Spring Cleaning type things done today: vigorous dusting of all blinds (need to be redone, explanation in entry), clearing out of old daffodil and gladiolus bulbs. Opened windows in computer room to air cat pee smell out. (Note to self: encourage Fancypants to run away) Scrubbed down laundry room, especially around litter box area, cleaned out litter boxes and litter box holder, refilled clean litter box. Moved bird feeder holder out toward the middle of the yard, as the area where it was located is getting overgrown with strange bird-seed plants. Was going to wash outside of all windows, but need to wait for a less windy day. May clean inside of all windows later.
Conclusion reached: Am not, despite lifelong inner belief, a gardener-type person. Have decided will simply buy cut flowers for rest of life instead of trying to dig up flower beds. When amazingly fabulously wealthy in future, will hire gardener-type persons.
Spring Cleaning type things to do tomorrow: Clean windows inside and out (if less windy than today), scrub kitchen, library and hallway floors with Floormate (not strictly Spring Cleaning type chore, but needs doing anyway), dust walls and ceilings downstairs with Swiffer. If ambitious, do ceiling fans as well.
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Fred did this, that and the other, and fixed my computer. I have to get it all set up the way I like, but I copied the important things – Eudora and my Favorites folder – as soon as the computer was up and running last night, so it’s feeling like home.
Have I mentioned that I love my geek of a husband?
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So I got up this morning, did my yoga (I’m just doing yoga this week, because my ass needs a break from the bike), and then began some of the spring cleaning that’s been hanging over my head since, say, the fall cleaning I never did. One of the first things I did was to go around with a feather duster and dust all the blinds. I know that a real cleaning of the blinds would consist of taking them down, soaking them in the tub, and then rinsing them and putting them out back to dry.
Won’t be happening in my lifetime, thanks.
The feather duster, though, just didn’t clean the blinds the way I hoped it would, and I resigned myself to the idea of going back around the house and using a Swiffer cloth to clean them, which was going to be a pain in the ass.
But then! Then, I went to the grocery store, and as I was going down the cleaning aisle, I glanced down and saw something that will make it much easier. The Swiffer duster!
I tried it when I got home, and it worked great. Yay!
And then I went out to dig up the bed where I planted daffodil bulbs and gladiolus bulbs, and what a PAIN IN THE ASS that was. I think I’ve finally decided I am NO gardener. The whole time I do any type of gardening thing, my main intent is to get it done and over with as soon as humanly possible. In the future, I’m going to plant things in planters, and be done with it.
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Have I mentioned recently that my readers rock? In the mail lately, I’ve received postcards from reader Retha and Jane, a St. Patrick’s Day card from reader Robbie, TWO Get Well cards for Miz Poo from readers Melissa and Kathy.
And then today, when I checked the PO Box, I found a box from Amazon, and a box from Retha (who sent the aforementioned postcard). The Amazon box contained three audiobooks: In Her Shoes, Good in Bed, and The Nanny Diaries. Amazon didn’t tell me who sent the audiobooks, though, so whoever bought them for me off of my wish list, please let me know so I can thank you properly.
And the box from reader Retha? It contained a BUNCH of stuff – apparently my Christmas, birthday, AND valentine’s day presents, all in one happy box! Adorable picture frames, cool pens, happy face slippers (which Retha referred to as “hideous”, but which I think are funny as hell), a Joe Boxer purse, good smelling candles, and more.

Definitely a bright spot in my day. Retha, please email me, so that I can thank YOU properly as well!
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I’m so very glad to have March done and over with – and April seems to be off to a pretty good start so far.
Of course, when I read stuff like
this, I realize that as bad as my March seemed, it really wasn’t all that bad.]]>