It took me HOURS to get that shit sorted out, pictures taken, and the auctions listed last night. By the time I was done, I didn’t give a shit if anyone bought anything, I just wanted to be DONE with it, thus the reason my auctions aren’t very inspired. “Pants. Gray pants. The drawstring is missing. THEY’RE PANTS. Here’s a picture. Buy them, don’t buy them, I don’t give a shit.”
And as soon as I got everything listed, I get an email from someone. “What are the bust and length measurements on the size 4x and 5x clothes?” and I had to haul those clothes out and measure them. But what I really wanted to say was “If you wear size 4x and 5x clothes, these will fit you! If not, they won’t! GOOD CHRIST!”
It’s a good thing I don’t sell shit on eBay for a living or anything.
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The Nebshit Game!
1. Have you ever written something in your journal/blog that you regret? There’s only one thing I can think of that I regret posting, and not because I actually regret posting it, but because it occurred to me after I’d posted it that it could be used against the person I wrote it about, so I took it down.
2. Do you check your referring links to see if someone is slamming you out there? I check referring links when I’m bored; I don’t really expect to find someone slamming me, but if I find a link to my site I haven’t seen before, I check it out. I HATE IT when a members-only forum links to my site and I can’t see what they’ve said about me (
Racine Family Club, I’m looking at YOU), but I’m pretty sure most of the time it’s a “What sites do y’all like to read?” or “Check out this Crazy Cat Lady!” post, I’m sure.
3. If you see that someone is talking shit about you on their site, do you confront or ignore them? Back in the beginning days of my journal a board populated by dumbass high school students (not that all high school students are dumbasses; these ones were, though) saw a picture I’d posted and started making fun of me. It drove me NUTS, and I started posting on their forum and it was a big clusterfucked slapfight. I learned my lesson. These days if someone talks shit about me I do my best to ignore it. If they link to me whilst talking shit about me, I redirect those referrals to a nasty porn site and laaaaaaugh.
4. Have you ever written something in your journal/blog because you knew someone in particular would read it? Not that I remember, except for the occasional reminder to Fred.
5. What constitutes a trainwreck journal? Someone who makes the same mistake over and over again and can’t seem to figure out why they keep getting the same result each time.
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Meme, stolen from somewhere (I don’t remember where, though.)
1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Hot Chocolate. I’ll drink maybe a small cup of egg nog around the holiday season, but I’m not that crazy about it.
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Santa wraps them, even though he considers it a huge pain and it takes hours and hours.
3. Colored lights on tree/house or white? I like both, but I don’t like it when people mix the kind of lights they have. They need to either have colored or white, not both. I’m lightist!
4. Do you hang mistletoe? No, but when I was a teenager, I had a headband with a fake piece of mistletoe on it, and I got a couple of kisses out of wearing it.
5. When do you put your decorations up? Whenever I get around to it, usually sometime after Thanksgiving. I’ll probably put everything up on Monday.
6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)? I really like the spinach/ artichoke dip Fred’s stepmother makes, and I really like the devilled eggs his sister makes. My favorite, though, would have to be
sweet potato casserole.
7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child? I don’t know that I have one.
8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? I was embarrassingly old – 11 or 12 – and my cousin, who’s a year younger, told me that her mother had told her there was no Santa. I probably believed for so long because I was adamant that there was NO WAY my mother would spend that much money on all of us. It still amazes me that we got so much for Christmas, considering there were four kids and most of the time only one income.
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? Fred and I open our gifts to each other on Christmas Eve, and the spud opens a bunch of her presents on Christmas Eve; otherwise we’d spend all of Christmas day sitting and watching her open presents.
10. How do you decorate your Christmas Tree? There’s no theme, unless it’s a cat theme. I just buy the ornaments I like and hang those and the ones I was given. I don’t use tinsel or a garland, just lights and ornaments.
11. Snow! Love it or Dread it? I’d love it if we got a couple of inches on Christmas every year. I don’t really dread snow anymore, because it never sticks around.
12. Can you ice skate? Once upon a time I could; I haven’t tried in years and years. I imagine I could if I had to.
13. Do you remember your favorite gift? Spanky!
14. What’s the most important thing about the Holidays for you? Spending time with family, relaxing, and adding to my book collection!
15. What is your favorite Holiday Dessert? I always have to have at least a taste of pumpkin pie.
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition? There was a time when I lived in Maine that we’d have Chinese food for dinner on Christmas Eve, hang out, and then open one present. I liked that. Nowadays, I like spending Christmas Eve with Fred’s family and then having Christmas day to ourselves.
17. What tops your tree? Uh. I can’t for the life of me remember. A plastic star, maybe? What I’d really like to have is a cat tree topper that isn’t ugly or froufy. If anyone’s seen a cute one, point me toward it.
18. Which do you prefer giving or getting? I love it when I get the perfect gift for someone and seeing their face when they open it. I’m partial to getting, though. I’m not a saint!
19. What is your favorite Christmas Song? This year it’s O Holy Night. A perennial favorite is Little Drummer Boy, because it makes me tear up (hush up,
Nance. Heh!).
20. Candy Canes! Yuck or Yum? They’re pretty to decorate with and I’ll usually eat one each holiday season (or part of one), but I’m not addicted to them or anything.
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I’m largely done with my Christmas shopping; I’ve bought for my side of the family, and Fred’s putting off buying for his side, plus I need to figure out what to get the spud (I asked her “What do you want for Christmas?” and she said “I don’t know”, which is always helpful), but the stuff that needs to be shipped to Maine has been ordered, and some of it has even arrived.
Last night I fell asleep thinking about the presents that I needed to wrap, and ended up dreaming of my grandmother. Specifically that I got a call from my mother telling me that my grandmother was improving a great deal, that she was more lucid than she’d been in years, and that the doctors were certain she’d be able to go home in a matter of days.
I woke up in a panic, thinking “I didn’t get anything for Gram for Christmas!”, and I thought “What did I get for her last year?”, and it took almost a full minute of hard thinking before I realized I hadn’t gotten anything for her last year and
That’s really a bitch of a way to start the day.
* * *
I might have to start a new series called “Miz Poo gets a snootful.” because that cat sniffs EVERYTHING. She’s always got her head up someone’s ass, sniffing wildly while they stand there with a great big cartoon question mark over their head. And what’s worse is that after she sniffs their ass, nine times out of ten, she hisses and smacks them. She is just evil, evil, evil. (Which is probably why I love her so.)
Who needs a tissue?
All of today’s uploaded pictures are
* * *
2005: “Au contraire,” said the ringleader. “We found a SESAME SEED!”
2004: I give it two weeks before someone barfs on the new comforter.
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2001: “What will I do now that I don’t have to clean dust off my ball?”
2000: I’ll just not think about that.
1999: When she came to a stop, she sat up and swayed back and forth, blinking sleepily up at me.]]>
Robin, I placed bids (and guess what — I did not ask one question!! tee hee)
They ain’t no ARTICHOKE crap in the dip of the gods, woman.
Thanks for posting my iPod question. I decided that I’ll go for an iPod. I spent hours on eBay last night and decided no way. Those bidding fools were bidding for refurbished iPods almost to retail price. By the time you pay for shipping, I could get a brand new one at BestBuy for the same price and they would ship it to me for free if I go online. Some of the new units were going for more than retail and you can go to and get it engraved and shipped for free for the retail price. I might need to wait until after the Christmas craziness is over.
Beth: Well, YOU could have asked questions, ’cause you’re a Bitchypoo reader and thus special. 🙂
Fred: I bet it’d be better with artichoke in it.
Val: I didn’t think of this until I read someone’s response in yesterday’s comments, but I do wish the iPod had an FM radio function, because sometimes I’d like to listen to the radio. It’s just a small gripe, though, and I do love my BobPod beyond all reason.
believe it or not, Nicole actually does the “who needs a tissue” thing and in the same way. She started doing it as a kid (tongue to wipe nose) and her teachers thought it was hysterical and actually egged her on rather than correcting it. so here I am 27 years later trying….
I think that may have consituted as TMI!?!
Someone is selling a cute cat tree topper on eBay:
Have a great day! 😀
Fred, I made that dip on Thanksgiving and it was wiped out in no time.
Are any of your cats declawed? My 13 year old cat is and we just got a new kitten (she showed up on the front porch in July, very very tiny and injured, so we took her in) and she’s getting spayed and declawed next week. I’m just afraid it’s unneccessarily cruel, but I really don’t like having furniture and my arms dug up.
Yep, Racine Family Club is my group, and it was in answer to “what sites and blogs do you read?” 🙂
Hee, I googled “cat tree topper” and found this:
Robyn – Apple does make an FM Radio Remote for the iPod. But it only works with the nano models and the iPod with video.
Val – you might keep that in mind as you choose which iPod you want.
Robyn, you gave me quite a scare for a moment. When I read your answer to Do you hang mistletoe, my brain saw “No, but when I was a teenager, I had a HEADBOARD with a fake piece of mistletoe on it, and I got a couple of kisses out of wearing it.”
Robyn, this isn’t a tree topper but it IS so cute.
Reader Mary, please please please do not declaw your cat! google declawing a cat and read the many sites that talk about alternatives to declawing, also check this out. It truely convinced me to never declaw a cat.
I reckon if I sniffed all the asses around me I’d want to hiss and smack!!!!!
I can totally lick my nose like that.