Well, I’m certainly glad I didn’t freak any of you out with that letter yesterday. I was afraid I might, but it appears not, except for my sister, who told me she was afraid to look directly at the screen while she read the letter because she didn’t know what the hell was going on. Hee! Since I haven’t done a mostly-pictures entry in a while, I think I’ll post pictures of recent new acquisitions in BitchyLand, ’cause I’m feeling lazy and all. Enjoy!
Isn’t this about the cutest little plant? I saw it in the grocery store last week and just had to have it, since it was only 99 cents and half off and I’ve been wanting an ivy plant for the house for a while now. It desperately needs repotting, and I have the pot and the potting soil, but there’s nary an ounce of get-up-and-go in my body these days.

Fred has taken to buying me flowers when he gets groceries on Saturday mornings. This is the latest bouquet. Pretty, no? Am I married to the most thoughtful man, or what?

This would be the handiwork of the spud. When we were at Michael’s last week buying ornaments for her to paint and send out as presents from her, she asked if we could buy this so she could paint it. Apparently both reindeer come from the Rudolph line, since they both have red noses.

Isn’t this Puffkin a cutie-pie? It’s a refrigerator magnet! I bought it because it’s yellow (I adore all things yellow), and because we have the full-sized non-magnetic version of this, which Miz Poo likes to occasionally beat up and carry around.

Another Puffkin-magnet.
Bought because it’s yellow and pretty cute.

I bought this candle at Dollywood. I love it, love it, love it. How can you look at this thing and stay in a bad mood? You can’t.

Another Puffkin, this one full-sized, in honor of the holiday season. Doesn’t hurt that he’s yellow, either. Although I am suddenly very frightened. Why is it that none of these Puffkins have no arms? How is it that I’m just now noticing this frightening fact?

Fred bought this monkey for me at the Birmingham Zoo. He’s right at home in my small, exclusive stuffed animal collection. I’d say Dana would be jealous, but no doubt she’s got one of her own.