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I had forgotten what a pain in the ass running a business can be, with trying to figure out how much sales tax to collect, and where to send it, and all that crap. I tried to convince Fred that we should just refuse to sell the book to anyone in the state of Alabama, but he didn’t seem to think that was a good idea.
(And I’m kidding, anyway. Alright? Close the email clients, you rabid Fred fans who reside in Alabama.)
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The spud got home from school yesterday about 15 minutes later than I expected, I suppose because the bus driver’s trying to figure out where he needs to stop. It cracks me up that she gets home 45 minutes after school lets out, when she could walk home in 10 or 15 minutes.
Lazy like her momma, is what she is.
So we got together a list of the school supplies she needed, and we ran to Target. We got the last 4 3-ring binders in the entire store. It absolutely ticks me off that we have to wait until after the first day of school to buy school supplies. I know the reasoning, that not every kid in 9th grade takes the same classes, so they can’t provide a single list for all 9th graders, but for the love of god, why can’t the teachers from individual classes email lists to the students they’ll have?
On second thought, that sounds like an awful lot of work for the teachers, doesn’t it? Nevermind. Hey, when she’s a Junior, she’ll be able to drive and buy her own school supplies!
(The child will be old enough for a learner’s permit in 2 1/2 months. ::shriek!::)
She’s taking Spanish this year, which is cool. She’s been interested in other languages for as long as I can remember, so maybe this class will feed that interest. Hey, maybe she’ll become a translator in the military, and if we ever go to war with Spain, she’ll be right in the thick of it!
I think it’s more likely that she’ll learn to insult me in Spanish and I won’t know what she’s saying. Damn teenagers.
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I bought an Olivia Newton-John “Best of” cd while I was in Maine (hey, $4. You’d buy it too, don’t deny it!)(shaddup), and now the song “Country Girl” (not to be confused with John Denver’s “Thank God I’m a Country Boy”) is bouncing through my head.
… a country girl, you know I’ll always stayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy….
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Damn I love to take pictures of the clouds from the plane. Isn’t the sky the coolest shade of blue?

Benji, demonstrating the meaning of the words “baleful look.”

I’m fairly certain that this damn seagull is the one who ran up and grabbed part of Brian’s sandwich out of his hand at the beach. Bastard.]]>
I don’t really have anything to say, I just wanted to be first.
Hey! Which beach is that? Marie and I spent July 5-13 at Old Orchard, right on the beach (woo! Pier Fries! woo! Rickety rides at Palace Playland! woo! The Crazy Clam!).
Laura, it’s Popham Beach, up near Bath. We didn’t make it to Old Orchard this year, but it’s on the list for next year! 🙂
I went to school in Bath Maine…Hyde…Hardest and best 3 years of school.
My son who is 15 took Spanish for the first time last year in 9th. He is always speaking to me in Spanish just to be funny, because I have no idea what he is saying. So now when he does it, I start babbling strange nonsense stuff at him to shut him up. It shuts him up because it embarrasses him to have his Mom act so bizarre. Teenagers are such fun to have around!
Robyn, Did you see Finding Nemo? They tagged the seagulls so correctly! All the animals talk and say witty and intellegent things. The only thing the seagulls say is, “MINE!” “MINE!” Very funny!
Also, I took 3 years of spanish and all I can remember is numbers 1-10, some colors, some greetings and the phrase, “Los blancos pantalones son muy bonitos!”
Amy, I haven’t seen Finding Nemo yet, but I’m looking forward to it!
I took three years of French, and I remember VERY little of it. I do know that “chat” is French for “cat”, does that count? 🙂
Heya Robin-
I have been sick the last couple of days, so been just sitting on my ass reading journals and the such- have you ever seen this website?
I don’t know the people doing it, or anything about them, but when I was looking at it, I thought of you- why? Don’t know. Seeya
OMG- I totally meant Robyn not Robin- please don’t verbally attack me!! I am sick- on cold medicine and there are small animals attacking me….
in case anyone was wondering, Amy said, “the white pants are very pretty”
Hey there ass kisser. You can kiss my ass anytime. Thanks for the kind words. Glad you made it back safe. Thanks too, for not making me feel like a dork. 🙂
They will warm up to that new feeder . . fear not 🙂 Happens to me every time. Put up a new one and they ignore it like a dirty shirt for a few days but then all of a sudden it will be empty.
Holy CRAP Alabama sales tax sucks, I know this and I don’t even live there! :O
I’m soooo jealous you had a sunny beach day in Maine! I just got back last night from a week in and around Boothbay and it was foggy and/or raining the entire time. There were a few moments of sun in Freeport when we were there, and a few more out in the ocean when we went whale watching, but the day we took driving up to Acadia was depressingly full of fog that blocked all the cool views.
Nice state you got there though! I wanna go back someday and see it when it’s not foggy.