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I finally got my reading list updated, and the books I read in 2005 tallied, and the total for last year is a rousing 191 books. That’s, like, half a book a day! (.523, to be exact) It’s 4 books less than 2004, but a whopping 21 books MORE than in 2003.
Oh, how I love my books.
Currently, I’m reading: Flavor of the Month, by Olivia Goldsmith. I’ve read it before, but I wanted to read it again because I remembered liking it. It’s not as good as I remembered; and godDAMN is it a long book. I feel like I’m never going to finish the damn thing, though I got through a couple hundred pages when I was sitting in the frickin’ Suzuki waiting room yesterday morning.
Speaking of books, if you’re interested in buying a copy of Fred’s book, you can get it here. We put away three boxes to keep, but during our decluttering last month decided we didn’t need to keep three boxes – I mean, seriously, what are we going to do with THREE boxes? – and dithered back and forth on whether to sell them on Amazon or just toss them and write off the loss. When we saw that people are attempting to sell the book on Amazon for almost $50 each, well, it kind of pissed us off, and we decided to sell them for $10 apiece. I think we’re going to sell them either ’til they’re gone, or until the end of January.
Or until I get tired of the fucking books in my fucking dining room and put my foot down. Whichever comes first.
(You should also keep in mind that he’s slowly putting the book up online, here, if you’d rather read it for free.)
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So, I have got to say that my nephew – who is now 8 months old – is the cutest little guy EVER, but after spending just a few hours in his company, I called Fred and said “I am SO GLAD we decided not to have any more kids!” Because little Jeffrey just does not stop for one single moment. He’s always busy, always crawling around, exploring, grabbing exactly what he’s not supposed to, and getting his feelings hurt when you say “No!” to him.

(The first one was my fault. He was crawling around in my parents’ living room and went for the Christmas tree. He was getting a little too insistent on trying to yank a particular ornament off the tree, like such:

and I stood up to take his hand off it, and my mother said “Take that pacifier out of his mouth!” (so I could get some pictures of him without it in his mouth, not because my mother is anti-pacifier), and I took his hand off the ornament and took his pacifier out of his mouth, and it was far too great an insult to be withstood without great big crocodile tears and a sad pouty lip. He was comforted with hugs and snuggles from my mother, and later after we told my sister about the incident, she sympathized with Jeffrey, saying “Did Auntie Rah-bah make you cry?” (Brian used to call me “Rah-bah”, and if that’s not cute enough for you, we used to call the spud’s pacifier and Brian’s pacifier their “rah-rah”s.
I don’t remember what caused the second two crying pictures, though I suspect it might have involved a diaper change, because not two minutes before he was crying like that, he was happy as a clam at high tide, like such:

And no, he’s not all that close to walking, but if you hold his hands, he’ll happily trip across the room. The spud used to LOVE to do that when she was about his age, and my father would hold her hands and let her drag him all over the house. My back aches at the very thought.)
Also, Fred guffawed when he saw the first crying picture. Even his cold, cold heart can appreciate the humor of a particularly cute crying baby. On a side note, I happened to be reading
this entry back in November, and I clicked on the two bottom pictures to see them bigger, and Fred happened to walk through the room and catch sight of the second from the bottom picture, and he laughed out loud.
“Spud, go over next to the baby!” She did, and he thought about it for a moment, pouted, and burst into tears. Too many new people, I guess.
A happy moment.
And another.
And another. Lest you think he spends all his time crying. Actually, he’s usually a pretty happy monkey.
Man. The next time I see him, he’ll be walking and talking!
There are many more baby pictures
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Look, look! Look what awesome reader Vena did!
She recapitated Sugarbutt! I have the coolest readers, don’t I?
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“Yeah, hi, Mom. I thought I’d just sit here and see if the sun comes to me. It almost came to my tail the other day, but not yet today. I sure am cold. I sure wish the sun would come over here and warm me up.”
“Whuh- what the?! What the HELL IS THAT?!”
“I’ve never seen anything like that!”
(I have NO CLUE what caught his interest. There was nothing at all on the wall that I could see, but he was absolutely fascinated by whatever it was. Perhaps he was looking into another dimension.)
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2005: I need a nap.
2004: Stuff I bought in Maine.
2003: No entry.
2002: Firsts.
2001: You rock, maaaaaaaan!
2000: I’m blue.]]>
My cats constantly do this thing where they sit in the corner of one room (or the hallway) and stare at the wall. Sometimes, they cry at it. My roommate and I say they’re talking to the ghosts again.
He is ADORABLE! Thanks for sharing!!!!
Yeah my 2 cats, 1 more so than the other, will suddenly catch sight of something that appears to be absolutely fascinating, which I apparently am unable to see, and their eyes get all big and sometimes they take off running in the direction they’re looking. Weird. I think it’s probably ghosts too, in which case I’m GLAD I can’t see them!
OMG! Jeffrey is sooooo cute!! almost makes me alittle sad we’re done having kids…….almost! 🙂
Perfect caption for the last baby pic,”How ya doing?”spoken with a Brooklyn accent.
I know how much y’all LURVE advice,BUT Nanny Deb suggests rather than lot of negative “no,no” moments,try diversions instead OR rewording “no” into,”Come away from the “whatever.” ” and actually lead him gently away to the new diversion.
“I feel like I’m never going to finish the damn thing, though I got through a couple hundred pages when I was sitting in the frickin’ Suzuki waiting room yesterday morning.”
I have the MOST interesting moments when I read your journal first thing in the morning with still bleary vision. I first read that as “suduko” waiting room. I pondered,
“Are there ONLINE suduko playing rooms that are so popular you have to be put on a waiting list to play?? Dang,that game MUST be addictive and Robyn so patient!”
Your nephew is so cute!!!!
You need to get a laser pointer for your cats. They would have a BLAST with it – and so would ya’ll. We had one older cat that was scared of it, but the younger ones love it.
Whenever my dog does that (staring at the walls or the ceiling at nothing apparent to me) I always say it’s ghosts too. How funny that so many pet owners think alike.
“Recapitate” is my new favorite word!
Yeah – must be the ghosts. I was told once that animals can see spirits that we cannot see because our minds filter out such “unbelievable” stuff.
Bozoette Mary: Isn’t it a great word? I can’t take credit for it, though; Vena used it in her email. 🙂
I’m glad I’m not the only one whose cats stare at the wall like they’re looking at THE most fascinating thing!
Uh, why is Dean Stockwell in your parent’s living room?
OBLW: I lost my favorites at work (the “back up” failed – yeah right!) and I need your Links page to get some valuable ones back. When I open it, I don’t get any links – just the page frames. Is it my PC or is your links page acting funky?
Jeffrey looks like the Spud. Wow! He’s a cutie pie.
That baby is quite adorable, even in the bawling pics!
I’ll bet Sugarbutt saw a phantom dust particle or foozle floating in the air.
Melanie: That’s good ol’ Uncle Dean! Heh. I don’t know what show or movie was on the TV that day; my parents ALWAYS have the TV on, whether someone’s watching it or not.
Val: I just went and looked, and got the list o’ links just fine. Blogrolling might have momentarily been down when you checked.
Everyone knows cats are looking at Satan when they do that. It’s either Satan or the faeries.
Mr. Sugarbutt Fat Toes is just too damn cute!
This isn’t a comment on today’s post, but I just wanted to recommend a novel for you. Haven’t read all your lists of books read, so if you’ve already read this, sorry.
Anyhow, I have never read “Chick Lit” and just found this novel in the library. While it IS published in the Chick Lit catergory, it is also somewhat unique. I do think you’d enjoy it though.
Carrie Pilby By Caren Lissner
Cara: Yep, I’ve read it! :)I agree, it’s not your usual “chick lit”, and it was pretty interesting.
our cat can see dead people.
Man, some pics – like when he is being walked around by the hands (by who?) he looks just like Chris , or Randy for that matter at that age. Other pictures he has no family resemblance AT ALL! And leave his frickin’ rah-rah alone – you don’t think he has enough stress already?
My cats do that, too. I heard Rita Rudner doing a comedy routine once … she said sometimes when she used to live alone, late at night her cat would all of a sudden get that crazy alert look. Rita would be sure a crazed killer had broken into the house. Then … nothing, and the cat would go back to its grooming. She said, “It’s always the same with a cat. It could be a murderer in the next romm. Or a moth.”
V-E-R-Y cute baby! I bet it was fun playing with him!
Gah where to start.
First off your nephew is beautiful! I am amazed at how much he, the Spud and Brian favor, it is eerie man!
You look SO much like your Mom Robyn, wow, some strong genes in that pool of yours.
Maybe Sugarbutt see’s dead people? I don’t know but I hate when animals do that shit in the dark, when you are alone.