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Miz Poo is in for another trip to the vet, poor thing. I noticed Friday that she was constantly grooming herself, and her lip – which had gone down some with the last steroid shot – has puffed up again. I hoped the continual grooming was a one-day thing, but by noon on Saturday it appears that she’s been doing nothing these days but groom and sleep. I think that part of the problem is that last week was so cold that we had the space heater and gas fire going almost constantly, and if she could have actually sat IN the fire, she would.

She spent most of the week sitting under my chair, two inches from the space heater, and surely that’s got to dry a kitty’s skin out. I know that the skin on my legs is pretty dry, so it stands to reason that her skin is as well.
Fred went to the pet store yesterday to buy some vitamins with essential fatty acids, and let me tell you – it is NOT fun trying to squirt that stuff down Miz Poo’s throat. Who’d have thought she could fight so hard?
Anyway, we’ve got an appointment with the vet later today, me and Miz Poo, so I’ll let y’all know how it goes.
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And now it’s later! The vet gave Miz Poo a steroid shot (but not before subjecting her to the indignity of having her temperature taken) and prescribed Elavil for her. Elavil is an anti-depressant, and he’s hoping that being on it for a couple of months will break her of the constant-grooming thing. It’s also going to mellow her out, so maybe she won’t go out of her way to smack the other cats upside the head any time they have the nerve to pass by her.
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This past weekend was absolutely Shield-eriffic. Although I’d thought we’d missed half of the first season, it turned out that we’d only missed the last two shows. We watched those two shows, and then Saturday night went back to the beginning and watched the first four shows.
Sunday, I spent a great deal of time looking for information on Jay Karnes, who plays Dutch on the show. Shockingly, the man has almost no online presence whatsoever. I’m nominating me to start up a fansite for him, I think, since most everyone else on the show has a fan page or two. No online presence in the day and age where every Joe Dork has a page? Inconceivable!
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We watched most of the SuperBowl last night, although I’ll admit that I still don’t know who played. Who the hell watches the SuperBowl for the game? We watch for the commercials! And the Pepsi Twist commercial made it well worth the effort. I thought I was going to pass out, I was laughing so hard.
If you haven’t seen it, you can go to the Pepsi page and check it out.
I love me some Ozzy.]]>