Axi-Dent. I swear that I’ve been meaning to start up a “recommended” page with a link in the sidebar so y’all would always know where to find the name of the stuff, but I just haven’t gotten around to it yet. I will, though. One of these days!
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When Fred was at Lowe’s the other day, he saw a cinnamon broom and thought it smelled so good that he should buy it. So he did, and I looked at when I got up, and I said “What are we supposed to do with this?”, and he said “I thought maybe we could hang it on the wall?” and I said “It’s pine pressed with cinnamon oil. You don’t think cinnamon oil would stain the wall?” and he said “What if we just leaned it in the corner?”, and then he looked at the back of the broom and noticed that there was a hook for hanging, and after a few more moments of brainstorming, we pulled a magnet off the refrigerator and hung the cinnamon broom on the back of the door leading to the garage.
And now the entire downstairs smells of cinnamon, and between the cinnamon broom in the kitchen/ living room area, and the Yankee Candle air freshener spewing out lemon scent in the hallway leading to the stairs, if you walked into our house you would keel over dead, either from allergies or from the sheer yumminess of smelling our house.
Actually, that’s a lie. The cinnamon broom got so overwhelming last night that I had to toss it, because my throat was burning. It smelled good in the house for a little while, though.
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You know, if Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie seriously wanted people to believe there was nothing going on between them before he divorced Jennifer Aniston, it might behoove Brad to not immediately
attempt to adopt Angelina’s children like a month after the Pitt-Aniston divorce was made final.
And further, these lightning-quick Hollywood romances are just seriously fucked up. I mean, Angelina doesn’t have the longest-lasting romantic track record; does it occur to her that maybe she should wait, like, a year or so before making Brad her baby daddy?
When and if – and I mostly mean “when” – these two break up, I hope there’s a lot of interesting drama. Maybe they could stand in the street and she could pull on Maddox’s feet and Brad could pull on Maddox’s head, and they could swear at each other at the top of their lungs and yell “Mine! Mine! Mine!” while the paparazzi snap pictures and Maddox cries.
Just kidding. I wouldn’t wish that on poor little Maddox, even if his hair
does annoy me.
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Pet store kitty pics from yesterday are
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Currently reading:
Lost Boys, by Orson Scott Card. I’m about halfway through, and may I just say, it’s taking an awful long fucking time to get some action going on. I’m enjoying it, though.
Finished last night:
Gods in Alabama, by Joshilyn Jackson. Oh, how I love books about crazy southern families, I just do – no one can do crazy families like the southerners can. I loved this book. LOVED IT. I hate it when I discover a first-time author, because then I have to sit around and twiddle my thumbs while they write their next book. At least when I discover an author who’s had a few books out, I can read their previous books while I’m waiting for the next one.
new Sue Grafton will be out tomorrow. ABOUT FUCKING TIME, I say.
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Price of gas, yesterday. Now I feel like a dumbass for swearing to the spud that I didn’t think gas would ever go under $2 a gallon again. I’m NOT complaining, I’m just surprised.
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How can you resist the lure of the the little pink toes?
Tom Cullen’s still protesting the Survivor stupidity. I think he’s serious about this…

All of today’s uploaded pictures are
Wait until you finish Lost Boys. I loved OSC’s Ender series (and the shadow series) but this was seriously weird. He has a couple stand alones that are just *bizarre*
Little! Pink! Kitty! Toes!! 😀
Gas will probably never get to under 2$ in NV, so dance a happy dance you southern girl! I would faint if I saw 1.99 again. lol
Here in Oklahoma it’s in the $1.80s and even upper $1.70s some places 🙂 It would be everywhere if the prices weren’t artificially high just to gouge us 🙁
Wait… there are places with sub-two dollar gas? Right now? Gah!
About $2.15 here. 🙁
I, too, have been waiting patiently for the next Grafton novel!
Thanks for the heads up on the new Grafton book – I put it on my library request list, and I bet I’ll only have to wait six months.
Gas under $2.00/gal???? You guys are lucky. We were pretty excited when the cheap station went down to $2.17 yesterday.
I agree. Lost Boys was kind of bizarre. It went along perfectly normally and then it just totally changes course at the end. Or at least that’s what I remember of it. And I certainly had no qualms about putting it in the give-away box after reading it, even though it had been given to me as a Christmas present.
I see you using Lulu for your calendars and was wondering if you have any comments about them and their site. I’m thinking of using them to self-publish a few copies of a book but don’t know much about Lulu.
I m sorry, but I LOVED Lost Boys. I cry every time I get to the last few pages….it does take a little to get into though. Love the kitty toes too.
Jen: Creating the calendars with Lulu was very easy, but I haven’t actually seen the result – I ordered one of each of the calendars, but they haven’t arrived yet. I can tell you that I’ve seen a copy of a Lulu book, and it’s pretty nice, well put together, not cheap-looking at all.
I have a co-worker who self-published a book with Lulu and it turned out really well. The subject matter (martial arts and self-discipline) really aren’t my bag, but the book is good quality for the price.
good idea about the “recommended” column.
I have gotten the best info on products from you and other journalers.
Oh, you are so not gonna dig the end of “Lost boys”. I’m just sayin’
Speaking of crazy families, have you read Bleachy-haired Honky Bitch by Hollis Gillespie?
Christy: No, but with a title like that, I’m certainly going to have to!
I was so EXCITED… when I went to our local library earlier this evening, the new Sue Grafton book was on the rental shelves – so for a mere $1, that book is mine for a week!! Like it will even take me near that long to read it – NOT. 🙂
So know where you are coming from with these ‘quickie’ celebrity relationships. Is it just me or do a lot of them live like their lives are constantly in Fast Forward?
They have money, they have luxuries, they have all the time in the world. WHY the rush in so many cases?!