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Did I mention that I got a Keith and the Girl hoodie from Fred for my birthday? I did! And Patrice wasn’t kidding when she called it the most comfortable, warmest hoodie on the face of the earth. It’s AWESOME.
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I am feeling oddly scattered today, so cannot solidify my thoughts into an entry (but if I could, it’d taste exactly like cinnamon!), so I’m going to post my 2nd self-portrait (only 363 more to go!), put up some cat pictures and call it good enough!
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Do you feel lucky, punk? Well, do you?
(With staple gun (and fancy ear protectors) at the Smallville house.)
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After two days of Amoxicillin, Cosette is still spending way too much time in the litter box straining to pee, so I’m taking her to the vet this afternoon, where she’ll stay overnight and see the vet tomorrow morning. Hopefully they’ll be able to figure out what’s going on with her. Poor Cosette – she runs from us now because almost every time we go into the kitten room, we grab her up and shoot stuff down her throat.

That Javert, what a pretty boy. I don’t know how it is that his sisters and mother all have the Goopy Eye and he doesn’t. Lucky boy.

They adore standing at the window looking out. They’re our own personal security system! Now if we could only train them to bark when an intruder comes near…

Eponine the scaredy cat.

Cosette and Eponine.

Javert’s not too old to hang out with his mama.

Javert from above.
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2006: Oh, how I love my books.
2005: I need a nap.
2004: Stuff I bought in Maine.
2003: No entry.
2002: Firsts.
2001: You rock, maaaaaaaan!
2000: I’m blue.]]>
You would’n dare!!! Javert has the cutest front white paws. all the cats are so cute. I don’t know how you take care of all of them,but you do a great job.
I love gray kitties! Thanks for the pix.
… oh yeah, I forgot. I LOVE cumin – it does not taste like body odor. I bet you hate cilantro, too.
What?! Ear protection? What a wimp.. hehehehe!
OK, I followed the link to Patrice’s blog and now I know what Danny Pintauro looks like naked. *shudder*
I don’t know which I like more Eponine or Javert. They’re all adorable however..
Cumin rocks! Hate cilantro, though. HAAAAAAATE cilantro. Nasty crap infects your food and ruins the taste, even when it’s just used as a garnish. Blech.
That last photo, with Cosette and Eponine gazing wistfully into the skies, makes me feel all schmoopy. What adorable kittens!
Can I assume the cumin comment refers to Fred’s post about paint fumes???
Robyn, thank you for turning me on to Keith and the Girl. Once I got my new iPod, the first thing I did was find and subscribe to KaG. However, I have also begun loading past episodes into my trusty MP3 and have had to actually stand up and leave my desk and go into either the bathroom or storage room so I could laugh out loud without my co-workers thinking me strange. Not that they don’t already think me strange, but you know what I mean. Thank you!
i will never eat cumin again. when I go home it’s getting removed from the pantry into the trash! thanks for ruining cumin for me miz robyn!
Before I could read any more of today’s entry, I had to forward your quote to my husband, so he knows that I am not crazy and cumin is the most. foul. spice. ever.! We keep ours in an extra freezer so that it doesn’t get to associate with the other spices and make them feel dirty 😉 Every time I open that freezer I feel transported to Southern Spain, squished on a bus with many cumin-smellin’ folk, not knowing where the hell I am going. Geez, I guess cumin is like an acid flashback for me!
Leslie: Oddly, although cilantro tastes kinda soapy to me, I don’t mind the taste. Is that weird?
Crystal: Like you weren’t DYING to see him nekkid. Heh!
Trish: I love Javert because he walks around peeping, and it’s severely cute. I love Eponine because she’s a shy little monkey and desperately wants to be picked up and petted, but she’s too scared to allow it. I love Cosette because she’s the sick one, and the sick ones always rip my heart out. I love Fantine because every time you talk to her, she wags her tail and purrs, and she’s got character for days. I love Moondance and Moonman because when I go in to see them, they’re invariably laying on the table by the window, and they’re happy to see me, they love to be held and petted and kissed, and they’re just as happy to see me go, so they can’t get back to sleeping.
In case you were wondering. 🙂
Kelli: Fred is a big liar who tells lies in a lying liar way. (I wish!) Besides, Cumin makes me burp, not fart.
Amy: I am ALWAYS glad to share the Keith and the Girl love! 🙂
Jenn: If my entry removes cumin from only one pantry, my job is done. You are welcome! 😛
Kalli: We went out to dinner at Outback the other night, and I got the Alice Springs chicken, and was eating it when I realized it had cumin in it. Not a lot, just enough so that eeeeevery once in a while I’d taste it. I brough the leftovers home for lunch, ate it yesterday, and ended up burping up cumin for the next six hours. SO GROSS.
Ooof, Robyn, I can only imagine the horror of burping up B.O. 😉 One of my all time favorite recipes (cowboy caviar) has cumin in it and I have finally had to just make it without so much as a pinch. That stuff is nasty!
Happy belated birthday, Robyn! Sorry for the late BD wishes, but I have had houseguests for the last several days so am just catching up on journal reading now.
I really did laugh out loud when I saw the self-portrait pic you posted yesterday (your first one, on the phone). It completely cracks me up every time I look at it, because it’s almost as dorkalicious as my own driver’s licence pic…….not to mention my health card and passport. Honestly, Robyn, you should seriously consider working as one of those official picture-takers for photo-id cards. It takes some people years and years to develop the kind of talent that you so clearly have just naturally for finding the perfect moment to snap the pic that just everyone wants to carry around with them and have to show every time they write a check for the next 5 years of their life! 🙂
Thanks for the fabulous laugh…….and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!