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Happy Thanksgiving, Americans!
(And Happy Thursday to the rest of you!)
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I ended up not going to Target yesterday, because by the time my hair was doing getting did, it was almost 11:00, and I try to stay away from most stores after 10:00 during the week, and especially on the day before holidays (though one year I did have to go into Target on the DAY before Christmas, and that was a joyous occasion). I had to stop at the grocery store for a few things, though, and it was jam-packed, but I had a hand-held basket rather than a cart, so I was able to zip in, get what I wanted, and zip back out.
So, no gravy boat for us. The idea of using a pyrex measuring cup is intriguing, but I don’t think ours is big enough. We have a smallish yellow bowl that will work just fine, so we’ll use that.
When I got home from the hair appointment and the grocery store, I got the Christmas plates out of the garage and ran them through the dishwasher. I hadn’t realized I’d gotten quite so many plates, but in retrospect I remember adding up all the people who might possibly attend a holiday dinner at our house, and bought accordingly.
(By the way, the hair chick looked at me like I was crazy when I said I was using Christmas plates for Thanksgiving dinner. Hmph. She also looked at me like I was crazy when I said I didn’t want to use paper plates. If we were having a buttload of people for dinner it’d be one thing – and I might be amenable to using them if we had a ton of people – but for six people, it’s not like we’ll be overwhelmed with dishes.)
After I watched a little TV, I threw together a
baked squash casserole for today (so all I needed to do this morning is put the bread crumbs on top and put it in the oven), then puttered around the house, picking stuff up. This past weekend it was my intention to spend a few hours cleaning the house (dusting and vacuuming) yesterday, but in the end I decided I’d have plenty of time to do that this morning, and so I put it off.
And then last night I was informed that people would start showing up between 9 and 9:30 (for a meal that will take place at noon), so I spent two hours cleaning the house whilst shooting hate rays at Fred. On the up side, I didn’t have to get up early to start cleaning. On the down side, I still got woken up at 4:40ish because there was a puddle of water in the laundry room and no idea as to how it got there. We’re absolutely clueless – this wasn’t even a puddle of water, it was like a mini-lake, and there were a couple of wet spots on the ceiling, but the water wasn’t anywhere near the wet spots. Fred suggested that water blew in around the back door, but there was no water anywhere near the back door. It’s a fucking mystery, is what it is.
Speaking of the baked squash casserole (like I was up there, somewhere), in the summer when we had tons o’ summer squash coming in, one day I cut up and cooked a bunch of squash and mashed it up and froze it. No one ever recommends that you freeze summer squash because rumor has it that it doesn’t freeze or can well and it’s one of those vegetables you should just enjoy while it’s around and try not to preserve for future use, but I thought that maybe cooking it before freezing it would work. Yesterday, I thawed out the frozen pack of squash, added the butter and bread crumbs and onion and eggs, and tasted it, and it tastes pretty good. I’ll have to keep that in mind for next summer.
Okay, pictures to post, then I’m off to put some makeup on, ’cause people are on the way.
Don’t eat too much, y’all. Or eat a ton and don’t forget your afternoon nap. Whichever you prefer!
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I lurve cardinals. (
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Pretty Elle in the sun.

Bath time in the condo.

Punki is disturbed.


Of COURSE if there’s an empty paper bag, Mister Boogers must climb into it. He spent half of yesterday in this bag. Note the little piece of styrofoam stuck to his nose. Goofy cat.
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2006: Barium scars a motherfucker for life.
2005: But I could manage a paper cut/ in the name of love
2004: “Oh, my heart,” I moaned.
2003: This perpetually surprised look of Michael Jackson’s makes me laugh until I wheeze.
2001: No entry.
2000: I’ve visited Wal-Mart three times in the last five days. I think they’re about to name a parking space after me.
1999: F: In Michigan, you can take this bottle to the recycling center and get ten cents for it.]]>
Hi mom!
Happy Thanksgiving.
Those are really cute pictures of the cats and the cardinal one is gorgeous too.
Happy Turkey Day Robyn and Fred!
I am currently enjoying the lull after waking up an hour late in a panic and then realizing that my to-do list is actually quite small, and anyone stupid enough to show up at my house this early gets to watch me cooking in my nightgown. Like my poor family does every day of their lives. I’m a fan of sleepwear, is what I’m saying.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy gobble gobble day!
Happy Thanksgiving!
You can freeze summer squash in slices after blanching. They sell it in the stores here frozen.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving! (Psst…who the hell is Leroy?)
Happy Thanksgiving to the whole And3rson clan!
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Do you know what happened to the guy from novanotes.com? his site is still there so somebody’s paying for it to remain up but he hasn’t updated in over two years!
Happy Thanksgiving! Maybe the lake has something to do with the washer or its mighty hoses.
gobble, gobble And3rsons!
Hi, hope y’all had a nice holiday. Yeah, who is “Leroy” and is Spud going by “Dani” now?
Clueless and Sammi
If there was wind strong enough to blow a bunch of water in under the door, it would likely have been strong enough to dry off the area closest to the door also, after there stopped being water to blow in. Especially if your floor has one of those barely noticeable “sunken” spots that would allow water to pool and collect there, thus making it harder for the wind to dry it out.
I want to know who was up at 4:40 in the A.M. to discover this puddle of water. It’s almost 4 P.M. here and I’ve been up for almost a whole hour! Hee.
AND WHO’S LEROY, DAMMIT!! I am definitely going to tell that story at dinner tonight, by the way. (We’re delaying the “official” Thanksgiving meal until TJ’s home. And yet my mother insists I come over for dinner anyway. And I didn’t say “I’m 38 years old and I have my own life to live and things I want to do which don’t involve going over to hear you complain about how it’s just not Thanksgiving without a turkey and TJ so I’m not coming, sorry” becaaaaaaaaauuuuuse…?? Anyone? Anyone? Sigh.)
Happy happies. And when you get some down time, go see what I’m thankful for this year! Three people made me smile in one (very bad) day – that might be a record. (c:
Happy Thanksgiving Andersons!
I think that Elle cat is obviously part abyssinian.
Maybe if they tell paople that someone will snatch her up.
You looks very much like my abyssinian , O’Reilly.
Oh…P.s. I also have a burning question:
have you ever seen a cat want some sort of food so bad that it made them gag?
My cat ,Monkey apparently salivates at the mention of whip cream , our the sight of a little red bowl, and starts gagging.
At first I thought she had something stuck in her throat. But she does this everyday.
well, that was FULL of typos that I didn’t even notice.
Note to self: wear your damn old lady glasses ,freak!
I freeze yellow squash in slices after coating in the cornmeal and spices I would normally use before pan frying. I lay the slices on cookies sheets, freeze for at least a few hours, then put them in freezer bags. We’ve had a few batches from the frozen stuff and it seems to be very adequate – maybe not QUITE as good as just picked, but in the off-season, very edible. If the coating flakes off (as it sometimes tends to do when it’s frozen) you can just add some more.
Hope you had a wonderful day!
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
I saw on Miz Poo’s Catster page that she does the same thing my Yuki does. She drags her fuzzy fishing pole through the house and howls. What is it about that action that makes it some kind of maternal thing?
You had such great advice about cats when I asked for advice last week, that I hope you don’t mind my asking for more advice. You are the Cat Authority! 🙂
We got a 9 month old male kitten yesterday, and because we didn’t really have a room to close him in, we had to introduce him to our two year old skittish female cat pretty much right away.
The new kitty, Henry, was a stray until recently, so he is not used to having food regularly. Whenever we put out food, he snarfs all of it in one sitting. My female kitty, Hallie, we’ve always fed by keeping a bowl out for her to graze on in small amounts over the course of a day, as is her custom. Because of the new kitty, I’ve had to take her food away so that he won’t eat it all. Meanwhile, my poor Hallie hasn’t gotten any food. Have you encountered a situation like this with your cats, and if so, what did you do? We can easily deal with Hungry Henry by feeding him a few times a day, but I want to make sure Hallie eats too, and she is not a cat that eats a lot at once, and won’t eat food if you set it out for her- she has to go back to it in her own time. Any advice would be most appreciated!
Happy Thanksgiving Ms. Robyn!!!
Happy Belated Thanksgiving, I’m late on my reading. BTW, if a big portly cat (not poo, i know better) ever comes up for adoption, you must let me know. I will totally DRIVE to get it. I miss me a big portly cat. I got a new kitty, I call her spoiled shit, but her name is Onyx and is pure black, such a sweety! Crazy Cat ladies UNITE!
It was the ghost that left the puddle.
Insert scary music here.