knack for pointing out hypocrisy.
LOVE that man.
* * *
Currently reading:
Shoveling Smoke, by Margaret Maron.
Finished last night:
Chore Whore, by Heather H. Howard. I really, REALLY liked this book, because I felt like I was getting an inside view to the way Hollywood stars act like asses to the “help.” I recommend it if Hollywood-insider stuff is your thing.
* * *
I went to the bank yesterday morning to visit the ATM. I had a hair appointment later in the morning, and I needed to get money. Sure, I could have written a check for the cut and color, but I’m trying to drastically cut down on how many checks I write; I’m paying cash for more stuff, and trying to pay as many bills online as I can, so that I don’t have to wait for checks to clear.
I don’t know why it drives me so nuts to wait for checks to clear; I just hate it that it can take a week or more for the mortgage check to go through. I have, lately, kept a closer eye on the checking account, because it’s been my practice in the past to use the debit card many, many times, then when I sit down to see how much money we’ve got in the checking account, it takes me an hour to make sure everything’s been entered into Quicken.
I love Quicken, by the way.
So in the last few months I’ve made sure to go online and check the checking account, and make sure any debit-card transactions have been entered and everything’s up to date.
So I went to the credit union yesterday to hit the ATM. And as I put my debit card in the ATM, I realized that I had no idea what my PIN was. I get a new debit card every year (er. Maybe every two years?), and along with the debit card comes a new PIN. I thought I’d memorized it, but apparently not.
I ended up punching four different PINs into the ATM, and none of them were right. I cursed myself, shrugged, and went home. Before I was even home, the fraud detection department had called and left a message at the house, and then called Fred at work to let him know that there’d been “suspicious activity” on the account.
Good god. Can’t a girl be a dumbass without the whole world going into an uproar about it?
* * *
I spent a LOT of time on the phone yesterday. I ended up touching base with just about every member of my family at one point or another during the day. Thank god for unlimited long distance calling!
Speaking of phones, we’re counting down the days until we can cancel our T-Mobile phone service and go with Verizon. When Fred goes hiking – in the middle of Madison, mind you – we invariably get cut off by crappy cell phone service. He called T-Mobile the other day to see when our contract with them expires, and while he was talking to them – while the customer service rep was trying to convince him to stay with T-Mobile, even – the call got dropped.
Yeah. I think that’s a pretty good clue that we need to go ahead and switch, wouldn’t you?
* * *

Poor, tortured Booger.

Fred thought this one was funny ’cause you can see the Poo fangs clearly.

He looks more like a baby giraffe than Yoda here, I think.

Every night at snack time, I put a packet of wet food on a plate, and the kittens and Miz Poo share it. They get VERY excited at snack time, believe you me. Note that one Miz Poo is about the size of Sugarbutt and Tom Cullen, combined.
All of today’s uploaded pictures are
* * *
2004: For once, he had no good comeback.
2003: โOh yeah. I hate this feeling. I should have just had a Diet Coke.โ
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: No entry.
1999: Can you tell this irks me? ]]>
How old are the baby boys now? My kitten (Lily) is 14 weeks old now and she doesn’t look all that much smaller than them. Of course, she’s a little fluffball, so that might help her look bigger (she’s a Himalayan).
HA! I saw these pictures in your Flickr and I immediately thought of BitterHag’s entry too! I didn’t know you had read hers so I was thinking “Wow, I can’t believe all these people are making Yoda faces with their cats!” Duh. I am off to try it with my cats now ๐
My dad has 2 Himalayan (sp?)cats and would give them some fancy feast as a treat every night (they used the same plate every night). Well, the vet told them the cats needed to lose some weight and no more FF. After a few hours of the cats howling very indignantly about the lateness of their treat, my step-mom put some dry food on the treat plate. After they gobbled up their “treat”, all was well again… who says cats are dumb? lol
Love the cat pictures as always!
My cats go bananas at snack time which is when I come home from work. They act like they’ve been starved for weeks and weeks but have a huge supply of wet and hard food in the basement. Nutters.
Too funny. My friend recently got an adult dog and when she looks are you with her ears down in a certian manner, she does look like Yoda. The poor dog freaks out one of my friends “other” friends with her looks. ๐
I just up and forget my PIN sometimes, usually when I’m using my debit card at the grocery store and the clerk is staring at me and there’s a line of people waiting behind me. I guess it’s the pressure. Yeah, that’s gotta be it.
I forget my PIN at times, too. When I do it at the grocery store, I just say try it as a credit card and that works.
Once my daughter forgot her PIN and after entering wrong numbers three times, the ATM kept her card. Heh.
Aw, I love the pictures of Sugarbutt. I just want to love him and hug him and pet him and call him George.
I pulled the same “atm dumbass” move, and it took my card after the third try. Then I had to go into the bank and confess to a 12 year old teller who looked at me like I was a total fool.
Whatโno Tom Cullen as Yoda? No Spanky, no Spot? By the way, we haven’t seen Spanky or Spot in a long time!
Fred posting was great by the way, it “hit the nail on the head.” It’s discouraging the way people act in the name of religion. I can see why you like cats!
There are some banks that will take the card after a certain number of incorrect PIN entries and I’m glad it didn’t happen to you.
You’ll like the service you’ll get with Verizon. I get a signal everywhere.
I can see why you love Fred. He is an amazing writer and I told him so in his comments. You are too, by the way!
If I had the talent I would may you a new month logo consisting of the Cat Throwing Lady on the Simpsons.
Super-impose your head and the faces of your cats on the logo, but I don’t have the know how.
But maybe one of your readers can!
How about it? anyone up to the challenge?
I missed something along the did you end up getting Tom Cullen? I read how Sugarbutt came back to you (was sick?) and then you all ended up adopting but I missed TC along the way?
Poo is gonna kick your arse for posting that unflattering pic of her on the internet..HEE! I love the portly POO!!!!
Loving the Yoda pics and yep Sugarbutt and a baby giraffe look eerily similar but baby giraffes are some of the CUTEST things so that is a compliment.
I must take yoda pictures of my cats right now.
I like the Yoda-cats. “Feed me some tuna, you will.”
With those two human fingers resembling horns on Sugarbutt’s head,don’t ya think he looks like…SATAN?!