
* * * Miz Catie has opened herself a store – go check it out! I actually squealed out loud when I saw she was offering kitty ornaments. Go! Shop! Buy!

* * *
So Thanksgiving, I don’t think I mentioned, went quite well. We went over to Fred’s sister’s house, and their father and stepmother met us there, and we ate. This was the first year that the spud was the only kid around (Fred’s sister’s kids were having dinner at their other grandmother’s house) and she got to sit at the “big” table with us. Fred made a coconut cake (like this, only updated a little, so the frosting is made with cream cheese; I’ll update the recipe at some point in the future) and we brought a pumpkin pie. Fred’s sister’s husband made a dish of brussels sprouts and chestnuts, and though I can’t swear I’ve never had chestnuts in the past, this is the first time I know of that I’ve had them, and I thought they were FABULOUS. So we were sitting at the dinner table, and Fred’s sister’s husband started telling a story. Now, I think I’ve mentioned in the past that he’s French, and I think I’ve also mentioned that people with very thick accents make me feel stupid because sometimes I can’t understand them. Sometimes I can and sometimes I can’t and I doubt it’s got anything to do with them; I think it’s me. Anyway, he started telling a story and I thought to myself I do not understand one single word this man is saying. I wonder if anyone else understands him? And I looked around the table and saw a couple of looks on a couple of faces that indicated that perhaps I wasn’t the only one who couldn’t understand him. And then everyone but me burst into laughter. I guess I was the only one who couldn’t understand him. Then later, Fred couldn’t remember the story, so there’s apparently a REALLY FUNNY STORY floating around, and I don’t get to know what it was. DAMNIT.
* * *
So the story on the thyroid uptake scan is that the nurse at my doctor’s office called and said “We got the results from your thyroid uptake scan, and Dr. MyDoctor wants you to come in for some more labs.” And then she told me that the first available appointment Dr. MyDoctor had was next Monday morning. At my doctor’s office, if they want you to come in to have labwork done, you don’t generally need to see the doctor. But now I have an appointment to see my doctor. Where she will tell me that my thyroid is rotting away from some kind of toxic toxicity and they’ll need to remove my entire neck. Just when I was getting a neck back! I never HAD a neck before, and now they’re going to have to REMOVE it. And with MY luck, they’ll need – for medical reasons, of course – to graft it onto my ass. And you can all call me “Asshead” (LIKE YOU ALREADY DO), and be technically correct. Seriously, though, I’m thinking that if I was going to need my entire neck – MY ENTIRE NECK – removed, they would have squeezed me in before next Monday. I’m thinking the thyroid uptake scan showed nothing, or was inconclusive. WHATEVER. I’m over this medical shit. Stupid thyroid.
* * *
Oh yeah, and I promised I’d show y’all what I wore to Thanksgiving. This is it:
RobynTGiving06 Fred said “I don’t think I’m ever going to get used to seeing you in jeans” multiple times.
I adore the holy hell out of that top, not least because it’s a size XL and I could probably fit into a size L. I got it at Cracker Barrel, and don’t none of y’all make fun of the fact that it’s got chickadees on it. It was comfy and warm, it fit, and Fred’s stepmother told me I looked nice.
SIsFor What I DIDN’T wear to Thanksgiving.
* * *
Those of you who listen to Keith and the Girl, if they announce me as the winner of one of the KATG Nanos (check out my MySpace!) in the near future, let me know, will you? I’m about two weeks behind in my listening and if I won one of the Nanos (which I seriously doubt will happen) and didn’t know about it, I’d be severely ticked off at myself for getting so behind in my listening.
* * *
I went to the iTunes store to look for Christmas music the other day (I recently downloaded “River”, sung by Sarah McLachlin, to go with the version done by Robert Downey, Jr, and also downloaded the Michael Ball version while I was there) and I saw that Chris Isaak had a Christmas album out, and I went over to click on the album so I could see what songs he had on it, and GODDAMN if I didn’t accidentally click on “Buy album” instead, and that’s how I ended up with Chris Isaak’s Christmas album, even though I didn’t really want but one or two songs from it, DAMNIT. Now I’m down to a $5.50 credit on iTunes, which means that I’ve made a $50 iTunes gift card last all year long, which I think is really good. Tell me what Christmas songs I should download, and make it something good. I’ve only got $5.50 to spend, and I need to round out my Christmas song collection!
* * *
“The stinkin’ little kittens are GONE! Woohoo!!!”   “Praise de lawd!”   Sugarbutt adores curling up in this basket.  
* * *
Previously 2005: “Well, GODDAMN,” I said. “NOT NOW, I won’t! I was GOING to, but now that I know you’d be sitting there all horrified about me reclining my seat in front of your parents, all worried that they’d be thinking ‘Good christ, look at her over there, so fucking LAZY she can’t expend the ENERGY to sit upright!’, I won’t! I wouldn’t DREAM of reclining on my OWN couch in my OWN home, I would HATE to embarrass you!” 2004: What If? 2003: Fred’s sister nodded. “That’s what I figured.” 2002: I forgot that teenagers are, on the whole (though yours may be different, or at least pulling the wool over your eyes) bone idle. 2001: McAfee rocks. 2000: Recent purchases. 1999: I informed him that there was no way he was getting out of taking me to the emergency room for this.]]>

40 thoughts on “11/28/06”

  1. Do you have “Christmas Shoes”. It’s sappy and makes me cry every time but I love it, especially because my own mom recently passed away.
    I’m disappointed you didn’t get my “Salty Cats” joke yesterday. Country cats are saltier than city cats, you know. 🙂 Must be all the squirrel they eat.

  2. My personal favorite Christmas CDs: Harry Connick, Jr., “When My Heart Finds Christmas”; The Squirrel Nut Zippers, “Christmas Caravan”; and of course the usual favorites: Bing Crosby, Dean Martin, Burl Ives, the Chipmunks (for fun)and my favorite song, that I love to sing along to: “Christmas Wrapping,” by The Waitresses. And there are probably a lot more, but those are the ones I can think of right now. Happy song shopping! Let us know what you end up with. Maybe I’ll find something new!

  3. Nance was right: You ARE a tiny peanut of a woman! You look adorable in that shirt, but yeah, I bet you could take an L instead. I hope you don’t have to have an ENTIRE NECKECTOMY (hee!) because you have a very pretty neck. 🙂

  4. My fav Christmas songs (cuz they are so not traditional):
    Slade: Merry Xmas Everybody
    Pogues: Fairytale of New York
    Anything off Trans-Siberian Orchestra’s Christmas Eve and Other Stories

  5. My all time favorite Christmas tracks are the three Amy Grant albums (kind of on the contemporary Christian side…lots of Jesus songs, but you know what, this kind of his His holiday) and the old Carpenters Christmas album.

  6. You look fantabulous Robyn, I’m totally jealous!
    Suggie is SO cute! Anymore pics of Meester Boogers looking all pissed off? I bookmarked his letter “Dear Peoples of the Bitchypoo Readers.” I still laugh my ass (well not literally, although I wish I did) everytime I read it. 😛
    Have a great day!

  7. You look fantastic!
    As for Christmas songs, anything by Harry Connick Jr., “The Season for Romance” by Lee Ann Womack is really nice too

  8. Well, you look just grand, and I hope you get to keep your neck. As for Christmas songs, one of my favorites is “Frosty the Snowman” by Leon Redbone and Dr. John.

  9. I am so bummed. I used to be able to see your pictures, and now I can’t. I can see Fred’s stuff just fine. Are you doing something different ?

  10. This post made me think of two things:
    “Dr. MyDoctor” makes the phrase “Captain, my Captain” roll around in my head. I hope you’re happy!
    Re: “Asshead” — the college football coach here was in an accident many years ago, and severe burns on his neck/cheek/jawline required a skin graft. Which they took from his butt. I wonder how many people have called him a butthead and not realized how close to the truth they were?

  11. Nancy: I only didn’t get it ’cause I’m a dumbass. 🙂 I don’t have Christmas Shoes, thanks for the suggestion!
    LisaL: The biggest upside to having lost all this weight is that I now have a neck when I didn’t before, and now they’re going to TAKE IT RIGHT OFF! Hmph.
    Donna: I’m not doing anything different, but I think I’m going to go back to not using Flickr to post the pictures in my entries, so you should be able to see them, starting tomorrow!
    Jaime: Every time I typed “Dr. MyDoctor”, I said “Captain, my Captain” out loud. Heh! Also, Fred works with someone who was bitten on the face by a Brown Recluse spider, and they had to graft skin from his butt to cover the rotted-out spot. Occasionally he’d say “My butt itches” and then scratch his face. Heh!
    Thanks, all of you, for the song suggestions!!!

  12. My favorite fun Christmas song of all time is I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas by Gayla Peevey. Make sure it’s by her and not anyone else, her voice sells it big time.
    The Little Drummer Boy by Bob Seger also.

  13. Robyn . . . you are beautiful!!! I am so jealous. Fred must be so proud of you . . . as you are of yourself, I’m sure.

  14. Katrina: I Want a Hippopotomus for Christmas annoyed the hell out of me at first, but now I’ve been known to sing (in that Broadway-voice kinda way) “IIIIIIIIII WANT a hippopotomus for CHRISTMAS! ONLY a hippopotomus will DO!” and I crack myself up.

  15. George Strait – There’s A New Kid In Town
    Actually George singing any Christmas song is wonderful.
    Bing Crosby and David Bowie – Peace On Earth/Little Drummer Boy
    You can watch it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKTHvW2JcAA I found it when I Googled for the correct name of the medley.
    I wish I could watch it but my laptop is so old. It only has 266 MHz and 128 MB of ram. So I can only read things. BUT someday mark my words I WILL listen to this Keith and The Girl you speak of and listen to all the music I read about!
    I might even get a CD burner! I think I peed my pants a little there. HEE!
    Anyhoo… went off on a little tangent there. Someone’s feeling a wittle sorry for herself I think!
    You look cute as a little chickadee in your outfit. (Pun intended)

  16. To me there is not a more beautiful version of “Silent Night” than the one sung by Aaron Neville on his Christmas album. Give it a try!

  17. I’ve always loved Feliz Navidad. It’s such a fun and happy song. I agree with Laurie, Amy Grant’s albums are wonderful. Martina McBride’s Christmas album is lovely, as is Jewel’s. But if you are looking for funny holiday tunes, it’s hard to beat Bob Rivers. (The Twelve Pains of Christmas, Walkin’ ‘Round in Women’s Underwear) I have a fairly large collection of Christmas CDs (about 30) and every year I add a few. It’s a sickness.

  18. Anything by Trans-Siberian Orchestra. My favorite is Christmas Eve/Sarajevo, but all of them are good!
    “Little Drummer Boy” sung by Jars of Clay
    Johnny Cash – The Christmas Spirit album. If you have to choose songs, the best one is “Ringing the Bells for Jim”.
    “You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch” from the ORIGINAL Grinch soundtrack.
    “The Christmas Shoes” – Newsong
    Those are just the ones that come to mind immediately!

  19. Robyn, you look just fabulous! We’ll soon be stopping by a Cracker Barrel (none in our area) and I can’t wait.

  20. Robyn, You’re looking absolutely fantastic! As for Christmas songs, I love Clay Aiken’s “Merry Christmas, With Love” CD. If you like tear jerkers, you’ll love the title track and his “Mary Did You Know” is wonderful.

  21. Miz Robyn,
    Boy girl – you look gorgeous. You’ve got me re-thinking the tummy surgery. It still scares the crude out of me, but hmmmm. . .
    All talk about iTunes has me thinking about getting an MP3 player. I hate buying CDs since there is usually a couple of songs I really want and the price! So, I went on eBay and boy o boy I got confused. I was wondering if you or your lovely readers have any opinion on iPod vs. cheaper MP3 players. Is the iPod worth the extra money because of better sound or durability? Anyone who has a different, cheaper MP3 player – any suggestions as to brand thats worked out for you?

  22. Val, thank you! 🙂 Also, I’m going to post your iPod/ MP3 player question in tomorrow’s entry. I’ll be interested to see what the response is!

  23. My all time favourite Xmas song is on the John Denver and The Muppets Christmas album, called It’s In Every One of Us… “It’s in every one of us, to be wise, find your heart, open up both your eyes. We can all know everything, without ever knowing why…… It’s in every one of us…. by and bye…….By and bye.”
    That song says so much to me.
    And Robyn, even if you need to have a thyroidectomy, don’t worry. My husb. had it done this year, and he’s just fine, with his neck still intact, just no thyroid. He just has to take thyroid replacement pills once a day forever, that’s all.

  24. You guys are totally going to make me go over my $5.50 credit!
    And Bex, the important question is this: Does he have a badass scar? Because if they had to remove my thyroid, the pain could only be assauged by a badass scar.

  25. You look better than nice, you look great 🙂
    My favorite Christmas song that I can stand to hear over and over again is Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer. I’m going to have to check out some of the other songs mentioned.

  26. I recommend The Christmas Song by Nat King Cole, Christmas in Hollis by Run DMC, This Christmas by Donny Hathaway, Christmas Time Is Here from A Charlie Brown Christmas (and Linus and Lucy, just because).

  27. Do I detect MAKE-UP? And I’m loving the Oscar Shirt. Also, you really should get Little Drummer Boy so you can SOB while you sing it. Hee!

  28. Nance: Yes, that IS makeup. Don’t fall over dead from the shock. (Also, shaddup, you. I haven’t teared up to Little Drummer Boy yet this year! Okay, maybe only once. Twice! ARGH!)
    Sandy: When Fred’s grandmother was still alive, his sister bought her a stuffed reindeer that, when you pressed his paw, would play that song. She HATED it. Heh!

  29. “That’s What Christmas Means To Me” by Stevie Wonder. I can listen to that song and be happy every day of the year!

  30. Hi Robyn
    One of my favorites is “Song for a Winters Night”, sung by Sarah McLachlan. Not really a Christmas song, more of winter song I guess, but always makes me think of Christmas…and it is soooo beautiful.

  31. As per Bex, another great song from the Muppets album is “The Christmas Wish”. I also love “Silent Night, Holy Night” by Stevie Nicks.

  32. The whole Aaron Neville Christmas album is wonderful. Sometimes I listen to it in the summer even, just because a.) it’s wonderful, and b.) it makes visions of cold weather dance in my head in the stifling heat of July.

  33. Robyn, you do look great. Thanks for the photo. I second the Clay Aiken Christmas Album. I hope the Spud is feeling well. My daughter had that done when she was in high school. I had to clean it out and pack it with fresh medicated gauze everyday until it closed on its own. Umm, what pleasant memories.

  34. Obviously, we all can’t say it enough………..you look great!
    Cute, young, and all jean-cool!

  35. Val – I’ve got an old (had it for 2 years) Creative Zen ‘Touch’ 20GB mp3 player:
    It’s heavy and chunky (but only a tiny bit bigger than an IPod) but I like it. I’ve also dropped it about fifteen squillion times (included off a treadmill several times whilst working out) and it still works perfectly (the little jacket it came with may have something to do with protect it from the constant dropping!).
    I bought it a) because the battery time is 24 hours as opposed to Ipods 8’ish hours b) it’s cheaper and c) I’ve never been one to go and buy something overly expensive just because it’s ‘in’!

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