
* * * I spent a good part of the day cleaning yesterday. I had Fred’s Jeep, since mine was having the oil changed and the tires rotated, so I cleaned it out, vacuumed it, and cleaned the dashboard. I filled about half a garbage bag with crap, and probably half a vacuum cleaner bag as well. In the afternoon, with Roseanne in reruns going in the background, I cleaned out the pantry (I’m an amazing pantry cleaner. Definitely do a good pantry.) and then the refrigerator. The house looks like crap, but the inside of Fred’s Jeep, the pantry and the refrigerator are stunningly clean and organized. Go, me! Speaking of my Jeep having the oil changed and the tires rotated, when Fred dropped it off at Firestone this morning, he asked them to please PLEASE try not to find $500 worth of work that needed to be done. Seriously, every time we bring a Jeep in, they seem to find almost exactly $500 worth of work that needs to be done. The Firestone guy took offense at Fred’s tone, but when he called later, guess what? That’s right, $500 worth of work needed to be done, but it wasn’t critical. Fred told him not to do it, and we’re going to take it somewhere else to be checked over. I can’t guarantee Firestone’s screwing us over, but it seems ODD that every time we have either of the Jeeps in for an oil change or something along those lines, it suddenly needs $500 worth of work. Bastards.

* * *
And while I was cleaning, I finished organizing the spud’s room, and I’d like to say that without a whole pile of crap sitting in the middle of her bedroom floor, and without a pile of shoes she never wears on the floor in her closet (the shoes are instead hanging in an organizer, and ha! I’m so cute, aren’t I? Dropping five bucks on a thing to hang in her closet and organize her shoes? Because I think we all know that within a week the organizer won’t hold a single shoe, but instead will hold dirty clothes and dirty dishes and probably straight-out garbage, we know that, right? And I will wander into her room at some point, and I will lose my shit, oh yes I will, and the words “Fred works hard, and it isn’t so you can LIVE IN A PIG STY!” will surely come out of my mouth), without crap everywhere, and everything neatly put in it’s place, there’s actually plenty of room for the child to move about. Amazing.
* * *
I finally went and picked up my new glasses today. They called Saturday to let me know they were done and ready to be picked up, but I didn’t feel like driving up that way until this morning.
The big pair – which I will probably use most often.
The small pair. For those rare occasions when I have to wear glasses in public. Why do I look like death warmed over? Also, note that if you look closely, you can see the Zit O’ Doom on my left cheekbone. Every fucking day this month I’ve had a zit on my face. If it wasn’t on my nose, it was on my chin or between my eyebrows. Basically wherever would be most noticeable to the public. Do I get zits in a convenient place, where I could hide it with my hair? Why, no. Of course not, damnit. And do I cover it up with foundation so as not to draw the horrified stares of other people? Fuck, no. All that does is make it more noticeable, at least so far as I can tell. If people have nothing more interesting to look at that the monster-sized zit on my cheek, then let ’em look to their heart’s content.
* * *
Fancypants has NOT wandered home yet, but this picture’s been sitting on my memory stick, waiting to be put up for y’all to enjoy, so I’m going to do it now.
“Hey… dude, move over, you’re too close to me. Dude? Dude! Wake up!”

15 thoughts on “2003-07-01”

  1. Maybe fancypants is in hiding till his fur grows back? I’m sure his butt will be home soon enough. I am the same way with zits this month, not monster ones but noticable ones which of course I have to play with and that only makes them worse.

  2. Uggh, I have to clean my pantry. Want to come over and help? I could get some lessons from you!
    Awww, I’m still thinking of Fancypants. 🙁

  3. I had the same exact problem with Firestone. Every single time I took my car in, it would be no less than $400 worth of ‘hoses’ and ‘valves’
    Luckily, I found out a friend’s husband knows alot about cars and is very gracious about helping me out. So, if he cant fix the problem, he tells me exactly whats wrong, what parts I need, and how much it should all cost.

  4. I think I may have some information about Herman’s long-lost twin brother… he’s currently staying beneath my right eye; maybe they’re so red and angry because they miss each other?

  5. Your cats sound like mine when it comes to sleeping. Lots of hissing in my house, especially when Dinky decides to suck my shirt.
    Mary Kay makes an awesome foundation that doesn’t make zits look worse. I can send you a sample if you are interested.

  6. Hmmm. My friend’s cat, Taz (who she’s had for over 10 years) has also gone missing. Do you think she and Fancy are together somewhere planning the takeover?

  7. Thanks for the new TUBBY picture on your home page. I was fretting the coming of July 1st fearing Tubby would be replaced with another “cute” but un-Tubby picture! I really do love Tubby – his triangle and tail are so darn cute on his white body!

  8. My dad always warned me not to go to Firestone, Midas, Sears or any of those chain transmission companies because they get commission on what they sell you or any repair work. Just a thought. Don’t know if it is still true.

  9. Ya gotta hate a big ol’ zit in an obvious spot–and you’re right: using “cover-up” hides it the same way a blanket thrown over a Honda successfully hides the car.

  10. I think I’m finally past my “zit” stage, but my big issue now is curling iron burns. Seems that I am doomed to go through the rest of my life with a burn mark on my forehead. It’ll heal up in a week or so, start looking normal again, and then BAM. I’ll slip while I’m curling my bangs and we’re right back to square one.
    I’m still holding out hope that The Fancy One will be strolling home to you guys any day now. Hope he decides to do so soon.

  11. Thanks for the new photos! I too hiss at my cat to make her stop doing naughty and annoying things. My husband taught that trick to me. He said that’s how mommy cats teach their young not to do certain things. I also combine it with a neck scruff when possible and it’s highly effective.
    I think the triangle on Tubby’s face looks like a sailboat. It’s so distinctive.
    Robyn…I have a question. How did you get 5 different cats to live together in harmony? I have a friend living with us for a brief period of time and we both have cats and they aren’t really getting along so far.

  12. I always had that kind of experience with Firestone, which is why I don’t go there unless I need to get a tire patched or replaced. I agree… Bastards! 🙂

  13. Hi Robyn! Still keeping up with you and Fred though admittedly, I’ve been a stuttering lurker as of late. I hadn’t been keeping up with my own blog, or reading my favorites for quite some time, but found myself drawn back. I’ve read posts and have kept wondering at the absence of a few Anderson kitty names that were always a mainstay… And then it caught my eye. The link at the bottom for your post one year ago today. I’m so sorry. I can’t explain why I have tears streaming down my face.. Mr. Booger was a mainstay in more than just the Anderson household, he brought a smile to so many peoples faces. I can remember hollering for Bill to come look at Mr. Boogers newest picture, or reading him tales of the Booger vs. Fence war. I’m so sorry to hear about his loss, even sorrier that that came a year after that loss. I know how much his death must have hurt and just wanted to give you a great big internet hug. And a year later, remind you that your kitties and your stories touch your readers, give us amusement and provide stories for us to tell our spouses after they wonder why we are laughing in a room by ourselves. :hugs:

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