Yesterday, Felicia and Punki went back to the pet store. They’d had two and a half weeks of rest and relaxation (and racing like wild things through the house), so it was time for them to go back and be available for adoption.
Skittles, who was laying in the middle of the room when I picked up Punki and Felicia and popped them into the carrier and left with them, has decided that I am The Devil and not to be trusted. She won’t even stay in the same room with me. I walk into the foster room, she runs down the hall and hides under the guest bed. I go into the guest bedroom to sweet-talk her, and she races down the hall and hides under the dresser in the foster room.
This, after she had gotten up the nerve to come downstairs Monday night and do some exploring. She discovered one of the baskets of cat toys, and made herself at home.
Now, she wants nothin’ to do with me. I wonder, once Elle goes to the pet store and Skittles is the only foster kitten around, if she’ll turn friendlier?
Only time will tell.
Punki was NOT pleased to be back at the pet store, and she wasn’t shy about letting me know. I’m covering for the Thursday morning person, and I’m hoping that one or both of them will have been adopted by then. I sure hope so – they’re such good kitties that anyone would fall in love with them.
Felicia checks out the view.
I assure you that if Stinkerbelle saw those hussies all snuggled up with HER MAN, she would NOT be pleased!

Previously 2006: Le sigh. 2005: no, I didn’t take anything for the pain. Then I couldn’t bitch about the pain. DUH! 2004: Yep, fuck that. 2003: The child is evil. EVIL, I say. 2002: (Close your email clients, you damn Crimson-heads. I know you lurrrve your football team and all, but really. Breaking news?) 2001: Woman of the Year. 2000: What can I say? I’m just the kinda gal who likes profanity in her daily email… 1999: “Let’s kill the Mommy bitch and eat all the canned cat food in the house, then lay around and lick the litter out from between our toes.”]]>
*echoes deeply*
The Dreaded Pink Claw of Doom
“The Dreaded Pink Claw of Doom”
It won’t slash you, but it will leave a nasty little bruise. Be afraid, be very afraid.
It ain’t a house with cats unless the bedside table has a can of air on it.
I had to laugh at the cats on the bed. Now that it’s cold out, all 4 climb on the bed with me at night. I’ve started calling them mooses because that’s what it feels like when I have to get up to go and they are dead weight. I have one cat that does not liked to be touched except by me. He’s always on a leg or my side. I have another cat that loves touching by anyone. He has been forced to my other side by Grouchy. So I am pinned every night.
No Fair! Valentine has to be held for at least 15 minutes after i put caps on her or she manages to rip them right off… She is determined I tell you…. She hates being held too, so that is always sooooooo fun!
Another reason Robyn is better than me. Holding down cats and putting things on their claws would not be something I would do. I don’t believe in de-clawing so I applaud your efforts.
I solved the cat clawing problem by NOT having cats but instead, ended up with 2 small dogs that THINK they are cats.
I think it is a good thing most days.
Hey Robyn! Got the great freebie grocery bags. LOVE THEM ALREADY! Thanks thanks thanks!
Robyn–How did you know what size Soft Paws to order? I’d like to try them, my cats are 17 and 14 lbs. and not sure which size(s) to get. Any advice??? Thanks!
You have HOW many cats?
I have no room to talk. I was up to eight. Now I’m back to down to seven 🙁
With the Soft Paws, don’t you have to worry about their claws getting too long? 4 of mine have claws, and my couch and loveseat are getting shredded. No new furniture until I get something to fix that.
And I adore Skittles. She is too precious!
“We should do Stinky,” Fred said.”
I totally came back and had to quote this because it has been in my head ALL DAY.