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In my comments yesterday, Kay mentioned that she’d recently seen a really good bumper sticker. When I read what it said, I laughed my ass off, and read it to Fred, who also laughed pretty hard.
And then I googled the phrase.
You can get a bumper sticker here or here.
You can get t-shirts here and here.
You can even get a keychain!
I’d buy the t-shirt if I didn’t live in the FUCKING BIBLE BELT. I’d probably be hung from the nearest tree if I wore something like that in public.

Tubby doesn’t look like he’s anywhere close to kicking Poo’s ass anywhere.
yes. That was THE world’s most retarded comment.
OMG that bumper sticker made me laugh so hard I cried.
Tubby only WISHES he could kick Poo’s ass. 🙂
That photo makes Tubby look fat.
Joni, ow. I just shot water out of my nose. Hee!
Thanks Robyn for my 15 minutes of fame!! (heh).
I live in the bible belt too, so I have to live vicarously through other peoples bumper stickers!!
Uh oh, sibling rivalry.
JONI! I was drinking my PEPSI, which almost came out of my NOSE! (i’m just like Robyn)
I live in Atlanta (well, Kennesaw) and I have a friend who has a t-shirt that reads “Fuck you, you fucking fuck.”
Of course, he lives downtown so he can get away with it.
I think I will start signing my comments this way. You’ll still know it’s me, right? Yeah, I’m self-important like that.
Joni made me choke, too.
Robyn, You could buy the “tomato thong” even in the bible belt. Hee!
Val, my ass is not ready for thong-ness. I could buy one for Fred, though. Hee!