Spanky, who is a sweet little lovemonkey, will sometimes get in the mood where he’ll, while hanging out on the stairs, “talk” to you, as long as you “talk” first.
So I got out the crappy old camera and made a movie. Ignore my obnoxious voice and admire the doofy-ness that is the Spankmeister, here.

I have been up since 6:30 this morning, because I wanted to lift weights before I headed for the pet store. Once I got home from the pet store, I rode my stationary bike, then cleaned the entire upstairs INCLUDING DUSTING, all before I ate breakfast. I even took time off several times to snuggle with Miz Poo, who was seriously needing the Mama love.
At some point today I need to balance our checking account, which I’m not looking forward to. We use our debit cards for everything, and thus there are a zillion small transactions on the account that I have to go through and check off. I check our account online every couple of days to be sure I’ve entered everything in Quicken, and I rarely miss anything, but it’s such a huge pain in the ass to reconcile the account. I never get it right the first time, and sometimes it takes me three times through to get it right, which always pisses me off.
Maybe I’ll just wait until the PMS days are past.

There is a catnip-filled sock on the floor, and though I do not know why, I am somehow compelled to sit upon it. Look at my face. Do I look pleased about this sock sitting that I am doing? No. But I cannot help myself.]]>
Well. My kids are making me watch that video over and over. Free fun for all!!
The kitty video is too funny! I have played it 3 times now just to watch my kitties reactions! They surround the computer and look confused. It is great – especially when my Abby gets nose to nose with the computer screen and meows back.
Aww, that was adorable 🙂 Haha. I think Aibo the mechanical dog even picked up on it.
I’m amazed I was able to get such a good Spanky movie on only the second try. My favorite part is the head-roll at the end. Hee!
Wow, the clip of Spanky is ADORABLE! I love it! Are you going to put it on his picture page? Thank you for posting it. When my cat wakes up, I’m going to play it for her.
: )
Robyn, that video is driving my Umlaut kittie nuts. I love it!
The spankster could be a movie stah!
i played that clip, which is super cute, and it made my cats completely insane. they both jumped up on the bed and started looking around for the mysterious kitty. now they’re checking out the rest of the bedroom to be sure that kitty isn’t hiding somewhere.
Tessa Kitty is all hot and heavy for him! She says he’s got a home in RI aaaaaaaaany time he wants!
Me too! (I mean my cats too!) They are losing it! Including the little feral that I am taming – she just ran into my office meowing back! We must break the secret code! I sure he’s not saying “KILL YOUR MASTER! C-I-L-L your master!” (sorry Eddie Murphy!)
Ooh, good idea, Lynn! I’ll definitely link to it from Spanky’s page.
You know, it never even occurred to me that the little movie would freak everyone’s kitties out, but it makes sense that it would! 🙂
I thought my three cats were the only talkative wierdos. They talk almost all the time, sometimes to our entertainment or annoyance. I actually find it strange when someone’s cats *don’t* talk. I guess I’m just used to it.
Well, I’m showing this to everyone I know, and they all love it! My cat finally woke up (Hah!), but I think it made her mad. I think she’s jealous.
: )
hehehe well my cat has her fat ass outside somewhere so she can’t react to spanky. But it sure had my 2 dogs whipping their heads back and forth wondering where that was coming from.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww, I love how he tosses his head!
Mr. S. Tubby, Esq.:
While movies of Spanky are all well and good, please inform the Mama that I would much prefer to see a little more of that hunkilicious Fancypants. Am willing to post lascivious photos in return. *wink*
I love the movie!
The movie’s great! And you can just ship ALL of your extra tomatoes right to me. Do not listen to others who may say they want fresh ripe tomatoes. Do not. Just send them all to me! Okay? Okay!
I gotta quick coming to this site. (Yeh, right. It’s on my Absolute Favorites list along with your husbands.) I keep getting the urge to get a kitty what with all the fun Fred and you have with yours. No! No! That can’t happen. As it is right now I am trying to get my 22 year old son to move out. No more roommates, no matter how cute and hilarious they are.
Oh shit, that’s suppose to read I gotta ‘quit’ coming to this site. Sorry for the error.
That kitty movie made Xander, my dog, run in the room barking and growling, frantically searching for the kitties.
The meowing combined with the crazy dog barking made Rog wake up from his nap on the couch in the other room. He apparently was startled, thought something was wrong, and rushed down the hallway at me yelling, “What’s wrong?”
Which scared the shit out of me and made me scream. Then when that all calmed down Rog bent over to calm down the dog, lost his balance, and conked his nose on my computer desk.
All in all? Best movie ever!
Haha… I was just watching that video through here (in the office) with the speakers on rather loudly, and I couldn’t help laughing. My other half, who was in the lounge watching TV, called out “where is she?”.
I was like “what? who?” and he goes “Memphis!” (Our cat). I was like… “um, I think she’s outside? That wasn’t her!”
No doubt it was much more funny in real life. 🙂
Thanks for the laughs!
Hello Robyn,
I haven’t posted before, but frequent reader of your journal. My dog Lucy, loved the movie! I played it over and over for her. She came running over when she heard the meowing! I believe she was actually watching the screen!
Oh, my! I’ve just watched the video for the seventh(!) time and my eyes are watering I’m laughing so hard. Ooohh that head roll at the end. HA! And all three of my kitties are just pointedly ignoring it. It’s beneath their dignity to acknowledge a strange cat. (But their ears flicked back and forth like mad!)
Hee! Good to see Spanky get some screen time here- it’s usually all about the Poo, Tubster and the Fancy one. And isn’t he the little drama queen with the throwing the head back and mrowing his little heart out. Loved it!
Spanky is so cuuuuuuute!! Hey Robyn, do ya think you could put up little movies like that for the rest of the kitties? I would love to hear Tubby’s “bitchy” ‘meh’ and Miz Poo’s coos. Thanx!