quite a bit accomplished.
He is SUCH a handyman.
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Questions answered, comments responded to:
I was just wondering if you are keeping up with the couple living in Dr.Phil’s house and what do you think?
I saw the first two episodes featuring them, and good LORD are they a dysfunctional family. What I just don’t get, what I will never understand, is why the husband is so enraged at the “other man”, and why Dr. Phil encourages that. To my way of thinking the “other guy” may be a slime for taking up with a married woman, but he never made any vows to the husband. Is it maybe because Dr. Phil wants the husband’s rage to be directed at someone he’s NOT trying to build a life with?
I stopped recording Dr. Phil and Oprah for the time being, though – I just never had the time to catch up on them, and they were filling up the DVR. I’m sure I’ll catch every single episode in reruns, though.
Speaking of Dr. Phil – did anyone who saw the episode where they featured Jay’s marriage get a distinct icy vibe between Robin McGraw and the new Mrs. Jay McGraw, despite all the talk about how much they loved each other?
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I meant to post this earlier – I saw a license plate the other day that said “MZPOOH” and I totally thought of your cat š In case you were ever thinking of getting her vanity plates, it fits nicely.
I was thinking about getting vanity plates for my new car, but opted not to. I think MZPOOH would have worked out pretty well for me. I’ll have to keep that in mind…
Speaking of vanity plates, when I was in my 20s, my friend Liz wanted to get LIZBTCH on her license plates because we had a friend who called her Elizabitch. She tried to convince the lady at the DMV that her boyfriend’s name was Butch, but the woman wouldn’t go for it. Hmph.
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Wow, 7 years of journaling — that’s awesome. A friend just told me about your site in July, and I’ve been reading you everyday since, including archives. You even inspired me to start my own. Now if I can just figure out how to get people to read the dang thing! Any suggestions?
The only thing I can suggest is to take up posting in a popular forum and include your url in your signature. I did that back when I started, and got a lot of traffic from that. Other than that, just keep posting and commenting on other peoples’ journals/ blogs with your url, and eventually people will be interested enough to check you out!
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1 What color of blue is that? I like.
I don’t know – I’ll check tonight when we go to the house, and report back.
2 Is that the Sweet/Sour Strawberry gum? I love that stuff. That too doesn’t keep it’s flavor very long.
I don’t know! I feel like it was maybe banana/ strawberry, but I can’t remember. It had a little pocket of flavor in the middle of the gum, and it was very good but the flavor just didn’t last long at all. I hate it when gum loses its flavor fast.
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Okay– why bag and move the leaves? Mow over them and use as natural soil amendment. Yes– I am a greenie.
Mostly because I wanted to get that area of the yard cleared out so I could see what was under the leaves. Once the leaves were sucked up with the mower, I found a lot of rocks/ small chunks of cement/ crap/ 10,000 acorns, so I raked those up and dumped them, so I’ll never have to worry about hitting a chunk of cement with the mower and putting an eye out. When more leaves fall, chances are good I’ll just crunch them up with the mower and leave ’em.
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Your “poison ivy” looks like it might be Virginia Creeper.
It doesn’t really look like poison ivy, does it? I’ll have to take a closer look tonight when we’re at the house, maybe a closer picture, too.
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Great job on working at the house! You all are making sooo much progress!! If you don’t mine me asking..do you think your weight loss has helped you in doing the work on the house/yard.
I think my weight loss has absolutely helped me in doing the work on the house and yard. For one, I could never have spent so much time standing and cleaning when I was at my highest weight, because my feet would have been aching after about 45 minutes of it. I’m more flexible than I was before, which makes it easier to get in weird positions for long periods of time (ie, on my hands and knees priming the shelves in the closet) without too much pain.
I’m not sure I could have done half of what I’ve done in these past two weeks at the house if I hadn’t lost so much weight.
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And the results of the CT scan are?
From the abdominal portion of the CT scan: Lung bases are clear, viewed portions of the heart appear normal, liver appears normal, gallbladder surgically absent, (“Gallbladder? Gallbladder? Gallbladder?” “Um, it’s sick. My best friend’s sister’s boyfriend’s brother’s girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who’s going with the girl who saw Gallbladder pass out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it’s pretty serious.”) pancreas, adrenals and spleen appear normal, kidneys are well perfused with no obstruction, small and large bowels do not appear obstructed; no free air or free fluid is present.
From the pelvic portion of the CT scan: Urinary bladder is normal, no free air or fluid seen within the pelvis. The bony abdomen and pelvis are notable for osseous prominences at the posterior iliac crest. These may represent osteochondromas. No frank bony destruction is seen. The viewed lumbar and thoracic spine are otherwise unremarkable.
In other words, the “bony abnormality” my doctor saw on my x-ray before she sent me for a CT scan could be – probably is/ are – osteochondromas, which according to my best friend Google are benign tumors which they usually either treat by (1) Observing via x-ray or (2) Removing.
What’s interesting is that the tumor I had removed from my right knee when I was 14 was a giant cell cystic tumor. They didn’t know until they operated whether it would be benign or cancerous; it turned out to be benign. But my point is that many of the sites where I read about osteochondromas also mentioned giant cell cystic tumors.
In any case, I go to see an orthopedic surgeon later this morning. I’ll report back on Monday. Don’t be freaked, because I’m not. God knows how long they’ve been there – they don’t hurt, and I can’t really even tell where they are unless I’m laying down and poking around both my hips at the same time.
I wonder if the orthopedic surgeon will be impressed with my Google medical degree? I sure do wish I was going to see
Callie Torres and not some old guy.
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Since you mentioned loud kitties, mine (5 or 6 yrs old) are SO LOUD! Constantly meowing. Seriously, CONSTANTLY. Any ideas to put an end to it?
The only thing that will shut a howler up – in my experience – is getting yourself a spray bottle of water or can of compressed air and shoot it at them when they start howling. However, they may smarten up and just move to another room, where they will howl even louder. LIKE SPANKY, THAT BASTARD.
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I’ll vote for the biscuit law… Do you think it’s too late to get it on November’s ballot?
It is NEVER too late to introduce the Biscuit Law. This is AMERICA, after all, land of ridiculous, useless laws. Surely a nonridiculous, useful law like the biscuit law will pass with flying colors. Who doesn’t love biscuits, after all? UNPATRIOTIC PEOPLE, THAT’S WHO. I foresee a whole new economic boost with the passing of the Biscuit Law. Door-to-door biscuit vendors! Biscuit carts in the parks!
The United States will become a Biscuitopia, the envy of all the world. Chicagoans will claim that their biscuits are the best. New Yorkers will swear you can’t get a good biscuit anywhere but in NYC. But Southerners will know that the truth is, you just can’t get a biscuit like you can in the South.
Biscuit Law supporters, unite!
“I’m Senator Phineas J Spotsworth, and I approve this message.”
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Lisa and I were chatting the other day and decided you should use Spiderman as a regular guest in your entries.
Oh, I’m sure Spiderman will be showing up again in the future, have no fear. There are all KINDS of malevolent, evil, stinkin’ beasts he can fight with here in the And3rson household.
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I was walking through the living room the other night. The TV was tuned to CNN, but was muted (once I turn the TV on to watch something, we leave it on because it’s not good to keep turning it on or off. Or maybe I made that up. Who the hell knows?), and I glanced at the TV and thought “Oh, what’re they talking about Tony Blair for? Is he weighing in on the small plane that hit the high rise in New York City?”
Then I took a closer look, and the picture on the screen wasn’t Tony Blair. It was Pat Buchanan.
Yeah. Might be time for another eye exam.

I don’t know what I love more – the little extended claws, or the little striped pot belly.

I FINALLY got her yawning!
More pictures
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2005: Does this mean Iām getting old?
2004: No entry.
2003: Bringing home Mister Boogers.
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: All about the cats.
1999: I certainly am bitching a lot today, aren’t I?]]>
I vote: SPOTTED/STRIPED belly! I have one, and it works for me…
I vote for the pot belly, it makes me want to squeeze her silly.
Robyn, How do you think all the cats will handle the move? Do you have hiders or explorers?
I love the “charmin” belly – it looks squeezably soft! Seeing her sharp little claws makes me wonder – are they still too small for Soft Paws? I tried the small size on my 5 month old kitten about a month ago, and they didn’t work so well. Course, that could be because I’m a moron who doesn’t really know how to apply them.
Oh, and thanks for the suggestions on corraling readers. Shameless Plug coming: Come on guys – check me out!!!
Glad to hear your innards are healthy. That free air and fluid can be a pain.
Barb… tried to leave a commment but wasn’t allowed. Husband is going to fix something so I can! How’s that for loyalty to Robyn’s readers!!
Hmmm… I believe the Biscuit Law is is why I bought a can of pillsbury biscuits tonight. It’s definitely catching on.
I am absolutely loving your renovation stories! I would be in my element taking on a project like that, except my hubby is NOT the handiest kind of guy on the planet! BUT my son is an carpentar apprentice, so he and I would make a great team. I’m on my way now, to go help my daughter paint a couple of rooms in her condo. (since I have no Green Acres to renovate).
Oh my God, the little spotted belly!! I just want to rub it š Thanks for the Ferris Bueller quote, too. That’s one of my favorite movies. Too bad your gallbladder isn’t having as much fun as he did.
Apropos of absolutely nothing, but I saw these and immediately thought of you. š Would these go over well as gifts or ornaments for your family? I want to make the “Truthiness” one. (Check out the gallery, too! I love the one with the teddy bear saying, “Please kill me.” š
Robyn, I’ve just finished catching up with your adventures! I read you through the LiveJournal RSS feed, and it’s been down since Sept 23 — anyone else reporting a problem?
(because I am SO LAZY that if I have to go to ANOTHER SITE to read you, I won’t, and then there will be no And3ersonian goodness in my life)
I so wanna plant a raspberry on that adorable little stripy belly, but she’d probably claw my ears off!!