
Before. After. I really, really like the color – it’s called “Poppy”. He chose the color himself, did all the work himself, and I love the way it turned out. He didn’t much enjoy the actual act of painting, but he likes the result so much that he went out and got paint for the guest bedroom (it’s called “Burgundy” but looks like more of a dark rose to me). He’s even going to paint Danielle’s bedroom while we’re in Maine, and we’ve chosen colors for the master bedroom (two guesses what it is, and the first guess doesn’t count) and his bedroom. After I saw how nicely the kitten room turned out, I told him it’s almost too bad it’s the kitten room, because I’d almost like to put a day bed on one side of the room and a couple of recliners on the other side, and use it as a place to hang out and have quiet time with no TVs or computers around. Last night we were sitting in the living room talking about what color to paint the living room/ kitchen area (we’re thinking the same color as the kitten room, or a similar color), and he started talking about replacing the carpet in the living room, and EVEN maybe replacing the tiles in the kitchen and I had to change the subject very quickly, because if I’d shown him how excited I was at the thought, he would have gotten all spooked and relied on the ol’ “I was just TALKING about it, Bessie, stop harassing me!” But for the record, the things I hate about this house are: 1. The stairs. I’d love to have them hardwooded, or even the carpet replaced, because there are stains on the carpet that were there when we moved in, and I canNOT get them up. 2. The Berber carpet in the living room. I loathe it. I will never ever have Berber carpet again. One of the cats knocked over a big cup of iced tea onto the carpet the other day (this is the second time this has happened), and now there’s a nasty brown stain there, and the steam cleaner won’t get it all up, and it drives me NUTS. 3. The tile in the kitchen. At least two of the tiles are cracked, and it’s impossible to get the floor clean because of the… what’s it called? Grout? Anyway, I hate that floor. I swear, if all three of those were taken care of AND all the rooms were painted, I could happily live in this house forEVAH.

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Also! Our new couches will be here on Saturday!!!! I’m probably too excited about that, but I don’t care. I can’t WAIT.
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Last night I spent an hour and a half steam-cleaning the carpet in the computer room. I pulled up the chair mats and put them in the library (no, there isn’t going to be a story about me walking on the chair mats and causing great pain to myself, because this time I put them pointy-side down), along with our chairs, and then dragged the recliner into the hallway. Then, like I said, I spent an hour and a half steam-cleaning the rug, going over and over and over the particularly bad spots. I used three tanks of water (with carpet cleaning solution and a scoop of Oxi-Clean added) and had to keep emptying the dirty water out of the reservoir, shuddering each time I did so, because the water coming out looked like mud. A lot – A LOT – of cat hair came up, even though I’d just vacuumed the computer room the day before, and the steam cleaner isn’t that good at picking up cat hair, so there were little clumps of cat hair left behind. I’ll be bringing the Dyson downstairs at some point today to vacuum those clumps up. When I was done with the steam cleaning, I was in despair. Because the carpet really didn’t look all that much better. But this morning when I came downstairs, and the sunlight was shining into the computer room, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the carpet actually looks approximately 63 times better than it did before I cleaned it. Next, I’d like to tackle the carpet at the top of the stairs, ’cause it’s gotten pretty grimy looking. Maybe I’ll get around to that in the next year or so. Or not. Who the hell knows with me? I think that after I save up the money for a new camera, I’m going to save up the money for a new steam cleaner.
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You know how skunks have that defense mechanism where if they feel threatened they spray out a big cloud of stink? Well if Sugarbutt feels any kind of emotion – joy, fear, curiosity, “put me DOWN!” – he releases a big cloud of stink. I think he might be half skunk. I woke up last night and he was laying on my arm with his butt pointed at me, and I felt great fear. I said “I do not enjoy having your buttocks pointed at me, young man” and thought about moving him, but I fell back asleep before I could move him – which in itself would have been a precarious proposition, since no doubt as soon as he woke up and realized he was being moved, he’d have released The Stink. This morning, Fred asked me “What was going on a 4:15 this morning?” “What do you mean?” I asked. “You flailed around and yelled ‘OW!’, and then a cat came flying off the bed.” Oh, that. It’s just that when Sugarbutt gets overcome with love, he feels the need to knead on my bare skin, and even though I keep his claws clipped, it still HURTS, and a girl can only take so much of that before she rebels. Doesn’t matter, though. He runs off, releasing The Stink behind him, and two minutes later he’s back on the bed looking for more love. I should make a joke about how he’s just like his Daddy, but I won’t. There’s nothin’ happier than a sleeping monkey. The Paintin’ Kitties. They only charge a pound of catnip an hour. It’s a STEAL! Also, they’ll help pick out room colors. “Little man, if you don’t stop moving, then I can’t groom you. And if I can’t groom you, I’ll bite you and make you cry. UNDERSTAND?”
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Previously 2004: I do love, love, love the gmail! 2003: No entry. 2002: No entry. 2001: No entry. 2000: No entry. 1999: If you look closely at the picture, you’ll note that it’s very close to the color of bile. (Comments closed due to spammers)]]>

14 thoughts on “11/23/05”

  1. I love that color, it’s gorgeous. Every one of the rooms in my house is painted a different color, which greatly upsets The Husband, who likes any color of paint as long as it’s white.
    He’ll get over it.

  2. I LOOOOVE that blue! It really compliments Sugarbutts color.. nice job coordinating. I may steal that for sons room. Fred did an awesome job.
    I’m glad you wrote about the carpeted stairs being a pain in the ass, we’ve been going back and forth over hardwood or carpet for our stairs.

  3. If you do replace the kitchen, look at the wood laminate flooring. We just did ours in that and it is freaking wonderful. Will hold up to 3 kids and cleans with water. No scrubbing involved. i love it to pieces.

  4. Beautiful color Robyn. We painted our powder room and our son’s room that exact color and I love it, especially with the white wood…it looks very beachy to me. Have a great Thanksgiving! 🙂

  5. Oh, I LOVE the blue! I wish we had white trimwork in our house so that I could paint my bedroom the exact same color. Alas, our medium-oak trim would look all nasty orange against it. And… painting all of the woodwork? No, not going to happen. Did it once, won’t do it again.
    Great job, Fred!

  6. Wow, great color.
    I had an orange tabby who would knead me all the time, as well as knead my hair and drool in my hair. The orange tabby I have now is also a drooler. I wonder if that is a recessive behavior gene that comes out only in the orange tabby?

  7. Oh I have my berber carpet too! Its in the LR and its just crap! We’ve slowly been tearing out all the carpet in the house and we put in ceramic tile in the kitchen and diningg room. Going to do wood laminate in the hall, stairs and LR. Hardwood + 3 large dogs= lots of scratches and gouges so we’ll stick with the laminate. The tile works nicely too for easy cleanup, but yeah the grout is an issue….I bleach it all the time.
    Nothing like a fresh coat of paint to spruce up a room! Looks great! Makes me want to paint something!

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