Suzy wants to go bald! Who are we to stop her? Let’s help!!!
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After months and months, I’ve finally put up more pictures on the
Pet Store Kitties page!
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I got my “
Recommended” page up and running. It’s a disorganized mess (I’ll organize it at some point), and I know there are things I forgot to put on that page. If you can think of something I’ve raved about – or at least mentioned liking – feel free to mention it, and I’ll add it.
There’s a
doofy little thumbs-up image picture of Sugarbutt that says “I recommends” over there in the sidebar to the right; click on it, and it’ll take you to the “recommended” page.
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Okay. I can maybe understand why I might be mistaken as pregnant.
(Shut up, though. I’m not getting rid of the top. I LOVE it. It’s soft and comfy and cuddly and cozy. I just won’t wear it in public anymore!)
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I’m ready for the freakin’ floor guys to be done with the freakin’ floor. I want my house back! I got shit to do, man!
When Fred was out at the house on Saturday, he found to his displeasure that one of the floor guys had taken a dump in the upstairs toilet and then NOT FLUSHED.
Gah. How fucking NASTY IS THAT?
Yesterday morning he called the head floor guy and judiciously asked him to ask his guys to FLUSH THE GODDAMN TOILET AFTER THEY USE IT.
How old are these guys, that you’ve got to tell them to flush the toilet, I’m wondering.
The head floor guy was horrified and told Fred that… I don’t know what he told Fred, but he swore it wouldn’t happen again, anyway.
I hope to god he’s right, because once is JUST PLENTY, thanks.
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I know we’ve had an incredibly mild winter and this cold weather has only been around a few days, but I am OVER IT. I’m ready for spring, please!
The daffodils growing out back are still alive, somehow, poor things.
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I’ve got fuck-all for y’all today. I have appointments on the other side of Huntsville and I’m just sitting here waiting for it to be time to leave. So I’m going to go sit on my ass on the couch and wait for it to be time and hope that it warms the fuck up out there so I don’t gotta wear gloves.
I have some nice gloves, but my hands prefer to be nekkid.
See ya tomorrah!
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PS: There’s a one-year post-surgery entry up over at
OneFatBitchypoo, if you’re interested.
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What a difference a year makes. (Self-portrait #21)
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2006: Off to the hospital!
2005: No entry.
2004: Poor Bean.
2003: About the cats.
2002: When did Dick Gephardt die?
2001: The illness continues.
2000: I am officially the laziest chick in the world.]]>
Robyn, you look absolutely WONDERFUL!!! 🙂
HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! =:-O
So when’s the baby due? ;-D
Seriously, you look completely amazing, Robyn!!!
Robyn you look fabulous!!!
For the recommendation page….Hair Care Products
I just looked at your weight loss chart, and holy crap, you lost a lot between April and July! No wonder Fred was worried you were going to disappear. Congratulations, Robyn! You look fantastic. 🙂
A year later already? You look fantastic Robin! I love the lavendar shirt progress pics. I’m also loving the self-portraits!
love love LOVE the expression on your face in that picture above –like “bitch, don’t mess with me and my comfy shirt!”
Could you list some of your favorite low cal diet foods that you eat at the recommendation site.
Just beautiful, beautiful. You look so great – and your whole body looks awesome – even the belly. If I just a little belly left after I year – I would be so grateful. So, how much of your belly is actually skin that’s going away soon? This fall if my memory serves me right.
You look really, really good. Congrats!
you look amazing, robyn.
Wow. Just wow.
*thumbs up*
i am seriously impressed by the results, you look healthy and happy. Fabu, baby, fabu.
You look brilliant, well done you!
You look absolutely great!
Yay! Pet Store Kitties!
Also, love the cat tail in your most recent “after” photo. Never far away, are they?
Also, at least the worker guys didn’t leave a tube of lube in your bathroom ala Sundry.
what? all I can see are boobs (in the first pic).
You look amazing, Robyn.
Wow! You lost a whole person! You look great. I wish I could get the weight loss surgery. Insurance won’t help though and I can’t afford it. 🙁
Isn’t it funny how when we are fat, our legs bow out, I guess to help balance our weight better? When you lose it though, your legs decide they like hanging out together.
Good job!
the flour sack towels from ebay was a fabulous idea I copied from you
Holy moly!
your one hot momma!!!
Uuuuuhmazing! You look so great, Robyn! I don’t think I’d know that was the same person in the before and after. I think it’s because your face has changed so much. And losing so much and carrying anything in your mid-section means that, perhaps, people might think you had a bun in the proverbial oven. But, regardless, you just look so good. I’d love to see you in that same Tabasco t-shirt. I bet it just hangs on you now.
Oh Wow. You look amazing, Robyn!
Robyn, you look fab!
You inspired me a lot, so I added Bitchypoo to my favourite sites on my Blog. You’re a great gall :).
You really do look amazing…not just the weightloss, you look so happy in the pictures you post (even if you’re doing a reenactment of being pissed at Fred for rushing you off the phone with your Daughter) 😉
Congratulations Robyn!
Robyn, you do look wonderful! About the guys taking a dump and leaving it…It must be some kind of joke that they think is funny. I had that happen to me with the cable guy one time and I was even in the house. Noone in their right mind would go to someone’s home and forget to flush the toilet! My cable guy was a little punk with attitude, I took it as an offense!