It’s that time of year! If you want a holiday card from Crooked Acres, go here and follow the directions. I will absolutely send cards to other countries. If you’d like to send me a card (definitely not required, but always appreciated), you can send it to PO Box 565, Madison, Alabama, 35758.
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Revival Animal Health has
this self-warming thermal cat cushion, if anyone’s interested. I’ve ordered stuff from them before, and they ship quickly and have quality products. I ordered
this cat shelf from them – that’s an excellent price – though I haven’t figured out where I want to put it yet, so I can’t say whether the cats will like it or not.
Just thought y’all might be interested.
* * *
So I got up pretty early yesterday – Mister Boogers got into a slapfight with someone because he’s a JERK, and his annoying war cries woke me up before I had any desire to be awake. I had stuff to do, though, so I rolled out of bed and got to it. The foster kitten room hadn’t been vacuumed since I got them a week ago, so I had to get them put in the carriers and removed from the room. I did that – they didn’t want to go into the carriers, ’cause they’re no dummies – and then spent quite a while vacuuming. They’re less apt to race around the room than the previous litter of kittens, but they make more of a mess (track more litter) than the little ones did, too.
I got the room cleaned, put them back in there, and then went off to take my shower. Once I was showered and dressed, I got out the big pot of turkey broth I’d made the day before, and put it on to boil. I put the pressure cooker on to heat, and a pot of water to sterilize the jars, and then I proceeded to can turkey broth.
Fred was impressed with the way I used every single bit of that turkey left over from Thanksgiving. First, I boiled the turkey carcass, picked all the meat off the bones for turkey and rice casserole (I ended up with two small pans of turkey and rice casserole, and each small pan will probably last us for at least two meals, and a lunch or two for Fred), and then I threw the bones back into the pot to make turkey broth. Then I canned the turkey broth! Go, me! It was cloudy, and from what I’ve read online cloudy broth is less desirable than non-cloudy, but ask me if I care (I think you can guess whether I do or not). I suspect the cloudy broth will taste just fine.
Once the turkey broth was canned, I sat down and wrote my entry (which took far longer than it should have, for some reason. I was very distracted yesterday.), then Fred decided that it was time to let the foster kittens out to explore the house, so he opened the door and let them out, and it was all pretty low-key. There was plenty of hissing and plenty of plaintive meowing on Felicia’s part, but there were no big-time smackdowns, so I consider the experiment a success. We actually let them stay out all day, and they’d wander downstairs for short bursts of time before running back upstairs to hide, then come back down a while later, and so on.
They are seriously cute, those girls.

Punki checks out the view while Sugarbutt watches from the basket.

Punki checks out the Sugarbutt in the basket.
Then I balanced the checkbook and paid bills, which is always a GOOD TIME, I can’t get enough of that, such fun. Once that was done, it was lunch time and while I made lunch I had at least seven cats in the kitchen twining around my feet, getting in the way, letting me know that
hey! We could use some food too, and we don’t mean that nasty “cat food” stuff, give us the good stuff, bitch! I let them all starve, though (okay, maybe I gave them a little bowl of turkey broth, and the girls like them some turkey broth, apparently).
When lunch was finished, I began on the big-ass task of going through the rest of my Flickr pictures to choose pictures for the calendars. I cursed myself the entire time, because there’s just no damn reason I should have had to do that. It would have taken no damn time at all to stick the best ones in a separate folder on my hard drive as the year went along, and just looking through a folder of good pictures instead of having to slog through everything I’ve uploaded to Flickr over the past year (and holy CRAP I upload a lot of pictures to Flickr, don’t I?) would have saved a LOT of time.
I am vowing to be more organized in 2008. A girl can dream, right?
I had to stop about halfway through my picture-weeding process to make dinner (
Core Salsa Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and the first batch of turnip greens from our garden) – or at least put it on to cook – and then went to looking through and uploading pictures. The spud called and I talked to her, and while I was talking to her, I realized I smelled something burning, and it turns out that the potatoes I’d put on to boil had run out of water and were merrily burning.
Fred suggested I mash the potatoes anyway, so I mashed enough for him, and just ate meatloaf and greens myself. He claimed that the potatoes didn’t taste burned, but I think he’s a big liar.
I finally got the calendars made, ordered a couple for myself, then puttered around online ’til it was time to feed the cats and go watch TV.
A very productive day for me – I got a lot done that I’d been putting off.
Today, I think it’s going to be laundry and a run to the recycling center. I haven’t been anywhere since Wednesday, and I think I’ve got a wee case of cabin fever. I might even run to the new P3tSmart in Nearville and see how long it takes me to get there and whether it’s closer than the one in Huntsville. I’m sure, knowing me, that I’ll pick up a cat toy or two while I’m there.
Someone call Oprah! I’ve got a cat-toy-hoarding problem!
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The chickadee looks like he’s talking with his mouth full. (

Nuthatch on the left, chickadee on the right. (


Fred called me outside to look yesterday morning, and there were four hawks circling overhead. By the time I got out there they’d gotten quite a bit higher, but he said they started out pretty low. The girlz were all huddled in a corner of the yard, but I don’t know if they were alarmed by the hawks, or just huddling together for warmth, or what. (
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2006: No entry.
2005: All I can guess is that with the holiday season coming on, our defenses are low, and we go a little crazy with the kitten love.
2004: No entry.
2003: I think our kitchen is cursed.
2002: Me, behind the wheel of a minivan? Watch out, Nashville!
2001: No entry.
2000: No entry.
1999: So, I got a kitten.]]>
Robyn, that picture with the chickadee(?) with flapping wings is fantastic! Gives me a nice warm fuzzy feeling… I love it.
I could get used to this you posting every day. However, if that means you would get burned out sooner, I would rather have some of you (weekday posting) than none of you.
Lanna, oddly enough, the posting every day isn’t burning me out too terribly. I don’t feel guilty doing shorter entries ’cause I know there’ll be another one up the next day. That said – I’m looking forward to having weekends off next month! 🙂
You guys mention the hawks checkin’ out the girlz pretty frequently….is there any chance of them picking one of them up and flying away with her?
I am loving the every day entries! We all love reading your journal..always something funny and cute kitty pictures! I know it takes time though and you deserve some time off!!
Is that a hawk? I thought it was a goose!
The girls thought they were gonna have to go all Ninja Chicken on those hawks. They were putting together a plan of attack, making sure everyone had their Chinese throwing stars, etc. Chickens is sneaky, y’all.
Love the Anderson Kittiehs calendar. Especially the surprise extra picture in the middle.
That warming cat cushion is amazing! We’ve got them in every room in the house. It’s also great for two-legged creatures to sit on if your butt feels cold.
Just wanted to share another cat window seat with you all.
We have a 16-18 pound 14 year old BIG kitty and very high windows. We found a sturdy, and large, window seat for him that is absolutely awesome. BIG kitty is pretty picky, so we had to shop around quite a bit. We ended up with this: and he adores it. The frame is all wood and well put together. It would be great for 2 smaller cats or one great big kitty! It fits very well with our smaller windows and was super easy to put together. However, it is quite a bit more pricey than the one you posted, but seems much more durable (and bigger for those portly kitties!).
Happy Sunday!
I was sitting at work today and someone passed along a Pottery Barn catalogue and I saw the cutsest REINDEER DINNERWARE and that got me thinking, have you ever thought of naming foster kitties REINDEER names? You know Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen?
Thanks for the link to Vista Print!
Thank you so much for organizing and putting the kitty calendars together. I love them both and therefore I’m ordering both. hahaha Picture in the middle is great.
The December picture in your Kitty calender made me laugh so hard. That is the perfect picture to be captioned “I hets you”. Thanks for the laugh.