Happy birthday to me!
What you see above is one of the few candid pictures of me that exists (Debbie took it when we were in Pigeon Forge). Probably because I’ve been fat my entire life, I have an uncanny awareness of who’s got a camera and when it’s pointed in my direction, so I can pose or make a funny face, or hide my bulk behind a pillow.
I don’t know if I was laughing or talking, but I was definitely having a good time! I don’t know that it’s a particularly flattering picture – Fred says he thinks it’s pretty good – but I like it.
(And on the other end of the spectrum, Nance used a picture of me in her shout-out that made me laugh so hard I thought I was going to pass out. Hee!)
* * *
Thanks for your nice comments about Jake. Jake is, no doubt about it, a good boy, and I’m sure he’ll be very happy in his new home.
It took us four hours to get to Meridian, Mississippi yesterday to meet the guy who was taking Jake. We only had to stop four times, but most of those times were because I had to pee, rather than Jake.
But here’s what dumbasses we are: about an hour into the trip, Jake sat up in the back of Fred’s car and did a little whining.
“Maybe he’s car sick,” one of us suggested.
“Or scared. He’s never been in a car going this fast.”
“Maybe he’s hungry.”
It wasn’t until about five minutes later that a light popped on over my head.
“Maybe he has to pee.”
Yep, he sure did! Duh.
I was a little concerned about the guy who was taking Jake, because I don’t hang out on the message board Fred hangs out on (I don’t hang out on any message board these days, really.) and so I didn’t know the guy.
“Does he seem like a good guy?” I asked.
“Yeah, as far as I can tell,” he said. “His posts are pretty level-headed and he seems pretty sensible.”
“Well, we’ve seen pictures of his dogs, and they look happy,” I said.
We pulled up to the gas station where the guy was waiting for us, and Fred tentatively waved at him to make sure he was the guy. He was.
He was one of those guys who’s very soft-spoken and doesn’t have much to say, but I watched him watching Jake (who was wildly sniffing at every blade of grass on the area next to the gas station) and I watched him talk to Fred, and I noticed that every time he looked at Jake, he smiled.
And not in a “You’ll taste mighty fine with a side of grits” way, either. No, this guy was definitely a dog person, and he liked Jake right away.
Fred’s traded a few private messages with him since we got home, and it appears that Jake is adjusting pretty well. He’s timid and submissive and feeling his way around. I suspect that in a few days when he relaxes into his new home and gets to really know his new siblings (why do I suspect there’s a lot of butt-sniffing going on right about now?), he’ll be thrilled.
By the way, Spot is fine. He was favoring his leg a bit yesterday, but today he seems completely back to normal. We didn’t take him to the vet (we decided to keep an eye on him instead to see how he did), but I’m still keeping an eye on him (and he looks at me like “WHY YOU KEEP LOOKING AT ME, LADY?”) just in case.
He’s also getting lots of love, lots of petting, and lots of brushing (have you ever noticed that the more you brush a cat, the more fur they produce? It’s like they don’t actually have any organs or blood and guts on their insides, just more cat hair).
I hadn’t noticed it while Jake was here, but last night I realized that except for Spot and Tommy, the cats had been hanging out exclusively upstairs. Last night they started coming back down, and in fact I think at one point we had all six of the cats in the living room with us, which doesn’t happen all that often.
So life is going back to normal, Jake’s in a good home. It’s all good.
* * *
While the whole thing with Jake was going on, someone I will refer to as That Jackass who posts on the board Fred hangs out on (yeah, I’m not providing a link) private messaged him, tried to get Fred to call him, and basically tried to pressure him into keeping the dog.
When Fred told him that he’d found someone to adopt Jake, the guy was unhappy to hear that (!) and sent a patronizing private message asking how long we’d been married, and lecturing him that “Marriages are give and take, not one person rules.”
Good god, what an asshole.
“Oh! And did he tell you that if I were A GOOD WIFE, I’d submit to your will?” I bellowed, after he’d read the private message to me (you’d think the man would know better). “WHAT A JACKASS.”
I love that That Jackass doesn’t know me except through what Fred has mentioned in passing, and has decided he knows that the problem is that I don’t understand that I need to shut up with all that stupid “I should have a say in this” bullshit and just submit.
Yesterday morning when I woke up, I thought of That Jackass and what he’d said, and when Fred was about to step into the shower, I went into the bathroom.
“Please private message That Jackass and thank him. Tell him that your wife is so incredibly grateful that she’s married to YOU and not HIM that she promised you an extra special (sexual favor)*, and it’s the best (sexual favor) you’ve ever gotten in your life.”
Yesterday afternoon when we got home and were sitting in front of our respective computers and I went on the message board to read what people were saying, because I am a sucker for punishment, and That Jackass had a big old diatribe wherein he compared dogs to children and said something along the lines of “What if you brought a child home and it didn’t go well? Would you then turn around and take the child back?”
Good christ. What a fucking idiot. You’d think we’d taken the dog out back and tortured him before shooting him in the head instead of finding a really good home for him. IDIOT.
And now I’m going to stop thinking about That Jackass because it’s my birthday and jackasses have no place in My Special Day.
*You don’t need details. Hey, my KID reads this!
* * *
* * *
I should point out that though I refer to myself as “Not a dog person”, I love reading stories about dogs, looking at pictures of them, petting and hugging them when I see them. I just don’t necessarily want one living in my house, you know?
* * *
Last night we let the foster kitties out of their room for a few minutes. We’d like to be able to let them out to run around the house in the evenings, because as much time as I spend in there loving on them, I don’t feel like it’s enough time and I’d like them to be able to come hang out with us while we’re watching TV.
Moondance and Moonman are the first foster cats we’ve had who didn’t start rushing the door after a few days. They’re curious about what’s on the other side, but perfectly happy looking out the window and being loved and petted several times a day. I opened the door to their room, and sat down on the floor outside their room, waiting to see what they’d do. Fred encouraged them to come out and do some looking around, and after a few moments, they did.
Naturally, Mister Boogers heard us talking to them, and came up to be a jerk. He growled and hissed at them, and scared them enough that they decided they wanted to just hang out in their room, thanks.
We’ll give it another try tonight and see how it goes. They sure are good kitties.

All of today’s uploaded pictures are
* * *
All six cats on one bed. That NEVER happens!
* * *
2006: Happy birthday to me!
2005: No entry.
2004: Happy birthday to me!
2003: Happy birthday to me!
2002: Happy birthday to me!
2001: Happy birthday to me!
2000: Happy birthday to me!]]>
Best wishes for a wonderful birthday, Robyn!
Sure, you don’t know me, but I’ve been reading for years. 🙂 As my first post….Happy happy birhday! You look fantastic!
I hope that Jake’s new Daddy shares pictures every once in awhile! I am sad that it didn’t work out! But it sounds like it was for the best! Happy Birthday Mz Robyn!!! Hope it is a happy one!
Happy happy, Robyn!!
Happy Birthday!
I meant to tell you this when you were writing about the christmas cards, but my oldest son, Michael, LOVED that mister boogers card. He walked around for weeks saying, “Meeeeeester booogers hates youuuuuuuuuu,” seriously. He thought it was the coolest card ever, and when I explained that he was actually your cat, and that he does actually hate everyone, he loved it even more.
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
May all your dreams and wishes come true
Happy birthday to you!
I hope you have a fantabulous day, Robyn! 😀
I think it’s a great picture of you. Happy birthday, Robyn!
How much you want to bet That Jackass is single?
Love the spud’s T-shirt. 🙂
Happy Birthday Robyn!!
I love reading your & Fred’s journals, you guys remind me of myself & my husband. You made me crack up at what you told Fred to tell The Jackass.
Being a dog person myself, I was so happy to read what you said about the guy taking him, sounds like Jake has been taken in by someone that will take great care of him. Sorry it didn’t work out for you guys though. And I’m glad Spot is ok!
Hippo Birdies Two Ewes Robyn!
Hope you have a really great Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday Dear Robyn
Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday, Robyn! You look like you’re laughing your ass off in that pic. Cute.
One more thing about Jake. How great for his new owner (who sounds great, btw) that you and Fred got him checked out by a vet and professionally groomed. You two definitely gave Jake a good start for a new life.
Happy Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Robyn!
I’m sorry it didn’t work out with Jake. We adopted a puppy (also named him Jake!) after having only cats for the last 15 years. My son REALLY wanted a dog. We were told not to introduce the cats to him for a long time. We’ve had him 3 months so far, and the cats only sit and hiss at him from behind the doggy gate. The dog gets the kitchen, the sunroom and the entire backyard and the cats get the rest of the house. In the evening while we’re watching TV, the dog sits with me (while I’m holding his leash, just in case) and the cats that choose to come downstairs, sit with my husband (or sometimes vice versa) It is working out so far. My vet said it can take YEARS for cats and dogs to make friends. Especially if the dog isn’t used to cats and it too excited when he sees them. It freaks the cats out (as you found out the hard way)
Maybe a slower introduction would have worked better for you, too. I’m glad Jake is in a good new home!
Happy Birthday! Don’t think about that mean guy…Jake will be happy at his new home and all is well.
Happiest of birthdays, Robyn!
So glad to hear that Spot’s back to normal, and that Jake’s happy in his new home. Sounds like a better fit all the way around, for everyone.
Happy Birthday Robyn!!!!
I, too, think you and Fred did the right thing with Jake. I can only imagine how happy he’ll be with two doggy brothers to play with!
You guys are amazing souls, both of you and that jackass knows nothing about how you live your lives so think nothing more about him.
We dog sat a Great Pryenees (which is what Jake looks like)for 13 days and although he was a big lover, he was a handful. You should feel great about finding him a good home, even if it wasn’t yours.
…and many more!
Happiest of Birthdays to you Robyn!
May this year be the best yet!
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday, Robyn! 🙂
Oh, and I love the Spud’s shirt.
Happy birthday to you!!!!
I think your adoption of Jake was meant to be. He would still be at the pound instead of with someone who was obviously falling in love with Jake at first sight and can give him the perfect home, but who would have never known about Jake if you hadn’t agreed to adopt him, and if Fred hadn’t been posting about him. That sounds like kismet to me. 🙂
Happy Birthday Robyn!
That Jackass is right about one thing…Marriages ARE about give and take, not one person rules. Thank God YOUR husband understands that!
I am totally with you on the love dogs, just don’t want one in my house thing. I had always had a dog until last year when my beloved pooch Taco died. Everyone kept telling me to get another dog, but I resisted and after a couple of months, I realized that even though I love dogs, I really just don’t want one in my house. Dogs are a lot of work! And yes, I know they provide love and companionship, but now, I can go to other peoples houses and play with their dogs and then come home and I never have to worry about cleaning up dog poo, taking them for walks, kenneling them when I go away, etc! There is nothing wrong with not wanting a dog to live with you. At least you tried and Jake is gonna be just fine in his new home!
Happy Birthday Robyn! Have a spectacular day! And since it’s *your* birthday- shouldn’t you be the one getting the favors?
Happy Birthday to my favorite crazy cat lady! 😀
Happy Birthday, Robyn!
Delurking here to wish you a Happy Happy Birthday!!! And for what it’s worth, you did the right thing to find Jake a new home. Ignore the Jackass.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday! and I LOVE Nance’s tribute.
And for a very short time………you are THREE years older than me:P HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROBYN!
Happy b-day to you (and my sister and brother!) BOOYA!
Happy Birthday! 🙂
Happy Birthday, Robyn!
I’m not a dog person either, but I think they’re very cute. I love all animals, but I certainly wouldn’t want to share a home with most of them.
You go girrrrl!! May you have the “Happiest Birthday” evah!!! You did the right thing with the dog. You can’t have your cats in jeopardy. Now take the day off and just do fun things today! Cake Icecream, champagne, with a capitol “C”! Happy Happy QS 🙂
Happy happy birthday! Have a great one–you deserve it!
happy birthday, robyn!
happy birthday, dahling. I hope it’s jackass-free.
Happy Birthday to you.
You live in a (cat) zoo.
You don’t look like a monkey,
and I’m sure you don’t smell like one too!
Happiest of birthdays, Robyn. Thanks for being such a bright and humorous light online.
Happy Birthday, Robyn!
Happy Birthday!! Hope it is filled with lots of love, laughter, presents, kitties and smiley faces! Yellow of course!!:) 🙂
Some people need to mind their own bid-ness! You and Fred are the only ones who have a say. Tell mr jackass to get a life. Mr. Jackass MUST be the idiot here that thought the bobcat walking into his garage in the middle of the day was just sooo ADORABLE, walked over to it, put it in a dog carrier and got scratched. Well, animal control came (the guy called),the bobcat was put down, tested positive for rabies so mr idiot had to get shots.
Happy happy birthday
On this your special day,
Happy happy birthday
That’s what I’m here to say…hey!
Happy happy birthday
May all your dreams come true,
Happy happy birthday
Straight from me to you!!!
Have a great day!!!!!
And just what happened when you got in the shower with Fred young lady? Umm nevermind! I like the picture of you. It looked like you were laughing so hard and just realised you peed your pants. About Jake,You did what you thought best for you and your cats. No one can blame you for that. Kudos to Fred for understanding,you have a great guy there. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GAL.
Hey…why didn’t you link Nance’s special birthday shout out???
Happy Birthday, again. I hope you get everything you want!
Happy Birthday Robyn!!
First things first — HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Now, I wanted to comment on the “Jake” situation. Years ago, when our children were small, we had a wonderful boxer as a part of our family until he developed cancer and eventually died (only time I’ve ever seen my husband cry). It was heartbreaking, and we were basically coerced by our daughters into getting another dog, Scout, about a year later. This time we found a sweet (and huge) year old black lab / great-dane mix. He was a very good boy, dumber than dirt, but sweet-tempered and mellow. He even got along with our cats. The problem was that as the girls were getting older by then (entering high school), and we were all busy with work and school, none of us had the time to exercise this 100+ pound behemoth properly. More than likely, out of frustration, he began chewing holes in our wall to wall the carpet – yikes – it was so bad, we finally had to put an insulated dog house on the back porch for him while we were not home. It was pitiful – he was a social guy, and just pining away for companionship. My sister, who lives two states away, came for a visit with her husband, and they absolutely fell in love with our boy. They live on a huge parcel of land in Washington, and always had two dogs, but one had died of old age and the other was lonely. Long story short, after a few more months, we packed Scout into the car and drove two days to my sister’s, where we left him – we went on a week-long trip to Vancouver Island, and when we returned to my sister’s house on the way home, we could practically see the fear in his eyes when he saw us drive up. He did not even want to get too close to us, obviously afraid we might take him away from his new home and new best pal ever. That was four years ago, and he is still a happy camper with his new family and best dog friend to romp and play with all day.
Just wanted to say how guilty I felt that we had adopted this sweet pup and then had to let him go, because it was a mistake. But in reality I know it was the best thing, and every time we visit and see him, I am glad it worked out the way it did. I think you and Fred did the right thing, and that Jake will be happy in his new home. You guys are possibly the most responsible pet owners and most ardent animal lovers I have ever known of, and I think anyone who flames you for this decision is a jerk.
Regan: I think I posted my entry before I saw Nance’s post. I’ve gone and added a link to hers. 🙂
Leslie: Perhaps. The day’s not over yet! 🙂
Roseann: That is too cute. I bet if Mister Boogers knew that there was someone out there who loved him that much, he wouldn’t be quite so full of hate!
Happy Birthday!!! Hope you have a great day!
And what kind of wife are you?? Good wives SUBMIT!
I *love* my pets, but people that try to elevate pets to the same status as children are insane.
I’m late as usual, but happy birthday!!
Happy birthday! Hope it’s a good one. I love the spud’s shirt!
Happy birthday, mom! 😀
You don’t look a day over 36.
I suspect the kitties were all on the same bed because they were having a party to celebrate the fact they got the dog out of there so fast. I think Spot was “faking it!” Ha ha! I’m just glad that Jake does have a good home and did not have to go back to the shelter.
Add me to the Happy Birthday sentiments!
I’m not sure about the photo. I thought you looked about ready to cry or were afraid of something. Hey, what do I know? Not much, obviously.
I did love seeing the comparison Christmas photos…you have done an incredible job and I believe we’ve all enjoyed being along for the journey (except maybe the sicky part!).
A very Happy Birthday, Robyn!
Happy Birthday Robyn!
Don’t waste any energy worrying about the jackass, he’s not worth it.
Happy birthday to you! And P.S. – I love the Spud’s t-shirt.
Happy Birthday, Robyn!!
You sure do look like you are having a good time in that photo. Nance’s BD greeting to you cracked me right up. Happy Birthday Robyn!
Happy birthday, Robyn…and many more 🙂 I LOVED the picture Nance used of you. You know what, even in your silly pictures you look great! And I’m glad things seem to be getting back to normal for you and the kitties at home.
Happy Birtday Robyn!
Reading your journal is a real bright spot in my daily life. I want to thank you for all the millions of smiles and chuckles you’ve given me, and I hope that only good things come your way on this new year of your life, and every year thereafter. 🙂
Happy Birthday Robyn!!
The happiest of Birthdays to you Robyn!
Happy Birthday Robyn!!
Once in awhile after reading your journal I’ll have the desire to leave you a comment telling you what I think or what I think you should do or should have not done. Then I come to my senses and think, who the heck am I to be giving someone I don’t really know who lives thousands of miles away advice about anything? I read your journal because it is funny and makes me laugh and is generally a high point of my day not to bitch at you. Anybody who thinks they can hand out patronizing advice to someone they just know from the internet has nothing better to do with their lives.
Happy B-day Robyn! Hope you have a great one. 🙂
Happy Birthday 😀
Happy Birthday!
What century does Jackass live in?? You did the right thing for all concerned. Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Robyn!!
(Now imagine balloons, cakes, stars, and all that jazz—that’s what kind of graphics I would make if I could make graphics!!!!)
Happy Birthday, Robyn. xo I’m glad you found Jake a good home.
adding my Happy Birthday to all the rest.
Hope you have a wonderful day!!
Have an awesome birthday, Robyn!
Happy Birthday! I too, saw the picture over at Nance’s this morning and nearly snorted coffee all over my laptop!!
That Jackass should shut his dumb YAP!
I’m guessing Jackass is just a lonely, bitter old fart. Forget em!!
Happy Birthday Robyn!!
I think once you all at the country house a dog would be nice..one that stays outside away from the cats but you all can enjoy him outside..esp Fred.He could have a nice dog house or something..Fred could even build it?! If the cat were out he could be put up..in the shed or barn.
It took me ten minutes to get to the bottom of the list but the wishes are the same….HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!
Happy birthday Robyn!!!
Robyn – As usual, I’m running behind with the birthday wishes. Hope your birthday is/was the best ever! Tell your Mom thanks for birthin’ the bitchypoo!!
Happy Birthday, don’t let the assholes get you down!
Happy Birthday!!
I’m glad you were born!
Happy Birthday sweetie! 🙂
I love that shirt, where did Spud get it!?!
I am the same way with cats. Love them, love on them, not in my house! I totally understand why you needed to find Jake a new home though!