When she came inside, she sat in the living room for a few minutes, and then walked over to the kitchen and threw up. You can bet your ass I freaked out. I called Fred on his cell phone, and he said “Oh no!” We discussed it for a few minutes, decided to just keep an eye on her, and she hasn’t vomited since. THANK GOD. She’s eating; not a lot, but enough to keep me happy. I gave her some soft cat food this morning, and she also had the juice from a can of tuna yesterday. She’s supplemented that with lots of water, and the occasional bite of regular cat food. The drain, which runs along her entire incision, was originally sticking out both ends. Last night, we noticed that the part coming out of the lower part of her incision wasn’t there, despite the fact that it had been stitched in place. We decided that it had slipped under the incision, and when Fred called the vet this morning, he said that as long as stuff is coming out, not to worry about it. One of the things we have to do twice a day is get a bowl of warm water and a cloth, wring the cloth out so it’s not dripping, and hold it against her belly for five minutes (rinsing the cloth once it’s cooled off). She’ll tolerate it for the first minute or two, but after that it’s a struggle. I imagine that her whole belly is tender, and having something pressed against it – no matter how gently – doesn’t feel very good. The drain will be coming out tomorrow, and Fred kindly decided to take her. I don’t think I could be in the same building, let alone the same room, when they pull that thing out. Just the thought freaks me out a little.