I could not get that Tubby bastard to swallow his freakin’ pill. I’m hopeless when it comes to medicating a cat, in case you were wondering.
* * *
So, we did indeed have a great time in Gatlinburg. We didn’t stay in our usual hotel, because by the time we’d decided we were going to G’burg, that hotel was all full up. We stayed, instead, in a hotel on the other end of town, and it was VERY nice, despite the stinky smell of the rooms. If we stay there again, I am for sure taking candles or air freshener with me. I didn’t get any pictures of the room, but believe me when I say it was nice. There was a huge shower, a whirlpool tub (Fred and I took turns making use of the tub, believe me), and what impressed the spud the most was the phone in the bathroom next to the toilet. Plus, there was the continental breakfast every morning! Sure, it was just buttered white toast, orange juice, and hot cocoa, but I do love me some buttered white toast. Goes with that whole white trash thing, I guess.
I’d rather stay in a hotel closer to the middle of the strip next time, because it’s our habit to not head back to the hotel until our feet are about to fall off, which only makes the walk seem that much longer. Friday morning I woke up with my hamstrings screaming, Saturday morning my quads hurt, and Sunday morning I had some serious hip pain. I think what made me hurt isn’t the fact that we were walking. It was the fact that we walked for FOUR hours at a time, with lots of standing around looking, and very little sitting.
But pain builds character, right? That, or it turns you into a psycho, one or the other.
Sleeping in the same bed went a little better this time around, though I didn’t sleep as well as Fred did on Friday and Saturday nights.
If you’ll be travelling to Gatlinburg in the next month and a half, I apologize for the fact that there’s not a drop of fudge or pecan turtles in the entire town. I ate them all, and DAMN they were fine.
And as always, it was nice to get home. Miz Poo has been clingy ever since we got back, sleeping pressed up against me, laying between me and the keyboard most of the time, and just generally being an annoyance.
Which is what I love about her, of course.
We bought a cat toy at the Smoky Mountain Cat House in Pigeon Forge, a fur mouse on a stretchy string, that you hang from the doorway. We put it in the doorway between the computer room and the library, and while Miz Poo is slightly interested in watching it boing back and forth, she won’t chase it and smack it herself. Spot played with it for a little while, but the best part was when Fred tried to get Tubby to play with it.
It appears that our fearless Tubby is afraid of the furry little mouse on a string. Heh.
* * *
Of the 60ish pictures we took in Gatlinburg, none of them were of the three of us. I kept meaning to utilize the timer feature, but never got around to it. But on our last full day there, the spud and I stopped and had our picture taken at a good old-fashioned picture booth.
Our vacation pictures will be up in a few days (says she who still hasn’t put the Maine vacation pictures up!). I’ll link to ’em when they’re up.]]>