I realized yesterday that I never told y’all any of Joe Bob’s back story. I’ll do that now, and then copy it to his page when I get around to it (which will probably be in three years or so, knowing me).
Joe Bob was born in a litter to a feral mother somewhere in South Huntsville. Luckily for the mother and the kittens, a couple of women who volunteer for the same shelter I volunteer for either discovered the mother and kittens soon after, or had been feeding the mother for a while, I’m not sure which. When the kittens were a little older they trapped them all and had them spayed and neutered (though it’s entirely possible they trapped the mother before she had her babies. Clearly I didn’t get as many details as I thought I did!). The mother cat was truly feral, so they released her and one of her kittens (from that litter or a previous one, I don’t know. What the hell DO I know? Not much, I guess!) and to this day they still feed the two cats.
One of the women fostered the litter of kittens until they were socialized and ready to go to the pet store. They went to the pet store and got adopted; Joe Bob and his sister (who was named MoonDance, but we called Myrtle) were returned a few years later due to a death in the family. They sat at the pet store for a couple of months until a year ago, when the shelter manager asked if we’d mind bringing them home to give them a break from being caged.
It was at our house that I noticed that Joe Bob and Myrtle weren’t all that attached to each other. I thought they’d be perfectly fine, adopted separately, and I actually thought Joe Bob might have a better chance at adoption if his crazy (“cranky”, his original foster mom termed her. Heh.) prone-to-shrieking sister wasn’t part of the package.
Myrtle went to the pet store and Joe Bob stayed with us for a few more weeks, then went to the pet store too. They both sat there in cages for what seemed like forever, and then Joe Bob was adopted and Myrtle went back to the shelter. Joe Bob was returned after a short amount of time and went directly back to the shelter.
At some point, Myrtle got herself adopted and Joe Bob languished in the shelter. It drove Fred crazy – he’d periodically check the shelter’s PetFinder page and see that Joe Bob was still there, and we’d talk about what a tragedy it was, that no one could appreciate what a great cat Joe Bob was (is).
When I dropped Punki and Felicia off at the pet store on Saturday, the adoption counselor asked after Joe Bob, and said how happy she was that we’d adopted him, since our house is cat heaven.
Joe Bob reminds me a lot of Spot. He’s not as neurotic as Spot was, but he’s very quiet, and he likes to follow me around. He acts nervous about being outside (like he thinks he’s not supposed to be out there) and he’s a great big pig when it comes to Snackin’ Time.
He’s really a sweet boy with a good heart and maybe it’s a good thing no one else was able to appreciate what a good boy he was (is). The more time goes by, the better he fits in with our other cats, and I dare say that I saw he and Mister Boogers rub against each other last night. I mean, it WAS Snackin’ Time and they both get quite excited and forget themselves when there’s Snackin’ on the way, but still. Give it another few months, I might even be able to say that they’ve become friends.

I have never seen a single episode of Paula Deen’s show, I’ve never seen her on Oprah or ran across her on any show whatsoever, I’ve never been to her restaurant, never flipped through her cookbook, I’ve never heard her voice, I don’t even read her blog (if she has one). All I know is that she cooks Southern food, and she uses a lot of butter, and I only know that much because other people have mentioned it in passing. Also, she apparently says “Honey” a lot, because I’ve been subjected to imitations of her performed by both my mother and my friend Liz, and they both began their imitations with “Honey” and used a very thick southern accent.
All that said, I can tell you that, somehow, Paula Deen annoys the fucking shit out of me.
I don’t know how that can be, it just is. I’m not a great fan of any cooking show, really, but if I’m flipping channels and come across Rachael Ray or Emeril Lagasse or. Um. I can’t think of another cooking show, so insert your favorite cook here, anyway, if I flip across a cooking show, I say “Oh look, it’s Rachael Ray (or Emeril Lagasse or whoever)” and keep on flipping the channels. None of them annoy me as much as the very idea of Paula Deen for some reason.

Oh my god. I just typed the words “I’ll be there with bells on!” in an email to a 19 year-old. Do 19 year-olds even know that phrase, or am I just going to sound like some strange old lady to her? Because I’m thinking that phrase was old when I was born (like “cat’s pajamas”, another phrase of which I am fond).
I should not be allowed to just type up emails and send them, willy-nilly. There should be a delay and Gmail should say to me “Did you really mean to say “Bells on” to a 19 year-old? Choose yes or kill me now to complete your emailing experience.”
Right now somewhere in Alabama a 19 year-old girl is thinking “Why does she think she needs to wear bells to cover my shift at the pet store?” with a big cartoon question mark over her head.

(flickr) Sugarbutt watches the birds outside. It’s too friggin’ cold outside – it was actually spitting snow earlier – to let the cats out, and they’re most displeased with me.

2007: Just call me Betty Homemaker.
2006: I swear to god, I have NO CONTROL over what comes out of my mouth sometimes.
2005: No entry.
2004: Dude, what the fuck? I don’t talk for 20 to 30 minutes on the phone to people I know and LIKE, let alone some strange man from the CDC!
2003: A Day in the Life of Mr. Fancypants.
2002: No entry.
2001: But I kinda like the irritability.
2000: My heart stopped, my jaw dropped, and I whispered “Oh, shiiiiiiiiiiit!”
What an awesome picture of Joe Bob. I think he’s just become my favorite Anders0n kitty because I’m an underdog (cat?) lovin’ kind of gal. I know he’s no longer the underdog, but his backstory is kind of sad and lonely and fosterkid-ish. Aw, Joe Bob. If I weren’t so allergic I’d want to snuggle the stuffing out of him.
Like Joe Bob and Mister Boogers, I also get very excited when it’s Snackin’ Time.
I actually love Paula Deen. In fact, we used her recipe for shrimp etoufee last night and we’re about to scarf down the leftovers.
Give the old girl a chance, Robyn!
The Food Network is on whenever there’s nothing else on at my house. I love Paula Deen, too. Definitely try to watch her at least once. I’ve stolen her “Not Yo Mama’s Banana Pudding” recipe as my thing to bring everywhere and it’s always a hit.
I’m not sure about the “honey” thing, but we always say watching Paula should be a drinking game – do a shot every time she says “y’all.” We counted 28 times in one show! I think she’s adorable and seems like so much fun. Emeril & Rachel annoy the shit out of me, but I love almost everyone else on there. Thanks to the Food Network, there’s always something to watch!
I love Paula Deen, too. It’s rachel Ray that annoys the holy bat-shit outta me…with that joker-like smile of hers. *shudder* She creeps me out!
“With Bells on” hee… that girl had NO idea what you were talking about!
Paula Deen and my mother-in-law have the exact same voice. One time I was in Walmart and she was on an over-head television and I stopped and looked around for the MIL like a huge dork. The only thing I ever learned from the Paula Deen show is to crush up Ritz Crackers in a bag with butter to use as a crumb topping over macaroni & cheese. FABULOUS.
I also like Paula…she’s a little over the top but her food always looks really good. Except for the stuff that’s cooked with mayo. I can’t wrap my head around the notion of hot mayonnaise.
I’m gonna join the Paula Deen fan club as well. She looks so much like my mom, and when I was living 2500 miles away from home I would watch Paula and it made me feel like I was home. Sad, I know. Rachel Ray, I do not care so much for. She reminds me of the annoying loud mouth girls in high school who didn’t know when to shut their pie holes.
I make “Not Yo Mama’s Banana Pudding” too. My husband loves it.
Paula does come out a little OTT to me and I wonder sometimes if she is really that nice all the time or if it is an act. Anyway, I do love her recipes and her accent? Well, around here it wouldn’t even be noticeable! 😉
I like Paula Deen’s Home Cooking show, but I’m not crazy about Paula’s Party, which is cooking also, but with an audience. She’s a bit over the top on that show. I watch the Food Network A LOT, but sadly cannot make most of the recipes since our house is a healthy eating home now. I love food and I sit there and drool over the food.
Two questions.
How often do you dust and vacuum each week? (I’m trying to start a new schedule for myself)
We have recently been taking care of a stray cat. I know she has worms. (don’t ask) Recently her belly has gotten really big – I don’t know if she is pregnant or its because of the worms, and she has liquid poop. (big sigh) AND he little butt hole place seems a bit puckered. MY QUESTION IS… I remember the vet violating sugar butts butt and saying something about a gland? Can you point me to that entry or remind me what he said?
I, too, am a Paula Deen fan!! I like that what she cooks is very simple and I find her very entertaining. Now, I see that her extreme southern accent could get on the nerves of some. She has a cute sense of humor and I think she has worked hard to get where she is and I appreciate that. I think she is truly grateful for what she has achieved as well. She seems like the real thing to me. Maybe you should check her out sometime and let us know what you think!!!
Lucky, Lucky Joe Bob!!!! 🙂 Kathy
UM not to be a complete dissenter here or anything, but I can’t STAND Paula Deen. I can’t stand that super NASAL southern accent so much that I’ve taken to calling her Eeyore because when she says HOWDY Y’ALL – I think she sounds like a donkey. And I am a southern woman!
Have you seen Paula Deens sons?
Thay are hot!
They cook as well. I think you’re missing out here Robyn 🙂
Paula Deen is a screeching harpy. Gah!
Does Joe Bob have “thumbs” (extra toes?) or does it just look that way in the picture?
I am such a dog person, but lately you have made me wonder if I’d like a cat in my house?
It’s really weird that reading you makes me want a cat. It’s something to think about…wonder if my dachshund would freak if I brought a cat home?
Anyway, just my random thought.
Oh, and Paula Dean is okay. She is annoying to me, but she sure cooks some good “fattening” food. I just watch and drool.
I don’t love Paula Deen and I freaking HATE Rachel Ray. She is so phony and fake with all her cute little terms and giggles- makes me want to punch her in the face. Wow- I think I have some issues.
I can’t stand Rachel Ray either! Her voice gets on my last nerve. I know it’s kind of scratchy and supposed to be different and cute, but her voice, combined with her aren’t-I-cute-in-a-little-sister-kind-of-way shtick bugs me. Can’t watch her!
I have watched Paula Deen a few times. I even made some gooey butter cake of hers once. The problem is her stuff is so fattening that you can gain weight from just watching!
I really like Paula Deen, too, but like Sharon, not her Paula’s Party show. I’ve made her bacon, apple, and cheddar sandwich several times and it’s so good! http://alithelazydog.blogspot.com/2007/10/paula-deens-grilled-apple-bacon-and.html
I can’t stand Emeril, though. The audience is so annoying the way they wildly clap for garlic?!
I like Paula Dean, but her recipes give me a pretend-heart attack. I can’t stand Rachael Ray and her man-hands… but she’s like Martha to me – can’t stop watching. Emeril bugs the crap out of me – I like to joke that he’s hammered when he does his show. He’s got the smae smary squint that stupid Dubya has. I just want to slap him. I love Elton Brown… and have a wicked girl crush on Nigella Lawson.
Without a doubt, best Food Network show – Barefoot Contessa!
Paula Deen and Rachel Ray have both had way too much cosmetic surgery on their faces. I think that’s why so many people find them creepy (not just your commenters – all over). A nip and tuck is fine but they’ve both overdone it.
I haven’t watched the Food Network in years. That’s just as well because watching it always made me hungry.
Love Joe Bob. He looks like my old kitty Friskey.
Looove Paula and I know 2 people who have met her in person (one at a book signing and one by chance in public) and both said she was as sweet as can be.
Problem with Paula is that like the others said, you can feel yourself gain weight just WATCHING her show. She uses real butter and cheese in mass quantities which makes me droool.
Also yes, her 2 sons are hot.
(make her mac and cheese exactly as it’s written (too lazy to link it, look on foodtv.com) and you will be able to die a happy woman (though maybe sooner than you would have otherwise))