“Self,” I said to myself yesterday, “What do you suppose would happen if you took that big flat-ish box out of the garage and laid it on the library floor?”
“I’m sitting on it. But I’m not happy about it!”
“Meh. MEH! Meh.”
“Sitting on the box. Sitting on the box. Yeah, man, I’m sitting on a box…”
Miz Poo opts for the smaller box to the side.

Someone mentioned in my comments yesterday that they liked our bird bath. We bought that last weekend, after we did our tour through the Cathedral Caverns. There’s a house in the country that’s surrounded by all kinds of cement things – bird baths, planters (some of the planters were huge – they were at least as high as my waist – and I can’t imagine how people get them home. They must need a crane!), and other assorted things. When Fred passed by the house a few weeks ago after visiting Cathedral Caverns with the spud, he’d stopped and asked if they took credit cards (he didn’t have enough cash, and he doesn’t carry a checkbook with him), and they said no. So we stopped on Sunday and looked all the bird baths over, decided on one that was shallow and shaped kind of like a daisy, then changed our minds and took the one shaped like a tulip.
I’m starting to think we should have gotten the one shaped like a daisy so that the birds could get in and splash around and actually bathe. As it is, they’ll occasionally sit on the edge and take a drink, so it’s more of a bird fountain than a bird bath.
It cost $45, and I hear it was heavy as hell. Luckily, I didn’t have to lift it myself, since I had a big strong man with me. I think we’re going to have to move it, though. It’s too close to the bird feeders, and it’s got a film of bird seed husks floating on the surface of the water.
We’re still waiting for one of the cats to try to jump up on it to investigate. I hope Tubby doesn’t try it, because he’d probably knock it over on himself and be paralyzed from the waist down, and we’d have to buy him one of those carts so he can pull himself around.

Okay, y’all. I have seen the funny cats video, thanks for forwarding it to me. I’ve gotten about 10 forwards of it, watched it every single time someone forwarded it to me, and laughed myself silly every single time. Almost as funny as the cats themselves are the owners you can hear in the background laughing or saying “Oh!” in surprise. Heh. Nothing funnier than a startled cat, I tell you.
And lastly, reader Becky forwarded me something that made me laugh out loud. I put it up
here. Trust me – it’s long, but the payoff at the end is more than worth it.

I was taking pictures of the Doves in the back yard, mostly to illustrate how damn many of them there are, and this morning I was looking through the pictures and found one that was awfully funny.

Does that Grackle look like he’s about to kick ass, or what? That’s a bird with a definite sense of purpose.
1. What do you most want to be remembered for? Being a bright spot in someone’s day – I want to be remembered with a smile.
2. What quotation best fits your outlook on life? I can resist anything but temptation ~ Oscar Wilde.
3. What single achievement are you most proud of in the past year? Not ending up in a belltower with a rifle. (No, not seriously, you freaks)
4. What about the past ten years? Getting out of a marriage that was going nowhere, and raising a great kid (though she’s not all the way raised yet).
5. If you were asked to give a child a single piece of advice to guide them through life, what would you say? Nothing worth having ever comes easy.
If you put a bag on the floor, she will show up and settle in.]]>
We (as in me and my husband) do love the entries with the cats sitting on things. Ours do the same thing, so that’s probably why!
Have a nice weekend! 🙂
No way am I the first to comment… your comments are like the freaking Friday Five.
OMG. That radio thing? For real? Man. And your crafty page is adorable. I love it. Notice mine is called “compulsively” crafty.
Compulsive: 2.an irresistible impulse to perform an irrational act
Heh – Say, I love your crafty page, have I mentioned that? 🙂
Jo – I swear, within 5 minutes of putting something down on the floor, the cats are sitting on it. It usually doesn’t even take 5 minutes, more like 30 seconds! 🙂
I LOVE that cat video, I didn’t want it to be over!
Know what? If I ordered an extra large pizza with extra cheese, and I opened the box, and there was Tubby yelling “Meh! MEH! Meh!” at me, I’d be just as happy.
I love Tubby. He’s a bitch, and I’m a bitch. If he were a person, I would go after him.
I laughed so hard at the radio thing that my puppy came running in the room and kept tilting his head back and forth looking at me. One of the cats was on the couch and jumped up also.
Just wanted to let you know i love reading your journal. It gives me a smile or laugh for the day.
Every cat I’ve ever owned had this philosophy, “Someting on the floor? Sit on it. Nothing on the floor? Knock something off a cabinet, table, or bookcase then sit on it.”
What I want to know is this: did the couple from the radio get the trip or not? I mean, they certainly deserved it!
Good question, Lori! 🙂
Just loved the Funny Cats video and the radio station thing. My 10 year and an I watched the video 3 times in a row, he laughed so hard !
Thanks for puting those up, I really enjoyed them. Have a great weekend !!
The look on that bird’s face reminds me of Hopper in “A Bug’s Life.” Too funny!
Rule number 1: only read robyn’s entries when you are at the office alone. thank god i was today
Rule number 2: say fuck more often. In-fucking-credible
I love the Tubby In a box picture. I love Tubby
Denise, you only love Tubby because you’ve never had him bitch at you. Heh. Actually, that’s one of my favorite things about Tubby, the way he sits and bitches.
And also, my favorite thing about the “fuck” .wav was “Why don’t you go outside and play hide and go fuck yourself”. Hee!
Tubby: “Meh. MEH! Meh.” – This box is too SMALL – my ass is on the cover!
Tubby: “Meh. MEH! Meh.” – This box is to HARD – please add some padding next time!
Tubby: “Meh. MEH! Meh.” – I LOVE you, Mommy!
Hi. This is completely off-topic here, but..
I have been trying to e-mail you for like, an hour to join the GFY list and I keep getting errors.
So I am posting here to request to join the list. I hope you see this.
The name of the blog is, of course, Social Reject.
Your cats are adorable. 🙂
Got 5 myself.
“Meh. MEH. Meh.” Sounds like me on a bad day. I was hunting for a cat today and I swear I found Tubby’s anorexic brother. He was already claimed, though.
I am anxiously awaiting my opportunity to use “hide and go fuck yourself.”
Why is it that fuck is so funny when said by a documentarian voice?
MizRobyn, you will always be remembered with a smile by me. gotta love them them cat pictures.