* * * I watched Mr. Personality last night, of course, because I’m a sucker for that kind of reality show. I don’t know how much I enjoyed it – the guys kind of blended together – but then, it usually takes several episodes of any reality show before I figure out who’s who. The differently colored masks will help, I guess. I still think Monica Lewinsky is cute as hell. And Hayley is cute, but she ain’t no Trista. We watched Billy Bob Thornton on Inside the Actor’s Studio Sunday night, and it was absolutely amazing to see him transform into the character from Slingblade. One second, Billy Bob Thornton, the next second, Karl. Damn but James Lipton is a big suckup, isn’t he? And while we’re on the subject of TV, we caught two or three episodes of Punk’d Saturday night (why yes, we DO have a thrilling social life!), and if you haven’t seen it, it’s definitely worth checking out. It’s like The Jamie Kennedy Experiment on speed. It’d be even better if they tossed Ashton Kutcher to the curb, though. I’m too old to be watching MTV, aren’t I? Last thing about TV, I promise. Friday nights (there goes that thrilling social life again!) we watch America’s Funniest Home Videos. The current host, Tom Bergeron, is far and away the best host that show has ever had. When the show originated Bob Saget (who will always be the dad from Full House, just like John Stamos will always be Uncle Jesse) hosted, and at some point Daisy Fuentes and some guy hosted, and every damn one of them made it clear that they thought hosting the show was far, far beneath them. Especially Daisy Fuentes, who was annoying as shit. Can I get a witness? But Tom Bergeron, while not taking the job too seriously, really seems to enjoy what he’s doing, and I hope he’s the host forever and ever.