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Pet store kitties are here.
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I am apparently married to a 100 year-old man. We picked the spud up from church Wednesday night and practically broke every traffic law in existence to get home. Why? So Fred could watch some poker tournament shit on TV. Y’all, he watched it with such concentration, his mouth hanging open, that his chin almost hit his chest. Little rivers of drool were making their way down his chin, merging with other little rivers of drool to create a Drool River.
I opted to do something more interesting and went into the other room to watch paint dry.
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This squirrel just came into the yard and started digging around under the bird feeders. I’ve only ever seen one other squirrel in the yard. (Note to self: if you’re going to take pictures out the window on a regular basis, take the screen off the damn thing)
Miz Poo caught sight of him and danced back and forth between the regular window and the cat door. The squirrel spotted her and ran off down the yard. Miz Poo responded by running into the living room. Heh. Then suddenly she remembered that there was, y’know, a cat DOOR, and she ran back and out the door. The squirrel was long-gone by then, up the tree and chattering his fool head off.
She’s currently laying on the library floor licking the rain water off her toes, after she tracked footprints all over the hardwood floor.
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A few months ago, I bought a grab bag of socks off
this site. I prefer Coolmax socks, even if I don’t walk outside anymore – at least recently – and so I figured a grab bag of Coolmax socks was the way to go. (I also bought a pair of smiley face socks, because, well, you know how I am.)
Anyway, when you opt for the grab bag of socks, you don’t control what design you get, and that, my friends, is why I’m wearing socks with a Texas flag on them that say “Texas Pride” on the sole of the socks today.

They’re comfy as hell.
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Fred bought me this for my antenna several months ago because the smiley face I’d had there either flew off or got stolen (bastards!). This sat on my desk for a long time until I finally got off my butt and took it outside to put it on the car. Is that the happiest little smiley sunshine you’ve ever seen, or what?
Now all I need is the perfect car to put it on…

Very “me”, don’t you think?
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Fancypants looks like an especially ratty-looking dead thing these days.
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1. What was the last TV show you watched? Extreme Makeover, which I taped Wednesday night. It was pretty damn cool.
2. What was the last thing you complained about and what was the problem? That I couldn’t get the archives on my petstore blog to look the way I wanted. It was because something needed to be changed in the php script Fred wrote.
3. Who was the last person you complimented and what did you say? I believe I told Fred he looked nice when he left for work either this morning or yesterday morning (they all blend together…). I also told the spud that her MLA paper was well-written.
4. What was the last thing you threw away? A super-size soda cup from McDonald’s. I love me some Diet Coke, yes I do.
5. What was the last website (besides this one) that you visited? I did a Google search on Grackles and found
this and
this. Before that, I read
Nance‘s last two entries. Damn but she has a couple of cute little kittens!]]>