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I had my appointment with the ear nose and throat specialist – we’ll call him Dr. NeckDoctor – on Friday. Basically he reviewed my thyroid uptake scan (which he told me was kind of useless, because nodules don’t show up on those), felt up my neck, looked down my throat to check my vocal chords (I had to keep going “EEEEEE!” and I became amused at how I sounded, so instead of going “EEEEE!” again when he commanded it, I went more like “HEEHEE!”, but he didn’t seem to notice), and basically told me he didn’t think it was cancer (Hey, that was my diagnosis, too!), but he wanted to send me for an ultrasound, get a biopsy of the nodule (He kindly paused while I screamed and ran around in circles. Not because I’m afraid of the pain (a bunch of you have laid my fears to rest on that, thank you very much, you awesome readers), but the idea of a needle? Going into my neck? EEK!) and if it comes back normal (which I fully expect it to), they’ll go ahead and remove my ENTIRE NECK.
Kidding! No, if it comes back normal, it’ll be a matter of just keeping an eye on it to make sure nothing goes Terribly Wrong. He was very reassuring that in his opinion the chances of it being cancer were very low, but that if you were going to get some kind of cancer, thyroid cancer would be the kind to get since it’s so incredibly curable and there aren’t even any side effects from the chemotherapy.
“So, I don’t want you to worry,” he said.
“Oh, I’m not worried,” I said. And I’m not. The good thing about me is that while I might talk about being worried about cancer and neck removals here in my journal, that’s not the sort of thing I worry about in my day to day life. It’s pointless to worry about it ’cause either it’s cancer or it’s not and I’ve got better things to fret about.
(Such as the fact that I still have a few more things to buy for Christmas!)
I have an appointment for an ultrasound tomorrow afternoon, then once the ENT gets the results back from that, they’ll schedule me a biopsy with a guy who’s so good at what he does – according to Dr. NeckDoctor – that he’s worth waiting for. In other words, I don’t guess the biopsy is going to be right away.
Thaaat’s just fine with me. I’m okay with waiting!
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Tufted titmouse (hee!). I really need to clean the outside of the dining room window if I’m going to be taking pictures through it.
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This morning at the pet store, I am unhappy to announce, Catie, Flopsy, and Mopsy were all still there. Adoptions have dropped off a lot this past week, I guess. I was sure to give them some extra love, and Catie was perfectly happy to go back into her cage, but Flopsy and Mopsy gave me the betrayed looks and I was this close to just stuffing them in my purse and bringing them home for a few days.
I hope they get adopted by next Monday, is all I’ll say.
The Christmas kitties (what I’m calling our current fosters) are doing okay. They’re still very skittish, but they’ve calmed down a little. They flinch away from us when we reach out to pet them, but not as much as they are. We’re spending as much time with them as we can, and Jack Frost and Faith have started squeaking at us when we walk into the room. I don’t know if they’re squeaking at us in greeting or if they’re telling us to go away, but they’re squeaking whereas before they were completely silent.
The best thing of all is that last night Fred got Faith to purr. And once she was purring, Kringle started purring, too. The other kittens milled around with little question marks hanging over their heads, as if they didn’t know what this sound was or where it was coming from. Fred suggested that the sound of the purring reminded them of their mother and they found it comforting. Who knows? All I know is that this was the first time we got any of them to purr (I got Kringle to purr again this morning), and it’s a step in the right direction.

Noelle with troll hair. She’s the most skittish of the bunch, which is too bad, ’cause I want to pick her up and kiss her and squeeze her.

“Lady, why you flashing that thing at me?”

“Bob! Hey, BOB! I hear you’re the man to talk to!”

All of today’s uploaded pictures can be seen
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2005: No entry.
2004: And if I ever get the urge to go shopping at the mall on a Saturday two weeks before Christmas, I’ll lay down until it goes away.
2003: Thank god I’m not famous. I could handle being followed around by the papparazzi, but live interviews on the TV and radio? Fuck THAT.
2002: My favorite Christmas entry, ever. Chock-full of the Bitchypoo Christmas Spirit.
2001: Of course my world revolves around me and the people I care about. And yours revolves around you. Except when it revolves around me.
2000: I think they should hire me to play his girlfriend – the stripper with a heart of gold – because I just love that man right to pieces
1999: No entry.]]>
Louis Pasteur?? WTF? That’s really making me laugh.
I’m very relieved an ENTIRE NECKECTOMY isn’t a possibility! 🙂
You know… with any art form you get better and more creative the more you practice it.
You are getting to be quite the little picture taker. Especially with zee kitties. 🙂
Love the one of Miz Poo on the stairs.
I think the Christmas kitties are quite exotic looking. Do you agree?
Holy Shit, I just realized you lost an entire person. A very small person, but damn.
I guess I didn’t realize just how much until you posted these photos. You don’t even look like the same person.
You not only lost 145 pounds, you lost 145 YEARS!
Okay now I need to go back and read the rest of your entry. Just had to get that out.
I’ve done that look-alike thing and it said I look like George Soros, for chrissakes. Also Marianne Faithfull and Brigitte Bardot, so it redeemed itself a bit there, but it listed at least as many men as women.
Those kittens are so cute that it’s physically painful to look at them.
Isn’t it fun getting kittens to pur? Once we got them to pur, Zoe never stopped. We took to calling her Evinrude because her motor was always going.
You and your husband have really made a lot of progress on the work needed at the new house!
Glad to hear your thyroid is probably nothing to worry about.
Hee! Even kittens know that “Bob” is the man! Love it, LOVE it!
Heh – one of my pics was one of the kids from hansen (mmmm-bop anyone?) and annika sorensten. My other pic was reese witherspoon and jenna malone.
love the fuzzy kittens!
The Christmas Kitties are so cute I’m on cute overload.
Maxi and Newt should be just fine outside, even in the coldest weather, as long as they have shelter. If they are truly outdoor cats, bringing them in could cause them to shed some of their winter undercoat and then they’ll be cold. Such a dilema though…
Your thyroid situation is turning out just like mine. I had the reuptake scan, then a biopsy.(No cancer) Now I just have an ultrasound every year to make sure it’s not grow or changing too much. The ultrasound tech told me I had the ugliest thyroid he had ever seen. 🙂 Since they can’t really tell you anything about the test, I guess he figured he at least say something?!?!?!?!?!
I got your Christmas card today, thank you!
I got my Christmas card today! I was happy to see one of my favorite cats, whether he likes me or not. Great card this year, thanks!
Wow! You really do look totally different in the face!
Those pic comparisons were hilarious!
Hey!! I know that your kitty does NOT hate me. He lurves me and that’s the my story and I’m sticking to it. Got your card and it was (is) Awesome. Love it. Love you! nanamama