From: Robyn To: Fred Date: December 12, 2007. Subject: ::drool:: Come home and make some of these for me, would you? My knee hurts and it’s drizzling outside, so I’m going to go back to bed and read for a while, and then I think I’m just going to go ahead and become a bed person. Alert Richard Simmons, thx.

My Bed Person plans met a pretty quick end when (1) Fred wouldn’t come home and make me up a bunch of biscuit sandwiches and (2) I got bored reading and had to roll my ass out of bed. It was fun for all of those 24 minutes, though. I love my life as a non-working slacker slug, but there are days when there are so many things that need to be done, and none of them are things that I WANT to do and really none of them are that URGENT, that I just kind of lay there and my mind screams my list of stuff to do at me, and I’m paralyzed by the “I don’t wanna do THAT”s. When that happens, I let the reasonable part of my brain (a very small part of my brain, I’ll hasten to point out before you haters think it to yourselves) take over and make me a list. Yesterday morning at 8:22 my list was: 1. Get out of bed. 2. Check my email. 3. Take a shower. 4. Spend some time with Punki and Felicia. 5. Finish cleaning out the garage. Usually I have to say the list out loud to myself, since that makes it more official to me. What would make it super-duper official to me would be writing it down. Oh! Or making a fancy list in Word complete with graphics and boxes for checking off each when it’s been accomplished. That would be WAY official. But I think for the time being I’ll stick with the spoken-aloud list, and if that fails to continue feeling official enough, I’ll move on to the written word. So I did the first four things on my list, and when I was done hanging out with Punki and Felicia (my hanging-out time with them is pretty much brought to an end when they decide they’ve had about all the petting they can stand, and they go over and start eating in a dismissive “You may go.” fashion), I got my iPod and went out to the garage to finish what I’d started Tuesday afternoon. Fred’s been saying that it was time for another trip to the dump, so I decided before he did that, I needed to get the garage straightened out, and all the trash piled up so we could get rid of all the trash in one trip. Tuesday afternoon I took care of the downstairs of the garage, coming up with a nice big pile of trash, and another (smaller) pile of stuff to donate to a local charity. Yesterday morning, once I got going, I straightened and cleaned out the upstairs part of the garage. It didn’t take long – maybe an hour – and when I was done I had a bunch more trash to add to the pile and a few more things to add to the donation pile, but at least it was done. I think what we really need in the upstairs part of the garage are either a few shelf units, or maybe just some shelves hung from the wall, but really how organized does it need to be? There’s the Danielle’s-storage section, the Christmas-stuff storage section, the luggage-storage section, and the other-crap storage section, and there’s actually not a whole lot of stuff up there. Plenty of room for more! That accomplished, I went back into the house, ate breakfast, watched The Real Housewives (HATE Tamra, and could Vicki have been more of a jealous bitch when she found out that Quinn was dating a 26 year-old? How is it her concern, again? Could Tamra be more of a plastic, hateful, insecure bitch?), a few minutes of Oprah, some other assorted random stuff, and then spent more time with Punki and Felicia. Read magazines. Checked for eggs. Did some vacuuming. Thought about rearranging the computer room (but since I’ll need help with that, I put it off). Puttered around online. Went through some pictures and uploaded them to be printed out. Talked to Fred on the phone. Took a 10-minute nap. Kissed Newt on top of his fuzzy head. And Yesterday, in the course of a few hours, Fred came home sick from work (everything in his body was fleein’ the interview), I started getting a sore throat and feeling fuzzy-headed, and once we were both feeling poorly, Stinkerbelle began vomiting blood. She’d vomited several times during the day (though we didn’t know it was her because all we were finding were the puddles of vomit with no cat around) and then she wouldn’t eat at snacktime (a rarity, because she’s the biggest pig of them all) and then Fred found her in the process of vomiting, and there was a LOT of blood. We took her to the emergency vet, because we always (I always, really) tend toward the OMIGOD SHE’S DYING! hysteria when it comes to the cats. After an examination and hearing about the foster kitties doing the same thing, the vet said he thought it was most likely a virus. They could have done the x-ray and blood tests, but he seemed pretty confident that it was a virus (the blood was bright red, which meant it was from irritation of her esophagus; if there’d been blood in her stomach, it would have been darker and would have looked like coffee grounds) and offered up something to coat her throat and soothe the irritation, and an antibiotic just in case, so we went that route.

Previously 2006: I think we’re making progress. 2005: It’s hard to resist a chunky little orange kitty. 2004: (I’m not that much of an asshole. But it sure is fun to imagine!) 2003: Yet another meme. 2002: But I’ll say this – if your kitten is suffering from anal leakage, y’all, TAKE IT TO THE VET. 2001: No entry. 2000: “Why does it smell lemony fresh down here?” 1999: Martha Stewart would take one look at my tree and sob loudly, I’m sure.]]>
Poor Stinkerbelle, hope she’s feeling better!
Here’s a question for tomorrow….What are you going to do with your OFB site? And if you know Fred with his OPM site? Seems like you guys don’t need them anymore and sure are too busy to update them frequently.
That Stinkerbelle is so beautiful.
What does “fleein’ the interview” mean?
Question for tomorrow: Over the years that you’ve been sending cards to blog readers, what is your sent to recieved ratio? Has it fluctuated from year to year, or steadily increased/decreased?
Comment on Kid Nation: My 7 y.o. is a fan of the PBS show “Fetch, with Ruff Ruffman”. Two seasons ago, one of the 6 kids was Brian, a red-head from Massachusettes. There were 2 episodes that showed his sister. Guess who, on Kid Nation, was his sister? I’ll give you a hint… you LOVE HER! One of the photos on her CBS page even shows her with her brother and father. I bet my son a week of toy pickup, and I won. Was this wrong? Yes, it was quite an exciting day around my house yesterday. Oh yeah. ;-p
Feel better lil’ Stinkerbelle.
Poor Stinkerbelle! And poor Andersons too! I’ve been there with the trips to the emergency vet (and late night phone calls to my regular vet). It’s better to be safe than take a chance of her being really sick.
Her eyes are HUGE in those pictures. You can tell she is not pleased at all.
What’s up with your knee? I am asking because just about a week ago I woke up one morning and out of the blue, my left knee was hurting so badly I could hardly walk. No swelling or redness, and I couldn’t imagine why it was hurting so badly. I normally work out for an hour every morning and walk four miles in the afternoon – the day before I had actually only walked two miles, so it doesn’t seem to have been overuse. Anyway, it got progressively worse and worse, to the point where I could hardly bear weight on it, couldn’t bend it much, and it was keeping me awake at night. I totally planned on seeing the doctor first thing Monday morning … but when I got up the pain was gone. Completely gone, no problems, nada. And it’s been fine now for three days … I am completely back to working out and walking.
What the hell?
Do you or anyone have a clue as to what it could’ve been? A virus? All in my head? A curse?
I thought nothing could bother me today after I posted about my childhood trauma yesterday.
But pretty kitties? Vomiting blood? Scared me.
So glad they are ok.
The wistful look on Stinkerbelle’s face in the second photo just KILLS me. Glad to hear nothing serious is wrong with her. I would have been horrified at the blood!
Poor Stinkerbelle. And poor Fred. And Poor you. Good gravy. Y’all don’t do it up only halfway, do you?
“Fleeing the interview”… oh my god, I snorted at that one. 🙂 Hope the beasts are feeling fine again.
Did you see the previews for next week’s RHWOC and apparently Vicki and Jeana get in a bitchy fight? Bring it on!!!
I had 10 months at home between jobs recently, and I found myself doing the same thing! I had tons of things to do, but nothing was urgent and couldn’t be put off. I had to (and still have to) make lists and actually write things down and cross them off to get anyting accomplished. I had always said “if only I didn’t have to work (fill in the blank…the house would be spotless, I would start exercising, I would cook dinner every night…). But, no. Apparently I really love naps.
Hope you’re all feeling better soon.
Ten minute nap?? That’s like smoking deluxe ultra lights, or drinking O’Doul’s! If you’re gonna DO a thing, Robyn… DO IT.
How about a cat AND chicken movie? Hmm?
Did you see Oprah’s Favorite Things show? I watched that off the DVR today. That was like ten grand worth of stuff! I know that personally, I will never feel truly fulfilled until I have a refrigerator with a built-in HDTV and dvd hookup.
(also, I REALLY wish I was a housewife. The End.)
Dear Robyn,
My question for tomorrow is: Why does Fred hate us so? He hasn’t posted a thing since December 1st. We miss you Fred. Your wife has posted everyday for a month and a half. Please, Robyn, make Fred post more often.
OK I’m bored at work and waiting to get the heck out of here in 15 minutes for the weekend. But still – Fred we miss you!
Get well,Stinkerbell! Miz Robyn’s knee,too!
How cold is it getting out there in the country? Will the Chickens make it through the winter as-is or will Fred be heating their coop? I know your “not-ours” cats have a heated house, what about Frick and the girls?
Also… do you have a “must-have” item on your Christmas List? Family is asking me for a list and I can’t come up with anything practical.