I ran a few errands yesterday before my hair appointment, and next year when I’m bitching about the line at the post office, y’all feel free to remind me that I live so close to the Smallville post office that I can step out onto the front porch and see it, and a long line at that post office is maybe three people. I was going to check the PO Box in Madison and had two packages to mail, so was just going to mail it from there, only I stopped at the Smallville post office instead, and I was out of there in less than five minutes. I still went to the Madison post office to check the PO Box, and I was very glad to not have to stand in the thirty-person-long line there. From there, I went to Walgreen’s to pick up some pictures, and then I had just enough time to get to the hair-cuttin’ place for my 11:00 appointment. The last few times I’ve had my hair done, the hair chick asked when I was going to bring her some eggs. I’d been meaning to, but kept forgetting, and yesterday I finally remembered. She was quite impressed with the blue eggs – had never seen blue eggs before – and said she was going to use them to make her Christmas morning casserole. With my hair did, and styled in the fashion I refer to as “’60s Helmet ‘Do”, I stopped by the grocery store for dinner ingredients, and got home a few minutes before 2:00, just in time for lunch. I was unloading groceries from my car when Fed Ex showed up with a couple of boxes. He carried them to the side stoop for me (I tried to take them from him, but he was all “I’ve got it! They’re kind of heavy! Little lady!” (okay, not so much the “little lady” part)) and after I’d put the groceries away I brought the boxes inside (okay, they were a bit heavy. But not too heavy for me, because I = badass. Also, stronger than I look.) and opened them. Last week I ordered a bunch of “green” cleaning products from Gaiam. Here at Crooked Acres, we have a septic tank, and thus everything I clean with gets washed into the septic tank, and I would really hate it if all kind of chemicals messed with the septic tank. (Also, I loves me some environment and cares tons about the world I leave behind for my child and grandchildren blah blah blah.) So the boxes that came yesterday was all the cleaning stuff I’d ordered, and when I opened the boxes, what did I find? All that environmentally safe cleaning stuff packed in environment-killing styrofoam peanuts. I called Fred and told him of the horror. Then my mother called, and I told her of the horror. Then I emailed Jane to ask her if this was true irony or just Alanis Morrissette irony, and she emailed me back to say that it was true irony (and then she mentioned the environment-killing airline fuel and gas used to get that environmentally safe cleaning stuff to my house, which I hadn’t even thought of. Well, I had thought of it, but when I compared the cost to the environment versus the cost to my mental health caused by having to drive to the health food store and be around all those dirty hippies, I figured the environment could just suck it). So I was gearing up for a diatribe about the ridiculousness and how Gaiam doesn’t care all THAT much about the environment, and then I got to looking at the insert that came with the order, where I read These off-white “peanuts” are made from a starch mixture of potato and wheat. They are 100% biodegradable and water soluble and will not pollute groundwater. They can be disposed of in your garbage disposal, flushed down a toilet or drain, dissolved in the yard with a hose or in your composter. Well played, Gaiam. And since the peanuts are safe for the environment, I didn’t take the one Sugarbutt was playing with away from him, and after he chewed it for a little while, he walked away licking his lips, and there on the floor behind him was a pile of peanut goo. I flicked it out into the yard, secure in the knowledge that I am not killing the environment. Well. I AM killing the environment with my mere existence – global warming? TOTALLY my fault! – but not with that peanut!

Previously 2006: I wonder how often dental patients go into a screaming rage and get violent with dental hygienists, because I certainly feel the impulse every time I have my teeth cleaned. 2005: Also, if Hollabackness is a desired state of being, how do I go about achieving it? 2004: Apparently she’s a princess now. 2003: Three things. 2002: My shit list. 2001: Emailing gets me all excited. 2000: I sure whine about the weather a lot, don’t I? 1999: Disaster averted!]]>
LOL – you said Jane, but you linked Nance. Subconcious error? 🙂
Whoops! It’s fixed. 🙂
You may also lick and stick those peanuts to construction paper and make wonderful snowman pictures with young children or cats if you prefer. 🙂
I’ll have to check out Gaiam products and see what I’m missing. I usually use Method products – I love the “Good for Wood” wood cleaner. It smells so yummy I want to lick the dusty cloth.
I do have to say that my desire to save the planet is usually limited to what I can easily pick up on a Target run!
Make it stop looking at me, mommy! Make it STOOOOOOPPPPP… ::sobbing::
***So the boxes that came yesterday … Then I emailed Jane … and she emailed me back***
Aha! So she IS alive!!
(“A clue, Watson!”)
What did you think of the big smackdown this week on the real housewives of orange county? What brand of cleaning products were you using before the Gaiam ones arrived? Which ones do you like better?
Heh. You got pwned by the peanuts.
Thanks for the Assets tip. I’ve decided to buy one and try it now instead of waiting. So much cheaper!
In the picture of the boogs you can see the love coming through the het …….. what a cutie!
My cat adores those starch peanuts. She’ll play fetch for hours with one. I enjoy dissolving them in water, myself.
Oh man, I should have commented yesterday. I have purple velvet curtains from Target, you can order them online. They darken the room really well and are very substantial and don’t have the tap top that I think sometimes ruins the look of pretty curtains. It’s nearly impossible to have a good shot of them considering my walls are also dark purple but this is better than nothing:
Since someone else eluded to it and I have been wondering about it….did something happened between Jane and Nance? I have been reading all three of you for years but was out of the loop for a period of time…
What do you feed your cats? Just wondering, as I have 2 myself. 🙂
So, I know you met Fred online on IRC. Were you at all concerned about telling him you were overweight? I know that he was too at the time but it seems to matter less for the mens.
“Mr.Booger’s Stalker??” But “I” love Mr.Boogers and you CANNOT have him!
My mom owned a retail gift store and she called the packing peanuts,”Ghost Poop”.
How many cat beds do you have? Are they “assigned” or “first come, first serve?”. Looks like Miz Poo is eyeballing a bed…
Robyn is really wanting to make ME cry because I’m the reason her dumb ass has been posting every single day for the past two months. Snort.
If either of you REALLY loved/were obsessed with him, you’d know it’s MISTER Boogers. No abbreviations for this cool cat. (I got called on it when I said that… something, Teasing “Mr.” Boogers or something like that, would be a great name for a band.)
That picture still creeps me out. I wonder why. ::full body shudder::
Robyn, I give you full props for posting every day this month. I don’t know how you are doing it.
my husband once ate about 1/2 a cup of the “natural” foam peanuts before mentioning that the new cheetos had no flavor. unfortunately, he didn’t die! if he had, i would have been on “snapped” last season!
the true test, they dissolve in water!
We always liked to torment the cats with the “green” packing peanuts. You just lick one end so it’s sticky and then stick in in the middle of their foreheads. At least with my pretty-but-dumb cats, what you get is a cat who keeps tilting their head up to try to see what that *thing* floating up there might be. Until it freaks them out enough to try to gracefully bat it off. Then you do it all over again. With two peanuts. Hours of fun for the whole family!