Big Spring Park. Once there, we parked and headed for the pond, where we walked slowly around, tossing oyster crackers to the carp, some of which were – I shit you not – three feet long or longer. It was so cool to see them swim to the surface with their big mouths open and suck down an oyster cracker.
There were also ducks and pigeons, which weren’t all that interested in what we had to offer, because there were tons and tons of other people there also feeding them. There was either a church function going on, or a nearby church had let out, and people were wandering around in their finery.
After we’d been there for half an hour or so, we both desperately had to pee, and were also both pretty thirsty. Also, there were just too damn many people around, so we left to find a bathroom and something cold to drink. Once we’d peed and bought some sodas, we headed for Brahan Spring Park, nearby. The ducks and geese at Brahan Spring were more than happy to see us coming, and we fed them until we were out of crackers and bread.
By the time we left there, it was pretty close to lunch time, and so we swung by Subway to buy lunch, and then went to the lake by UAH. We ate lunch, and then began walking around the lake, feeding more geese and fish (Fred bought two boxes of saltines after we stopped by Subway). There were Canadian geese, some ducks, and these really odd-looking geese that reminded me, in the face, of turkeys. Their bodies weren’t shaped like turkeys, though, so I have no clue what they really were. There was also one white goose who followed us around and when we weren’t quick enough with handing over the crackers, he’d hiss at us.
I’d put up pictures of all this cool stuff, but I didn’t bring the camera with me, unfortunately, or you’d be looking at ten thousand pictures of baby geese. And DAMN are baby geese mighty cute.
I have a bit of a sunburn, since that was the first time this year I’ve spent much time in direct sunlight.

I’m so pissed at WZYP, the radio station I usually listen to. In fact, I’m going to stop listening to it. When I first moved to Alabama, their morning show was the Ace & TJ Show, and Ace and TJ never failed to crack me up at least once every morning. A few months went by, and suddenly Ace & TJ were replaced by some crappy morning show. A few years went by, and the crappy morning show was replaced by another morning team, and then another.
Then one magical morning, I turned on the radio to hear Ace & TJ, back on the radio! They’d moved from Huntsville to Birmingham, and then to North Carolina, where they decided to put out a syndicated radio show, and WZYP was one of the first stations to pick them up.
Every morning, to make riding the stationary bike or lifting weights less painful, I’d listen to Ace & TJ, who always made me laugh and made the time go by faster. Then, yesterday morning, they weren’t there. I emailed them to find out what was going on, and got a diplomatic “WZYP decided to go in another direction.” Well, if yesterday morning and this morning is anything to go by, they decided to go in the “suck” direction.
Fuckers. I MISS MY

Yesterday’s pet store kitties pictures are up

I was surprised to receive
Pamie‘s book in the mail yesterday, because I was under the impression it wasn’t coming out until July 1st. I pre-ordered it from Amazon months ago, when it was first available for pre-ordering, and it seemed like July 1st was forever away.
I had to clear the deck – I was in the middle of reading a book, and had the latest issue of US to read – and so I stayed up late last night to do so. The deck is now cleared, and I’m ready to start reading Pamie, full steam ahead. Yay!

Gardening pictures:

Blooming glads (only two are blooming so far – the others have a few weeks yet)

Very, very happy Million Bells. I guess they like either the heat or the humidity.
I’d show you pictures of the tomato plants, which have gone hog wild (in a few weeks, we’ll be drowning in tomatoes), and the cantaloupe plants, which are really enjoying the heat and sunshine, but last time I went outside I got a Japanese beetle stuck in my HAIR (my HAIR! It was in my FUCKING HAIR! ::shudder::), and I did a shrieky little dance that probably caught the attention of half the neighborhood, so I’m going to just stay in for now.
I know you understand.]]>
I can’t wait to hear how you think le book is.
You should have seen me the night I got a big, nasty June bug caught in my hair. My mom had to give me a good shot of rum before I could stop twitching. I hate June bugs!
Oh my god, Mary Ellen. I need a shot of rum just to recover from thinking about it. Eeeek!
STILL not as funny as when the spider landed on you in the shower, though!
Picture this.
Naked. no… MY BUTT NAKED ASS + Stink Bug + non sympathetic hubby who just laughed at me = the worst case of eebie jeebies ever!
I thought I was going to DIE.
Mmmmm….home grown tomatoes. I’d love to take any extras off your hands, but I’m afraid I’m a bit far to just come by and pick them up living in Seattle and all.
I don’t even know what June bugs or Japanese beetles are. We don’t have that many bugs in Seattle. Maybe you need to move here, though we do have plenty of spiders.
let us know if that book is good 🙂
I think you saw a muscovy duck. We see similar ones on the side of the roads here in so. MS
Ps – thanks for keeping me busy at work!
Sharon: I think you’re right! They kinda look like their brains exploded all over their heads, don’t they?
Heidi: I suspect by the end of the summer we’re going to be sneaking out in the early hours of the morning leaving bags of tomatoes on our neighbors’ front steps, we’ll have so many! And you’re a lucky, lucky gal that you don’t have to deal with Japanese beetles. Imagine lady bugs, only ugly, on steroids and with very sticky little legs. ::shudder::
Chrystal: Eek! Husbands suck, don’t they? When you’re running around screaming and they just laugh at you? Been there!
June bugs SUCK.
I have to agree about the June bugs. UGH!!!!!!!!!
I got one stuck in my hair once while we were camping. I jumped on the table screaming. Poor hubby came running to see what was wrong. Then he laughed at me and yelled “That is nothing to be laughing about!”
My husband told me a story about how he was camping on his own once. While he was sitting at his campfire, a Junebug flew into it. Then another. Then another. Then 2. Then 3, 4, 5, 10! He said it was as if it was raining June bugs, so he went into his trailer and he could hear them falling on the trailer, pinging as though it were hailing. In the morning there was a ring of dead June bugs around his campfire. Then he wants to know why, when I hear one Junebug fluttering in the trees above our campfire, I want to go inside? Yeah!
Are your glads planted in containers or beds? I know you said you were going with containers this season… if it’s working, I think I might try it myself!
Ack! Bugs!! Jeezus.
Do you remember how many Million Bells plants you planted in that container? It’s GORGEOUS! And I have the just the spot in which to try something similar…
Kate: They’re planted in containers. They’re doing okay so far, though a few bulbs crapped out. I’m waiting eagerly for the yellow glads to bloom! And I should point out that they’re miniature glads rather than full-sized glads – I’m not sure how full-sized glads would do in a container. It’d probably have to be a deep container.
Deeje: I think there are 4 plants in that container – and they were about three inches high when I planted them. I love them, especially the way they go from pink to yellow as time goes by.
And y’all are right. June bugs are nas-tay.
eeeeeekkkkk! gross gross and more grossity gross! I got the heebbbie jeeebbbies all the way up here.
Robyn – Your flowers are beautiful!! I know exactly what your talking about with morning talk shows! I would die if they took my “Bob and Sheri” away from me!!
I love your posts! They’re fan-fun-tastic; all sorts of pictures and adventures…even if some of them do involve bugs.
(I would flip out, too, if I had one of those honkin’ big mofos wind up in my hair.)
Damn girl! I was at a softball game once and the fields were set up in a diamond sort of pattern. As luck would have it, I was at the intersection of all 4 games, when one of the dirtbags decided to pitch a June bug at me. It landed in my hair between my ear and my neck. I freaked out and all 4 games stopped to watch me lose my mind.
Don’t worry, there’s lots of us indoor girls. I personally don’t go ANYWHERE I can’t order room service, and it’s gotta flush too. No nature for this girl. You’re in good company!
What is it about June bugs. Don’t they have built-in radar? How come when they fly they don’t have a clue as to their sense of direction? I’m not usually afraid of bugs at all, but I find it very disconcerting when one of those big, fat, ugly suckers start spinning around on the ground in front of me when I am trying to make a quick entrance into the house to get away from them, or bumping into windows or doors etc.
BTW Robyn – thanks for putting me onto Million Bells. I just love ’em. I have a beautiful honey-coloured one that is gorgeous, and a purple one that is needing TLC for some reason. How are yours?
I personally thing those poor things don’t have brains. They can’t have!
I also got Pamie’s book yesterday! Middlemarch can wait at this point–I’d been plowing through at the blistering rate of a chapter or two a night. Don’t get me wrong, I’m enjoying it thoroughly, but with the first heat wave of the year, I need something to dive right into while I swelter.
Hi Robyn, first I want to let you know that I really enjoy your diary. I read it every dAY. your june bug story brought memories of my child-hood. I was borned and raised in the coalfields of West virginia,a coal-miners daughter. Our family never had much money so all of us children had to intertain ourselves the best way we knew how.WE USED TO CATCH JUNE BUGS tie a string on to its hind legs amd swing it around the air just to hear it hum and sound like an air-plane.Then we would let them go . we never hurt them.To this day I love june bugs, they make really good pets
Y’all jinxed me. I stepped out onto the back patio this morning, and laying RIGHT THERE was a dead June bug. Eeek!
Jan: The Million Bells seem to be doing really well. I can only assume it’s due to the heat, humidity, and sunny days. 🙂
LOVE the million bells! Just discovered them this year for the first time. I bought 4 hanging baskets: deep purple, hot pink, and two bright lavender. Thy are just too gorgeous.
As for the June bugs, I can top everyone else’s stories. When I was about 11 years old, I was out walking our dog with my mom one night, and I yawned and a June bug FLEW IN MY MOUTH!!!!!!! Then I couldn’t spit it out because it’s little legs stuck to my tongue. I had to scape it off my tongue with my teeth. No amount of brushing or gargling are ever going to get me over that experience completely. Ptooey!
Hate those blind-flying little bastards!