Jenniffer sent me the link to this at the beginning of the month, and it absolutely cracks me up. Check it out.
And also, thanks to reader Tammy, who sent me this link. I’ve seen it before, but it had been a while, so I enjoyed reading it again. I’m thinking that’s something that would happen to us. I’m surprised it hasn’t happened already.

In the most recent copy of
People, there’s an article about Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart, talking about how they’re so in loooove. So all I can wonder is whether Melissa Mathison (Harrison’s ex-wife, or soon-to-be) sees the cover of him talking about how in love he is, and thinks “Motherfucker. He never told
People how he was soooooo in love with me when WE were together!”
Harrison Ford, it seems, is into long-term monogamy. He was married to his first wife for 20 years, and his second wife for about the same. I guess in 2023, we’ll be hearing about the Ford/ Flockhart breakup, and how he’s dating Carys Zeta Douglas (that would be the 2 month-old daughter of Catherine Z-J and Michael Douglas, for the uninformed out there. And it scares me that I knew not only the child’s name, but approximately how old she is.)

I’m going to stop mentioning The Fancy One all the time. Assume that he’s still gone if I haven’t said he’s back – though if he shows up, you know the second thing (after calling Fred) I’ll do is post to let y’all know. Thanks for all your suggestions, but I really do think we’ve done everything we can do to let everyone in the neighborhood know to keep an eye out for him, and there’s no inch in the house that has gone unchecked in our search. I really do suspect that he’s honoring another family with his Fancy ways, and when he gets bored with that, he’ll mosey on home.

We decided last night that I’ll definitely be flying to Maine in July, rather than driving. Originally, I was going to drive to Maine to bring the spud’s old computer with me, to give to my nephew Brian. Then I discovered that the spud’s old computer is a piece of shit, and won’t even play The Sims (which Brian loves to play) and that the computer Brian has now is actually a better computer than the spud has.
Then, after looking at ticket prices, we thought I should drive to save money (it really pisses me off that a one-way ticket from Portland to Huntsville costs as much as a round-trip. That’s bullshit, it really is). But after checking out the price of renting a car (we no longer trust our Jeeps to get me to Maine and back) and then renting a room one night on the way there and one night on the way back, it’s not really that much more expensive to fly. And it takes up a lot less time, which is always a good thing.
So flying it is.

We had yet another visit from the squirrel who comes by to partake of the bird seed we provide. (“Partake” always makes me think of Billy Crystal saying “
But I would be proud to partake of your pecan pie.” in
When Harry Met Sally.) We recently bought some cheap tinfoil sheets to put on the ground under the bird feeders, to catch all the bird seed the bastardly Blue Jay likes to toss on the ground. The ground feeders seem to like it, because they can feed from the ground, and it keeps the seed from piling up and attracting flies and all sorts of bugs. We put a neoprene weight on each sheet to keep it anchored.
The squirrel was rather pleased, it seemed, that he wouldn’t be required to climb up to the bird feeders this time around.

“Mmm… so nice of those And3rsons to put out seed for me…”

“Did I just hear the whining sound of a small animal – a portly cat perhaps?”

“Where on earth is that sound coming from?”

“Oh, heavens! A kitty coming after me!”
Somehow, despite the fact that Miz Poo sat under the tree for at least an hour, watching for that damn squirrel to come down, I failed to get a picture of her.]]>
Robyn, just when you get used to having only 4 (only 4, ha!) cats around the house, that’s probably when Fancypants will come home. I can only imagine the worry you must be grappling with – I know I’m sleepless when one of mine disappears even overnight.
Rootin’ for his safe return…
Peg – you’re probably right! In fact, Fred said “What if he’s gone for months and then comes home, but Tubby kicks his ass because he doesn’t remember him?” Heh – I don’t see THAT happening. 🙂
Actually, I’m thinking he’ll mosey on home right about the time you talk Fred into adopting a new kitten from the shelter!
ohhh that WOULD be some dirty luck, wouldn’t it? That sounds like MY luck! Two weeks after I told Ben he could have a dog “maybe in a year or so”, he found a pathetic, dirty little stray skipping in and out of traffic and brought him home.
Not that I’m complaining. I love my basenji boy. But damn!
Harrison Ford and Carys Zeta Douglas! That one nearly made me choke on the coffee I was drinking. Too funny!
Robyn, I’m just not getting caught up on about a month’s worth of entries.
My cat Spanky disappeared TWICE each time for about a month and a half and he’s not even allowed outside. I was heartbroken both times and cried my eyes out, but he always came back. Actually, the last time which was about 6 months ago. A lady found him outside her apartment. Her apartment number was 102, mine was 1002 – creepy, no?
My point, don’t give up, don’t think Mr I’m-so-fancy-I’m-too-good-for-the-Andersons is dead or hurt or anything. Likely he’s just being a little shitlicker and taking his own sweet time checking stuff out with no regard for the feelings of those who feed him and pet him and take cute pictures of him. Cats are so insensitive. The bastards.
I lurk around here Robyn and I know how you feel about the one way plane tickets! We always buy round trip and then just don’t use it…just a thought!
Once upon a time you could sell your other half too…we never did it, but oh so tempting!
I’m a travel agent so I always suggest the “buy a round-trip ticket and throw away the other half” idea if someone wants a one-way…although the airlines don’t allow you to sell the other half anymore..they are definitely bastards about doing that. Your remarks about Calista and Harrison reminded me that Demi Moore is dating a 24 year old PUNK…..what the fuck is up with DAT? Does it bother anyone else?? lol I just can’t believe she’s dating such a dweeb when she could have ANYONE. The sex must be FAB! (it’d better be I say)
Hiya Robyn! I don’t know if you’ve ever been asked this question before, but I’ve noticed in some of your journal entries that you spell your last name “And3rson”. Is it a typo, or is there a story behind it?
Michelle – it’s just so if a family member searches on my whole name, this site won’t pop up – my weight loss journal will before it, and hopefully that would distract anyone from looking further. 🙂
Ashton Kutcher is not a dweeb! He is a funny, somewhat cute, funny, funny guy.
Sorry, I HAD to spring to his defense. I love That ’70s Show, and while Danny Masterson’s character is my favorite, it wouldn’t be nearly as funny without Kelso.
I do agree that Demi Moore better be getting some sweet lovin’ though, to justify being with such a young guy. That’s just weird. She could be like…. his mom.
sorry, that was me — my info was forgotten, apparently.
I think they (Ashton and Demi) make an incredibly cute couple- who cares about age differences? As long as they are both consenting adults, why would it bother anyone else?
As I close in on 40- I am 35- I don’t feel too old for someone like him!
Squirrels rock!
the bluejay dumps THAT much seed??? GAH. I hear that peanuts IN the shell are a bluejay’s favorite. Not that you want to cater to the bastard…
Apparently bluejays are real bastards – although I think that the doves and the cardinal (which are ground feeders) do it too. Not as blatantly as that bluejay, though. He’ll just sit on the feeders and yank seed out and spray it everywhere for several minutes at a time.