to, I couldn’t get away from her!”

“She’s pulling me ever closer to the fearsome Jaw of Doom. If I were a mere mortal, I’d be terrified right now!”


“Malevolent Madeleine, I beg mercy! Not my brain! I NEED MY BRAIN!”

“Brains… leaking… out my ears…”

“She’s got me on the ground! I cannot stand this torture much longer!”

“Relent, fierce beast!”


Spidey is lain upon a bed of catnip where it is expected he will die slowly and painfully. But while Malevolent Madeleine’s attention is drawn elsewhere…

Spiderman escapes.

“You beat me this time, Malevolent Madeleine, but it will not happen again. I WILL return and make you beg for mercy, you horrid, filthy, stinky, beastly feline!”
* * *
* * *
2005: What Iโm not going to miss is the rotten-egg gas Sugarbuttโs been suffering from lately.
2004: Off to Myrtle Beach.
2003: Instead, we should probably go for โShizzle M. Andersizzle.โ
2002: Why I journal.
2001: No entry.
2000: Okay, enough of that mushy crap.
1999: So. Welcome to my journal.]]>
Maddie reminds me of Inspector Clouseau in that last picture, something about her cute little mouth.
You are totally insane! I love it! Thanks for the laugh!
Thank you for keeping me entertained for a good number of those 7 years. Today is no exception.
Spidey, I’m glad you lived to fight crime for another day.
Thank you for keeping me so entertained for all these years, It really does make my day when you update! My hubby thinks its strange that when I talk about you or Fred, I’ll say “my internet friend Robyn” or “my internet friend Fred”, like I REALLY know ya’ll.
Happy journalversary Robyn! (I almost but blogversary but I know you’d hunt me down and kill me with a butter knife — LOL).
Your entry today is hilarious! ๐
Robyn, you nut- that was funny! Oh and I *love* that bedroom- the blue is just beautiful. (I’m so happy for you!)
Ha hahahahah HA HA HA ! Hilarious. My harbl hurts, I’m laughing so hard. Well, if I had a harbl, it would be hurting. Thanks for the laugh, Robyn, and thanks for all the entries over the years. Happy Anniversary!
This is why I keep coming back day after day, sometimes more than once.
Happy Anniversary!
hahahahahHAHAHA…Love the Spidey pics! Too funny…laughing out loud at work is always a sign of a good entry!
Happy anniversary! Thanks for all the entertainment!
Wow, 7 years of journaling — that’s awesome. A friend just told me about your site in July, and I’ve been reading you everyday since, including archives. You even inspired me to start my own. Now if I can just figure out how to get people to read the dang thing! Any suggestions? (Besides telling my friends and family, cuz I’m not sure I want them reading it just yet)
Oh, and I can’t wait for MM vs SM, the sequel! Part 1 total cracked me up.
Man, that was a hoot! If I had a harbl, it would be hurtin’.
Bananna chips in sinus cavity hurts!! I laughed so hard, may have snorted, but there ya go! Your entry killed today.
Seven years? That’s fantastic, Robyn. I so thoroughly enjoy reading your entries. They keep me in stitches (see paragraph one).
Love LOVE the guest bedroom. Can’t wait to see more progression pics!
Wow, seven years. I’ve been reading for about five I think. Pretty sad when I tell my husband about something that Fred or Robyn said, and he actually knows what I’m talking about…I LOVE that man.
Happy Journalversary! Can’t wait to read for another 7 years …
Robyn…methinks you are having entirely too much fun with that Spidey action figure!
Robyn, Just de-lurking to say how wonderful you are looking. I don’t want to sound superficial, but you are looking fantastic and I had to complement you! You have a sparkle in your eyes that is just awesome to see.
๐ K
The guest room looks great! What a difference a lot of hard work and paint can make.
Love the pics of Maddy killing Spidey.
Yes, laugh out loud entries are the best! TOO CUTE.
It’s a good thing that I know that the drinking of the coffee is not a good idea when I’m here. Because I’d have spit it all out at NOT MY HARBL for sure.
you crack me up!
two questions
1 What color of blue is that? I like.
2 Is that the Sweet/Sour Strawberry gum? I love that stuff. That too doesn’t keep it’s flavor very long.
Oh my goodness! You’re a riot!!! I want to have a creative sense of humor like you when I grow up. ๐ I’ve fallen in love with Maddy so badly that I’ve been sharing her photos with my husband who is on deployment in the Arabian Gulf. He’s got the kitty adopting fever now too and these pictures will brighten his day. Sure wish we lived closer to you ’cause we’d take that little Malevolent Madeleine off your hands in a second!!!
Robyn, what a gift of gab you have. I loved it, made my day. You guys have so much fun,if I moved in with you,would you keep me as a pet? I could stay in the guest room.It’s already painted my favorite color blue.
Too funny! Thanks for the laughs.
Robyn – HAPPY JOURNALVERSARY!! And what a way to celebrate! Big laughs over here! Better watch Maddy’s harbl around that sneaky spiderman. The guest room looks fantastic. Congrats on all that hard work – the And3rson Estate is gonna look great! Finally, is that a MOOSE from Maine on your T-shirt there? We are all about the mythical Maine Moose ya know! x0x0x Kathy
That was freakin’ hilarious. I’m sure you’ve seen this site, then.
That was a cute Spidey adventure. The room looks great…can’t wait to see the rest.
Happy Journalversary, Robyn!
Thanks for sharing your life with us. I think I’ve been reading your site pretty much from the beginning. I always look forward to reading about what has been going on in your life. I’m like your other readers and will talk with my mom every now and then about interesting things that happen to you or that you write about in your journal.
Seven years! When I grow up, I want to journal like you. Also: Please bring us more Spiderman vs. Maddie, it’s like a real life comic book, only cuter.
God dammit!
The very day I think I will finally stop reading your journal-which I’ve been reading for the seven years,starting when I was a lonely nanny in England,you post an entry that reminds me why I have read your journal daily for seven years! You IS CRAZY !!!
If only Fred would stop making snarky,uncalled for remarks about colloidal silver in HIS journal,THAT relationship might be saved,BUT I’m not holding my breath on that one.
Aw men,can’t live without them,can’t kill them…
I often call my son in to read things that I’ve found amusing. He always rolls his eyes and suffers bravely through, occasionally giving me a tight, polite little pity-smile to humor me. “Mhm, that was.. ‘funny,’ mom. Can I go now?”
He laughed out loud at this one, asked me to scroll through it again, and is now in the living room yelling “Not my HARBL!” to no one in particular.
You’re GOOD, woman.
Happy journalversary Robyn! My boys have a spiderman that I find in some of the weirdest places.
Love the pictures of new house. What a coat of paint can do!
You must submit those kitty vs spiderman pictures at cute overload!
Spidey must stay in the new house! He is the protector of felines and humans at Horseshit Alley! A mascot for the Ande3son clan!
Bwah! I think Spidey should be a regular character in your entries from now on. ๐
Happy journaling anniversary!
That entry was brilliant, Robyn. Absoutely brilliant. They should have an annual award show on tv for the best journallers…and this entry of Maddy and Spiderman should win…it was so original and brilliant! I love your decorating efforts, too. I think Maddy should stay, too. How could you give her away now?
I have mentioned before that you, Martha and Ellen are my favorites. Lately I have been busy taking care of my grandson and haven’t been watching Ellen or Martha. But I am still reading you.
So! That must mean that YOU are the best!
Happy Journalversary Robyn. ๐
THANK YOU for today’s entry. I have truly had the day from H*LL and I really needed a laugh!
Whoa!! For a second there I was sure Spidey Man had bit the dust. Too funny ๐
Love what you two have done to the bedroom. Too amazing the difference. And you two are still SPEAKING TO EACH OTHER! (Hubby and I have a problem with shared reno/deco projects.)
This is your fault, but I am now in trouble with my husband for my transparent attempts to use the word harbl at any opportunity. He’s not finding it as hilarious as I am.
harbl harbl harbl harbl harbl…
Um, my 5 yo ds just made me read the spidey sequence to him about 4 times. . .
Love seeing the progress on the house. My grandmother retired from Birmingham to the country (near Sylacauga/Childersburg/Talladega) when I was a kid and had a big veggie garden.
I went to Huntsville last weekend and accidentally stumbled upon the 411 yard sale, which slowed me down by an hour or so, with all the gawkers. If I had been reading you a little closer I would have known about it. . . Love your journal.
YAY for keeping it going!!!!
Thanks for the laughs!
tuchin my harbl. HAHAHA.
I don’t even call you “internet friends” anymore. I’ve been reading so long, you’re just “Robyn and Fred”. ๐
Happy Journalversary Robyn! Thankyou for your efforts – I love to check up on you and Fred before I start work each day. By the way, I have a pink RAZR phone and I looooove it more than it is sensible to love a mobile phone!