Mister Boogers did not react well when we brought That Dog into the house a few weeks ago.
The day before we brought Jake home, Tommy and Mister Boogers could smell the doggy on Fred’s hand and found it FASCINATING.
I think the daffodils don’t realize winter’s not over yet.
The answer to my “What is this bush?” question of a few months ago: We have winter honeysuckle, one bush on each side of the porch, and it’s blooming. And it smells AWESOME, kind of lemony. I think those bushes will be staying.
We had the water oak on the side of the house trimmed back. Fred was afraid it’d look funny, but I think it turned out pretty well.
The pond, still full. Don’t you think that pond needs a few ducks?
The sunset, from the front porch of the Smallville house.
I’ve got a new purse, this one bought at a Liz Claiborne factory store in Pigeon Forge. I like it a lot, but I haven’t forsaken my beloved Healthy Back bags. I just need a bit of a break for a while before I realize how PERFECT the Healthy Back Bag is for me.
Who wants Monkey Butt? NO ONE.
I swear, she’s enjoying this.
This would be the picture that convinced me it might be time to go down a size (to medium) in these pants. (Though I still haven’t done it yet!)
If nothing else, looking at Debbie’s pictures from the trip to Pigeon Forge points up (to me, at least) the fact that I’m far more willing to have my picture taken than I was in the past.
Hatin’ you.
Tomorrow: Stuff I Didn’t Buy.
(All of today’s uploaded pictures can be seen here.)

Go Robyn! You are smaller than your mother AND your nephew Brian. Yep, time to downsize on those clothes.
You always look like you have so much fun on your family trips!
You’re looking great! I think its time for a smaller jacket too! You are swimming in that one! Go you!
I’m a big fan of Philosophy products, especially the moisturizer called “Hope in a Jar.” You can get it at sephora.com.
You have such beautiful eyes.
at the age of almost 30, for the first time in my life, I have to have an anti-acne regimen: cetaphil wash in the shower AND use it as my moisturizer in the day (I can’t, dries out my skin TOO much). Then, more cetaphil at night (I NEVER washed my face twice a day unless I was wearing make-up and even then I hardly did that) and Differin gel (an Rx).
Now, on way to stay young when you aren’t is to not only watch MTV wheven though the target audience is aged 12-24, but use the products they are advertising on said channel (like me and my Differin).
I agree with Lisa. The coat needs a downsizing too. You swim in a pool not clothes. Hee Hee! New concept: Show off that bode!
You really ARE smaller than your mom. That must piss her off.
You look fantastic in your pictures, Robyn!! And that Monkey Butt site is HILARIOUS. 😛
I’m a big fan of Leslie Baumann’s The Skin Type Solution book. I wasted so much money on products that didn’t work for me or freaked out my skin. Now that I know what type I am and what products to avoid, my skin (and pocketbook) is so much happier. You can check out her website, but you have to get the book to take the quiz.
I like the Olay Regenerist line — the cleanser has little scrubby things in it, but it doesn’t dry my face out, and the moisturizer is SPF 15, which pale faces like me need.
I’m devoted to CeraVe cleanser and moisturizer. It’s the first cleanser I’ve used that actually moisturized as promised.
Shelly: I really do! 🙂
Anita: ::blush:: Thank you!
Lisa & Val: I know, I need a new coat, but I looooove my yellow jacket from Land’s End – plus, this time last year I couldn’t fit into it, so it’s got sentimental value. Uh… right? 🙂
Everyone beat me to the punch. You ARE smaller than your mother. You’ve never really gone into much detail about her reaction to the new you. Is she still kind of pissy about WLS rather than “will power.”
Also…buy yourself a new coat already! You deserve it! If it’s from last year, you can probably get the same one for half price on their web-site outlet!
Here’s an idea…how about it all of your readership nominated you (and secretly videotaped you…stalk!) for “What Not to Wear?” That way you could get a free trip to New York and a $5000 shopping spree. I doubt they’d let you spend it on e-bay though.
You look MAH-velous!
I just use purpose soap. But I need to find some kind of oil free moisturizer.
I use Cetaphil also- both CVS & Kroger carry a generic version that’s the same stuff as the name brand. I’m pretty lazy when it comes to primping, so I find that just using this in the shower in the morning works pretty well.
Totally go clothes shopping – it’s the sales, lady! Quick! Especially now most of the work on the house is done. Buy something glittery and have Fred take you out for a nice dinner.
Reading your comments, I agree that Philosophy stuff *is* great, but I just wanted to pass on some very good advice that someone gave to me once: use as few products as possible and just take 30 seconds to massage your moisturiser in, not just slap it on. These days I just use a face flannel, rose facial oil, and a vitamin e gel on any problem bits.
It’s sort of offensively expensive, but if you have super-sensitive skin (as I do) I don’t think you can beat Clinique’s line of products. I started using their foaming cleanser, exfoliator and super defense moisturizer a few months ago and my skin had never looked better. I justify the cost because I don’t use a lot of it and it lasts for a long time.
It’s sort of offensively expensive, but if you have super-sensitive skin (as I do) I don’t think you can beat Clinique’s line of products. I started using their foaming cleanser, exfoliator (occasionally) and super defense moisturizer a few months ago and my skin had never looked better. It’s the moisturizer that’s really worth the money. I justify the cost because I don’t use a lot of it and it lasts for a long, long time.
Robyn, you do look great. For the past 20 years I have used nothing but Oil of Olay for sensitive skin, people can’t believe it when I tell them that I am 70 years old. I try not to dress frumpy and that might help too. I agree you need to wear a smaller size. Don’t you know that oversized clothes make you look fatter? didn’t you learn anything from the clerk who thought you were pregnant? Just teasing. Thanks for the great pictures. I used to visit Pigeon Forge a lot when I was younger and seeing the streets in the background brought back fond memories. Enjoy life while you are young. Young only comes around once.
I’m with Kate. Though I don’t use the exact products she uses, I do love Clinique and have been buying their skin care and makeup for years.
Pretty teensy Robyn!
I have sensitive skin, and this regimen has worked great for years: washing morning and night with Purpose liquid soap. Moisturize in the morning with Neutrogena oil-free
I don’t wear much makeup, usually just powder, and Cornsilk is THE BEST. It’s pretty cheap too. 🙂
I really like the Olay Regenerist line, although their plain old moisturizer does the trick in a pinch. And it smells sooo goooood. I read a trick on a website, that you can use the unscented Regenerist on both your face and around your eyes, rather than buying Regenerist eye separately.
I read an article in a magazine that said most skin care products use basically the same ingredients and the price has nothing to do with the quality or ingredients. I have extremely sensitive skin and the Cetaphil line is all I use after spending hundreds and hundreds of dollars on things that made me turn beet red or break out!
If you jump up and down I bet those pants would fall to the ground. You deserve a shopping spree! You’ll love going shopping and having everything fit!
You look great!
I’m sitting here marveling over DAFFODILS in January!
I was going to say you’re SWIMMING in those pants, but everyone beat me to it. 🙂 You look great, of course, but I think you look so much happier in pictures now. I guess that’s the big difference I’ve noticed.
I’ve been using the embarrassingly expensive Patricia Wexler stuff (Bath & Body Works), but even the small sizes in the starter kit last quite a while. B&BW is always offering specials and sales on that product line, too, which helps. You have younger skin than I do, though, so PW might be overkill for you.
Robyn, you are rockin’ with this whole weight loss thing. You are looking great.
I agree with the other poster – you need to start wearing clothes that fit! Baggy clothes just make you look bigger than you are (just like when skinny people wear baggy clothes to look “bigger” they still look skinny – my husband does this all the time.) We know you’ve got a hot bod hiding under there. You are looking fantastic!
As for skincare, I like Clinique. Just the foaming cleanser and the dramactically different moisturiser. I always skip the toner otherwise I feel like there’s too much on my face.
you have great eyes. I like seeing them all the time! 🙂
Why didn’t Spud go with you to Pigeon Forge? I’m used to seeing her and Brian together.
Robyn, you look BEAUTIFUL, no matter what you’re wearing. 😀
I’d have to know more about your skin to suggest anything specific. Because my skin is oily, acne-prone, and crazy, I use a variety of products depending on it’s “mood.” Suki Naturals – chamomile serum, white willow toner; Aveda – tourmaline charged oil-free spf 15 lotion, gel cleanser; and Proactiv. Also a couple Kiss My Face products as needed, and a Freeman avocado/oatmeal/clay mask. I find I need a bit more moisture (though still mostly oil-free) as I age. It seemed sacrilegious to use that Suki serum, which is jojoba-based, but it only takes a drop and really helps this time of year.
I have one of those bags. I like it, but it kept sliding into a non-vertical position on my shoulder. I have the strap as short as it will go, too, since I’m short. And I didn’t like having the back pocket (my phone) to my back, either. (Damn, I’m picky.) Maybe I had too much stuff in there.
I use 1 percent Tretinoin with the Obagi line. It is not inexpensive, but I’m turning 50 in a little over 2 weeks, and even if I have to say it myself, I look mahvelous!!
(Warning: pricey, plus not without some suffering, but worth it, in my opinion.)
I am addicted to the Principal Secret line – I know, I fell for the infomercial one late night, but when I stopped using it my face went to hell. You can buy a one month kit for like $30 that includes dace soap, moisturizer, exfoliant, eye gel. It’s pricier than using Olay or other high end drug store lines, but I found that none of them really worked for me. So, it’s my splurge.
I use so much stuff on my face it’s kind of embarrassing. Right now, I moisturize with Oil of Olay face cream, but just on my cheeks, because the rest of my face is like an oil spill! I thought acne was supposed to clear up after being a teenage; guess again. To cleanse, I use a benzoyl peroxide prescription wash; then Clinique’s toner 2; then I put on either one of two prescription acne creams. So far it seems to be working 😉 My dermatologist LOVES me.
You are absolutely glowing in pics now. Please, please buy smaller clothes–show off that rocking bod of yours!
Not only are you getting positively teeny tiny but you do NOT look 39. Your skin is fantastic! (I can say that as I am the worldly age of 40 🙂
I agree with Shirley above. I have used Oil of Olay since the 70’s and I will be 50 next month but I look younger than I really am. I stay out of the sun as much as possible too.
When I win the lottery, I might go for the La Mer products. I heard they are the best for keeping your face dewy fresh like a 20 year old. lol
I agree with everyone that you do need to buy much smaller clothes.
LOVE the new house photos and love what you and Fred have been doing with the new house. It’s beautiful.
I used expensive crap for many years, but switched to Olay Regenerist when I got a free sample. Amazed at the improvement in my skin after a couple of weeks, even though I already had good skin, so that’s what I stuck with.
It’s inexpensive, especially if you buy it on Amazon, and you only use a tiny bit so the product lasts a long time. I LOVE it!
I’m a big fan of the Aveeno products – I’m using the Radiance line, but they have cleansers and moisturizers for several skin types, and so far nothing I’ve tried has caused me to itch or break out.
Strange…I just have to tell you…I’ve noticed before….but….
Ever since I’ve read your posts…I’ve known we both have the ‘love of cats’ (Lord help us! I have TWENTY-EIGHT total…ALL spayed/neutered…however…only 7 of the loveable little idiots are in the house…thank goodness) in our hearts…but I’ve noticed (and am finally commenting)…that we also have the ‘love of a nice dining room table’ too!! I have the same one!! Strange.But.True.
I guess when I saw your post of Christmas cards…saw the one I sent…I felt I could tell you! :-)!!