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Currently reading: The Last Time I Saw Paris, by Elizabeth Adler.
Finished last night: The Usual Rules, by Joyce Maynard. Very, very good book. It’s written from the perspective of a 13 year-old girl who loses her mother on 9/11, and what her life is like afterward. I teared up so many times while reading this book I’m surprised I didn’t get dehydrated.
Which reminds me – I once wrote that for the longest time, I thought Jacquelyn Michard and Joyce Maynard were the same person. So when I read the afterword at the end of Joyce Maynard’s book, imagine my surprise when I found that Jacquelyn Mitchard helped Joyce Maynard come up with the name for the protagonist of The Usual Rules. I guess they’re buddies, or at least acquaintances.
It’s a small, small literary world.

Thanks to reader Clarise’s comment about
Tuesday’s entry, I now have a brand-spanking-new tagline for this site. How’s this:
Bitchypoo: An acidic and hostile place.
I think one of you talented types should work me up a logo that includes that tagline! Please?
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Okay, I have something very odd and disturbing to show you. I’ve thought about just NOT showing this to y’all, but honestly, it’s something that needs to be seen, if we are to someday understand it.
First, a little backstory. When I was in Maine, we decided to run over to Village Candles in Topsham to see what they had on sale. I walked around for quite a while, checking out the sales, sniffing candles, and repeatedly telling myself that I didn’t need to buy ANYTHING, that I have a ton of candles at home I haven’t used up yet, and I for sure didn’t need any more Christmas decorations. And then I went over to the 50% off table, and I saw something that just left me speechless.
Did I get pictures? But of course.

A shell… on a stick. A SHELL ON A STICK. The mind absolutely boggles. I couldn’t look away. I just don’t get it – what the hell is the point of a shell on a stick? What does one DO with a shell on stick? Do people stand in their houses and look around and say “I like what the decorator did… but it needs something more. No, not a sculpture. No, not a painting. Something just right… Something different… Something that will impress all the neighbors… Something oceanic… Something shell-y. Something stick-y. Eureka! A shell on a stick! You think they might have shells on sticks around here somewhere?”
A shell on a stick. If you’re looking for one, your prayers have been answered. They were originally $24 each, but were marked down to $12 – being on the 50% off table and all – so you’d better hurry! Wouldn’t a shell on a stick be a lovely conversation piece? You could put it on your mantel and when your mother came over to visit, she could say “What the hell is up with the shell on a stick? I raised you better than that!”
I honestly came thisclose to buy two shells on sticks and sending one each to
Jane and
Nance, along with notes that said “This made me think of you!” just because I knew that I’d get “What the fuck?” emails from them.
A shell on a stick.
Now I’ve seen everything.
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“Yeah, I was minding my own damn business, and Mister Boogers shoved his fat ass right into the bed with me. Does this bed LOOK like it’s made to hold two adult cats? I DON’T THINK SO. Also, he’s hogging all the sunshine.”
“How YOU doin’?”
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2005: Every movie and every show we watch, heβs in there deconstructing it.
2004: Memes.
2003: A day in the life of Spot J. And3rson.
2002: No entry.
2001: Blech.
2000: I now officially have too damn many books to read.
A shell-on-a-stick *is* pretty odd. The stick kind of defeats the whole purpose of the shell, doesn’t it??
Shell on a stick then the two cats…. Just cracked me up..
I’m gonna make you a logo, but I noticed your header is pretty damn huge. You know you can adjust that, right? Or do you want it that big? I’ll try to make the logo fit the space. π
My house is decorated like a beach house (without an overabundance of shells around, just beachy stuff and beachy colors) and even *I* find those shells-on-sticks pointless, disturbing and creepy. Nice to see there is something beachy out there that I DON’T want to buy – thanks, Robyn! π
I love inspiring people…makes me feel all warm and gooey on the inside…
Kym – I usually adjust the space to fit the logo – the one up there now just happens to be a big one, but smaller (or less tall?) would be fine, too! π
May-be you’re supposed to set a candle or something in the shell?
I know, it’s still creepy.
I was thinking sand in the shell with a votive- only because you mention the candles and such.
shell on a stick does boggle ones mind!
On a stick: Made me think of this ventriloquist. http://www.onastick.com/website/Video/jose.mov Jose Jalapeno on a stick. He is very funny, especially in person.
A shell on a stick though? Not something I would want.
Robyn, I think you buy the smallest kitty beds possible just to torture those poor babies.
I can’t explain it but I like the shell on a stick idea. I always though that just having a conch shell lying around looked bad, especially after it’s been knocked around a bit, and had some of its corners knocked off. But the shell on a stick looked like it would be put up somewhere where it wouldn’t get knocked around. (I guess I could explain it.)
Granted, my first reaction to the pictures was “Vagina on a stick!”
The shell on a stick is bizarre. Perhaps it makes it easier when you want to “hear the ocean”. Just pick up the stick and voila!
Poor Spanky! It’s tough havin’ to share. ;o)
Hi Spot!
I would have paid the postage to send those two the shells/stick thing. Only because then Nance would have felt guilty for NOT displaying it in her house.
Worth it just to give her something else to dust!!
May Jacquelyn Michard and Joyce Maynard really are the same person and they talk to each other inside her head. That could be how Jacquelyn helped Joyce come up with the name. Think about it!!!
Seems to me a wonder why those shells on a stick were on the clearance table. Who WOULDN’T want such a lovely knick knack on display, on the mantle? Centerpiece for the dining table? Something to unclog the toilet perhaps?? The possibilities are endless! π
Five Toes the cat has two tongues. The URL is the video.
I thought the disturbing thing about the shells-on-sticks was that they all look like genitalia. There’s a picture where the male one is pointing menacingly at the female one, even. Or is it just me?
I see some Spanky, and I like it. He’s my favorite!
Granted, my first reaction to the pictures was βVagina on a stick!β …..
Me too, mind in gutter… Gross! I will probably see these on an HGTV re design show!
Laura, I thought the same thing as you.
‘Bitchypoo: An acidic and hostile place’.. Oh Robyn, those who read and love you KNOW you are just a big softie at heart. You know, in a crazy cat lady way π
$12 for ugly on a stick, what a bargain! They are selling these for $59 for a set of three at Ballard Designs!
LOL! I was looking at the shell thinking it reminded me of…. something.
Then I saw the “vagina on a stick” comment and eureka! It’s kind of like a plastic vagina in an OBGYN office.