my-god-how-can-these-people-be-so-stupid-and-annoying eyeroll, so either it runs in the family or all teenagers do it. I suspect it’s the latter.
Naturally, I also saw my parents, my sister, my grandmother (who is now living in an assisted living home and adjusting well. To me she’s more lucid than she was last summer. My mother informs me that that comes and goes, though), my best friend Liz, my other brother Darrell Randy, and my uncle, not to mention the adorable yapping squirrel-hunting Benji. We had an especially good time Saturday afternoon, when we had a family barbecue. When my parents left to take my grandmother back to The Home, the rest of us sat around and got started on all the “Oh, Jesus Christ!” stories (for the uninformed, that’s what my mother says when exasperated), and laughed our asses off. It was a definite great end to the visit.
* I discovered that the ex told the spud that I am stupid. After I stopped laughing, I told Debbie “That would be like me calling Twiggy fat!” Later, I asked the spud what the conversation leading up to the statement consisted of, but she either couldn’t remember or wouldn’t say. The ex’s fiancee stepped up and said “That’s her MOTHER you’re talking about!” and smacked him, so I have to say that I wholeheartedly approve of her, and she’s clearly too good for him.
* I burned the top of my forehead, the tops of my knees, and the tops of my feet. This after faithfully slathering a ton of sunblock all over my body every hour on the hour the day we went to the beach. The sunburn on my forehead is now peeling all over the place (the burn went up into my hair), and now I look like I have a seriously bad case of dandruff. However, I have a lovely 6-inch tan in odd shapes on both of my knees.
* I had my first alcohol in probably three or four years in the form of a Strawberry Daiquiri at Applebee’s (I went shopping and out to lunch with Liz Saturday afternoon). By the time I was done with it, I was seriously buzzed. I’m a lightweight, what can I say?
* Fred went for a walk and found a cat head one day, and was accosted by a stranger another. After writing an entry about the latter, he was inundated (lookit me, ma! Using the big words!) with emails calling him a dumbass and a sucker, and threatening to tell on him to me.
Now, just because I’m in Maine doesn’t mean I don’t still talk to Fred 14 times a day. There’s this new invention called a telephone, y’see… And I knew what had happened hours and hours before any of Fred’s readers, because (this may be shocking…) we TALK to each other. We COMMUNICATE about odd and weird events in our lives. Of course he’s going to tell me first, because he’s my HUSBAND, an adult, not some naughty little boy who does stupid things and then tries to hide them from me. How could someone tell on him to me when I already know what’s what?
And also, here’s the thing. Sometimes we give money to people who ask (shut your mail client, smartass) and sometimes we don’t. If we have the money and are willing to give it, we do so. The $20 that Fred gave that man Thursday morning took nothing away from us, because we can easily afford it. If he comes back and asks for another $20, we won’t give it to him, and it’s really that simple. If we have money and can help someone in need, it’s not up to us to quiz them to be sure they truly need the money. What happens with that money once it leaves our hands is nothing we can control. And in the end, it’s our money, and we get to decide what we do with it, y’know?
And lastly, if in the future you send an email calling Fred names and treating him like a recalcitrant child, don’t be surprised when he responds in kind.
First comment is MINE!
You were missed! Glad you had a safe trip. 🙂
I am so glad you are back, you were missed!!
Welcome home!! I missed my daily dose of bitchypoo! I can’t believe anyone had the nerve to mouth off to Fred…I never once thought about doing that. He is an adult and can take care of himself…what he does is his business. it is my turn to be off on vacation..going to NJ to see my kids and granddaughters..yeah!!!!!!!!!
Hey Robyn —
Glad you’re back! And I love your new opening page … cracked me up big time. Now I have to go read Fred’s and read the one about the “stranger.” And congrats on keeping your cool about the “stupid” comment.
This may be deleted after reading or addressed somewhere else 🙂
But do you have the ability to see who is on the notify list? I’m just curious
I’m so glad you are back. I emailed fred but only because I was almost a dumbass recently with a stranger too! I figured you could take care of your man or better yet fred had two butts that day 🙂
Robyn – we all live vicariously through you, therefore for the last 10 days, we have been in effect, dead. No, just kidding! No wait! We really do live vicariously through you! We just had to postpone the festivities for a while! Welcome home! (and please don’t leave ever ever again – stories about cat heads are terribly disturbing!)
Robyn, your efforts to “be the better person” with regards to your ex will one day be recognized and appreciated by the Spud. I was in the middle of a nasty divorce and because I was older than my brother, I was subjected to a lot more of the bull$shit. Trust me, eventually you see your parents for what they are, especially in the case of the parent who acts badly (although somehow I don’t think your ex is quite the same kettle of fish my father is- whom I haven’t spoken to *at all* in about five years and has never met my partner of almost ten years). Good on the fiance for smacking him- at least she has some good sense.
Poor Fred!! I’m very glad that he called the police, even though it doesn’t sound like they really understood why he was disturbed. I think there’s a good reason why they say serial killers start out with animal torture- if you’d do something awful like that to a defenceless animal, you’re missing something that the rest of us have- you just aren’t normal.
Recalci-what now? Big words, little lady.
I’m so happy you’re home!!!!!!!!
I am glad you are back and glad you had a great time!! (but mostly glad you are back because I am selfish when it comes to my daily dose of bitchypoo!!)
Welcome back – I missed my bitchypoo – although Fred’s totally weird experiences did fill part of the void.
I am the product of a broken home……
My mother left my father (the alcoholic) when I was 7, sister was 14, brother was 19. (I was an accident 😉
Although far from perfect, my mom did such a great job raising us. As my mom likes to say “Dr Phil says that the same sex parent has the most influence.” Thus regardless what you say about your ex, the fact that you are most intelligent, confident, don’t care what anyone else thinks type of person, will instill the same in your daughter. The ex may be there, but in reality he probably has absolutely zilch of influence on your daughter. I am sure she looks to you (and to Fred) for all that is good in this world.
My mom didn’t bad mouth my dad, however she did say it as it was. He was totally selfish and absolutely irresponsible, but he did love his children. This did not emotionally damage me either – because it was not candy coated – it represented reality.
Welcome home Robyn! After reading your postcard about decimating the lobster population, I got to thinking, It is a good thing you weren’t in Maine during the fourth of July. My husband’s navy ship sailed to Eastport and the sailors really did eat the town out of lobster…and steak…and beer…
Anyways, glad you’re back, and would you please post some pics of the kitties soon? Fred is a bit of a slacker in that area, no offense Fred.
Wait, people actually emailed Fred and yelled at him for being a kind human being? Gee. Shame on you Fred for having a heart and being concerned for someone you thought was in need. Sheez.
Glad you’re back — I was going through bitchypoo withdrawal!
Yay! Robyn’s back to make me laugh EVERY DAY!! Now, I demand that you write an extra entry each day until you have made up for all the ones you didn’t write while you were SO FAR AWAY from us!!
Yeah, I’m just kidding. But seriously, you’re never allowed to leave again. 😉
WELCOME HOME!!!! YOU were missed!
Glad your back…