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The Nebshit Game – Christmas Edition!
1. Do you have a favorite Christmas tradition? Back when I was living close to my parents, we’d have Chinese food for dinner on Christmas Eve. I kind of miss that.
2. When do you open gifts – Christmas Eve or Christmas morning? Fred and I open our gifts to each other on Christmas Eve and the rest of our gifts on Christmas morning. Because the spud gets so many gifts from her father and California grandparents, we let her open her gifts from them on Christmas Eve so we won’t be spending the entire day sitting and watching her open gifts.
3. What is your favorite Christmas cookie? I like those Kiss Surprise cookies, but I don’t know if they’re considered Christmas cookies. I also am fond of sugar cookies. There haven’t been many cookies in my life this holiday season. I’ll have to see if I can snag me a cookie at some point this weekend.
4. Real tree or fake? Fake fake fakety-fake. And that’s the way I like it! The less I have to deal with the tree, the better. At this point, all I’m doing is picking up ornaments in the morning and putting them back on the tree, but the cats are mostly leaving the tree alone.
5. Do you want something for Christmas that you know you will not get? A new laptop. A Sidekick. A video iPod. World peace.
6. What’s the worst gift you ever got at Christmas time? I don’t remember any particularly bad gifts, actually. I was never that crazy about getting clothes when I was a kid – and I’m still not. I prefer to pick out my own clothes.
7. Do you write thank you cards for Christmas gifts? It’s kind of spotty. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t.
8. Do you get a Christmas bonus at work? I NEVER get a Christmas bonus. I should quit!
9. How old were you when you found out the truth regarding Santa Claus? Embarrassingly old – like 12 or 13. And my cousin, who was a year younger, told me. I only believed in Santa so long because I was POSITIVE there was no way on earth my parents would spend that much money on us, so there had to be a Santa. Heh.
10. Do you buy your boss a Christmas gift? I have no boss. I am my own boss! Wait. I should totally buy my boss a laptop! Or world peace, whichever’s cheaper.
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Wednesday, after I dropped the kittens off at the pet store, I went on a mission to find a sweater to wear on Christmas Eve. I used to wear the same blue turtleneck sweater every year, but it got too big for me. I thought about wearing the fleece shirt I wore on Thanksgiving, but I wanted to get something new. Fred said, more than once, “You should get you an appliqued sweatshirt with a teddy bear on front! Now that we’re moving to the country, you need to start dressing country!” and I would say to him “Oh, shut UP. Teddy bears aren’t my thing, and neither are appliqued sweatshirts.”
I checked out Target and found nothing that worked for me, so headed over to Dress Barn. I found a sweater there I really liked, but they didn’t have it in my size, so I headed over to The Avenue. They had sweaters I really liked, the same sweater in ten different colors, but despite the fact that it SAYS right on the store that they carry sizes 14 and up, I couldn’t find a single sweater in anything smaller than an 18/20. So I headed over to Goody’s, looked around for a long time, and finally found a couple of sweaters I liked. I couldn’t decide between the two, so I bought them both (they were extremely inexpensive) with the idea that Fred could choose which one I wore.
I was headed to the cash register when something caught my eye. I dithered for a few minutes, then grabbed it up and went to check out.
When Fred got home, I said “I got a present for you, but it’s something I wear!”
“Oh, REALLLLLLLY,” he said.
“Yeah, hold on…” I went into the hallway, took it out of the bag, and put it on.
And he laughed and laughed and laughed.
It burns, Jane! The applique, IT BURRRRRRRRNS!
(Fred chose the blue sweater, which I expected he would. You’ll see pictures of it at some point, I’m sure.)
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In my comments yesterday Ginny said, in part:
Do they make hypoallergenic cats???
I know you were just joking, but I present to you the kind of cat Fred’s been harassing me to get for years and years:
The Sphynx. They’re incredibly ugly, and over my dead body will I let Fred get one, but I’m thinking a cat with no fur is a cat who won’t mess with your allergies.
Ooh and one more thing before I end this book of a comment. We have 3 dogs and in our state (Kansas), they have a stupid law that says if you own more than 2 dogs, you have to have a permit and pay $20.00 a year. Do they have a law like that for cats? Since you own 6 I was curious if they made you pay a yearly permit fee on them.
I do not know, and to be honest – I’m not going to check and find out, because if I know we’re supposed to pay a yearly permit fee for them, Fred will surely make me go down to city hall and pay the damn permit fee, and I think we pay enough in vet bills every year that we damn well shouldn’t have to pay extra for them. GODDAMN GOVERNMENT. WHAT BUSINESS IS IT OF THEIRS IF WE HAVE SIX CATS? THEY CAN ALL GO STRAIGHT TO HELL! I’LL PAY A PERMIT FEE FOR MY CATS WHEN THEY PRY THE MONEY OUT OF MY COLD, DEAD HAND.
Also in my comments, Rhys asked about Maddy. Maddy, as y’all know, was adopted by Nance, and you can see a current picture of Miss Thang
right here. Isn’t the change amazing? She doesn’t even look like the same cat. Can you believe
this cat and the cat on Nance’s page is the same one?
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“What’s he doing? Doesn’t he know I have cooties??”

“I’ve got the litter-on-my-nose, needin-a-snack, my-brother’s-pickin-on-me, I-need-a-snuggle, please-stop-messing-with-my-fur…”

All of today’s uploaded pictures are

“Tell me ’bout how them stinkin’ kittens are never comin’ back, Momma.”
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2005: I’m a creature of habit, what can I say?
2004: No shit, Matt. Ya think? Ya think she might like to eat?
2003: “You are NOT allowed in Maine!” I informed him.
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: Except for world peace and all that. Yadda, yadda.
1999: No entry.]]>
Awww… baby Maddy isn’t a baby anymore! She’s so… TALL now!
(“Sunrise, Sunset” playing wistfully in the background)
Allergy-free cats: http://www.allerca.com/
They are the Time Magazine 2006 Best Invention of the Year. They cost thousands of dollars and are only sold spayed or neutered. I want one anyway. I could have a cat and still breathe!
As I have said to my husband more than once … If you ever see me wearing a sweatshirt with an applique on it, shoot me right then, because it’s all over.
Holy cow those “lifestyle” kittens are $4,000!
Anyway, Robyn I don’t know what Avenue you shop at but every time I find something I like, it’s ALWAYS a size 14. Sheesh.
Got your card!
Frank says “I AIN’T GAY!”
The photo/comment of you and the Boog is just precious!
WOW! The pictures of Maddy are amazing! I thought she’d grow up with blue eyes!
Happy holidays everybody!!!!!!!!!
Aimee CONSTANTLY has litter on her nose. She’ll be 2 in Feb. She also scratches the top/front side of the litter box after she goes. I have no idea what is wrong with her. She’ll sniff her poo but not bury it and instead try to make a hole in the litter box top.
Oh, man — before I saw the caption to your sweatshirt pic I howled, “It burns, IT BUUUUURRRRNNS!” GMTA.
Such a cute picture of you and the Boog. Hee!
Those hairless kitties are so ugly it hurts. The allerca kitties on the other hand, are beautiful! I can’t see spending that much money on a cat though, no matter how much I want one.
About the permit fee. The only reason I know about it is because our asshole neighbor is always trying to cause problems and he called animal control on us for something stupid I’m sure, which he always does. Oh yeah, now I remember, one of our dogs dug a hole and it rained and got all muddy and the neighbor was “afraid we had a septic issue” or something. Anyway, I told the animal control guy that we have 3 dogs and they like to dig. I guess I should have kept my mouth shut because then he told me that I needed a permit if I owned more than 2 dogs. I wasn’t even going to bother with it, but I kept getting notices in the mail about how they were going to take action against us if we didn’t pay the fee. The only good thing that came out of it is my asshole neighbor has 4 dogs and I didn’t hesitate to inform the animal control guy of that fact, so he had to pay the fee too.
The first picture you posted of your kitties, the one about cooties, did you notice the one on the bottoms mouth? Sorry can’t remember her name. Her mouth shape cracks me up! It almost looks fake.
That pissy looking Booger cracks me up every time I see him 🙂
i aan sorry i hag to tipe //this by touch becaur i wnt blind from lookng at that swestshurt
Thanks for the update! Maddy is a beyootiful kitty. And who would want a kitty without fur? How would you pet it?
Maddy kooks so elegant!
I am with you on the appliqued thing- shoot me in the head!
Maddy is such a tall drink of water- what a beauty!
Merry Christmas Robyn, Fred and the Spud.
Best wishes for a Happy New Year too. It has been a pleasure reading you daily for so many years. I look forward to hearing all about your move to the new house.