Adrith will be doing the Disney half-marathon this Sunday, and she’s a little nervous. Take a few minutes Sunday morning to send some positive thoughts and energy her way, won’t you?
Go, Adrith!
* * *
The spud’s fingernail finally fell off, with a little help from the spud. She came into the computer room and told Fred that the nail looked like it was ready to come off, and then SHOWED HIM, and I was so icked out by even the idea of it that I immediately put my hands over my ears and sang “I can’t HEARRRRRRRR you!”
She did show me the nail once it had come off, which was rather cool-looking, but when she showed me her poor nail-less finger, I could only glance at it out of the corner of my eye for a moment before a shiver went down my spine.
Yes, I’m a dork. I could clean any manner of nasty-ass litter boxes, but show me something that’s a little bit blood and guts, and I’m ready to run around the room and scream like a little girl.
I can’t stand to watch surgeries when Fred flips by them (and stops. He ALWAYS stops) on TV. I have to look away or hide my eyes until Fred tells me it’s over. I have no idea why I’m like that, and after his surgery in the Spring, I had a really REALLY hard time looking at his incisions until they healed.
And yet, show me a zit and I’m on it in two seconds flat. Go figure.
* * *
I talked to my friend Liz yesterday. She turned 35 on December 30th, and called to commiserate about getting old. She doesn’t have a child, and her biological clock is ticking pretty loudly lately.
“Older parents are more patient,” I told her soothingly, quoting something I’ve read in more than one magazine.
“I know!” she said. “Kids don’t bother me at all anymore. Remember when we were younger? I couldn’t stand anyone’s kids!”
And upon thinking about it, I realize that it’s true for me, as well. When I was younger, I couldn’t stand to be around kids who weren’t mine or related to me, I stomped and fumed when kids screamed in my general vicinity, and I thought that people with kids should just keep their asses at home.
As I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to the realization that, y’know what? It’s not my world. People don’t have to make special accommodations so that my lily-white ears don’t have to hear the screams of their children. One of the prices you pay for being alive in this world is that every now and then, some kid is going to be screaming where you can hear them, their parents can’t do anything about it, and if you can’t stand it, keep your own ass at home. Maybe you should just get over yourself, accept that the world goes on turning whether you like it or not, people will (gasp!) bring their babies and kids out in public, and those babies and kids might take it into their heads to scream inconsolably.
I think I’m getting mellow in my old age.
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Warning: TV talk ahead. No spoilers, but if reality TV bores you, skip this next section.
I will announce with no shame that we watched The Surreal Life last night, and rather enjoyed it. It was great watching Corey Haim (argh! Feldman, I mean Feldman! Thanks to Say for pointing that out to me!) claim that being vegetarian was a moral issue, only to have Gabrielle Carteris point out two seconds later that he was wearing leather shoes. Emmanuel Lewis has THE most annoying laugh I’ve ever heard in my entire life. I found Hammer and Corey Feldman entirely annoying, and actually liked Playboy bunny Brande Roderick, which I did NOT expect. I didn’t think Jerri Manthey came across as all that bitchy, but Fred disagreed.
Then we had an argument over whether she was an attorney who’d sued Mark Burnett, then realized Fred had mixed up Jerri with Stacey Stillman. Which is easy to do, because they resemble each other a lot.
Anyway. If you missed The Surreal Life last night, it’ll be on again Sunday night at 6 – that’s central time, so adjust according to your time zone.
Speaking of reality TV, I also watched The Bachelorette Wednesday night and enjoyed it. I think that this is a step up from either seasons of The Bachelor for the simple reason that most of the guys who were on the show as the bachelors already knew who Trista was, what she was like, and wanted to meet her specifically, rather than wanting to meet some random woman.
If they’re smart, they’ll make the next Bachelor the runner-up in this show.
My favorites of the moment are Bob, Brook, and Charlie. That’ll change as the show goes on, I’m sure.
* * *
I put up albums for
Spanky and
Spot. I feel very bad about the fact that there are less than 30 pictures of Spot. When I told Fred that we have far fewer pictures of poor, neglected Spot than any of the other cats – Fancypants comes closest, with double the amount of pictures – he said “Well, it’s hard to take a picture under the bed.” Which is where Spot spends a great deal of his time.
He has a point, I guess. But I’m going to make a point of taking more pictures of Spot from here on out.
When I’m done generating all the albums that need to be generated, I’ll put a link on the front page to an index page for all the albums. I think that’s the easiest way to do it.
* * *

This is my birthday cake, which Fred went and picked up from the best bakery in town, Peggy Ann’s Bakery. I was surprised to see Mr. Smiley Face, believe me! I expected yellow roses, since we usually opt for the roses at Peggy Ann’s. We’re going out to dinner, and when we get home, I get to open my presents and cut into the cake.
I can already tell you that the cake is going to be incredible, because it always is.
Thank god the bakery is on the other side of Huntsville, where we rarely go.
* * *
Friday Five.
1. Where are you right now? In the computer room, sitting in front of my computer, of course.
2. What time is it? 10:06 am.
3. What are you wearing? Gray cotton pants, this shirt, and socks with yellow flowers on the ankles. Oh, and a bra and underwear too, of course.
4. Any people or animals around you? Describe them. Not a one. I think it’s too cold downstairs for the cats, the spud’s at school, and Fred’s at work. Fancypants left me a present of a catnip-filled sock to keep myself busy, though.
5. What are your plans for the weekend? I have no real plans – I need to watch The Good Girl at some point, and we have Signs and Blood Work to watch as well. Lots of movie-watching, I suppose, as well as some housecleaning and the occasional sex.
The usual, in other words.]]>