Something on the floor?
Begin countdown.
Five seconds.
Twenty seconds.
Twenty-three seconds.
Twenty-five seconds.
Thirty seconds.
The magic has apparently worn off, and now Spanky’s allowed to lay in the box lid.

An acidic and hostile place: since 1999
Something on the floor?
Begin countdown.
Five seconds.
Twenty seconds.
Twenty-three seconds.
Twenty-five seconds.
Thirty seconds.
The magic has apparently worn off, and now Spanky’s allowed to lay in the box lid.
Comments are closed.
I love tubbs
LMAO… my cat is like that with an empty laundry basket. He’s got his ass parked in there the second I take out the last article of clothing.
Meh meh meh..get in the kitchen woman and get me some pie! Meh meh…
Tubby is the best! What a cool roly-poly cat- I never get tired of looking at photos of him.
Oh my god. He looks like a baby seal in the “Meh. MEH. Meh!” pic. “I’m not fat, I’m festively plump!” Oh, my fat boy, Buzz, weighs 16.8 lbs. But he’s solid black, and that’s slimming. 😉
Tubby is adorable!!!
My cats always try to squeeze their big ole selves into small shoebox lids.
i SWEAR giving cats commentary is the funniest shit ever.
Tubbs – bless his heart – looks like one of those big ol’ seals, laying on the beach surrounded by his harem, gaping mouth and all!
my kitty toby is like that with boxes too…when ever i bring a box home she would get her ass in the box immediately and wont come out till the sun comes up. even if the box is too small for her she still manage to get herself in….
What beautiful cats! They all looks so healthy , happy, and catalicious!
Hi! I sent you an e mial because it was too long to post here. It is concerning some kitties in desperate need of help. Hope to hear from you soon!! Dani
It could be just that I’m drunk, but HOLY SHIT! I busted a gut over the last two entries.
Damn. Funny cats.
Okay, Jake just looked at me like I’m crrrrrazy. Even though I explained the crrrrrrazy thing to him and let him see BOTH entries from the very beginning. I’m busting a gut and he is just standing there with an eyebrow raised and telling me that I’m drunk.
I don’t think he knows what he’s talking about. This is comedic gold. I am dying.