Good Morning America this morning, chances are good you saw our very own Erin, looking sassy and making some excellent points.
Too cool, that.
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Here’s a shout-out to fellow dork One Dollah and her friend Twenty Cent.
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Jesus Christ. A motorcycle just went zooming by at the speed of light on the very busy road behind our house, and I about fell off my chair and curled up into a fetal position, the sound scared me so badly.
* * *
When I think of Judge Roy Moore, the phrase “Getting too big for his britches” comes to mind.
The current
news is that they can’t get anyone to remove the 10 Commandments monument because they’re all skeered of the backlash from the loonies (I say that with love) who’re rabidly anti-removal.
I sure am sick of hearing about it.
* * *
So when I was in Maine, I went to Deck The Halls in the Maine Mall, and I picked out some pictures to be framed and sent to me. For the last few days I’ve had a vague “Hasn’t it been a REALLY long time since I was in Maine, and shouldn’t those pictures BE HERE by now?”, and when Fred and I got home from the post office yesterday, voila! These two huge packages were waiting in the garage, and much swearing and ten tons of foam packing peanuts later, we had them unwrapped.

This one’s going over the mantel. I love it so much I keep walking into the living room to stare at it.

And this picture cracks me up so much that I keep going to look at it. It’s hanging in the hall by the front door, and every time I look at the picture in the middle, with the hilarious expression of surprise, I laugh my ass off.
If only I could get a series of pictures of Tubby like that.
While I was taking pictures of stuff I bought in Maine, I took a picture of these:

I already had the orange one in the middle, but I decided we needed the calico to represent Miz Poo and the all-black one to represent Mr. Fancypants. Sadly, there were no black and white cats to represent Spot and Tubby. Or rather, there was one, but it was a lot bigger than these, and I wanted one that was the same size.
Could I be more of a spoiled rotten yuppie bitch? “Look at what I bought! I have nothing better to spend my money on than pictures and tchotchkes! Next I think we’re going to grill steaks on a pile of $100 bills! Muffy, pull the Por-shuh around and let’s take a run to the Tar-zhay!”
Did I mention we’re saving up for a new camera?
* * *
I stayed up late to finish
The Dogs of Babel last night and it made me weep into my pillow (which alarmed Miz Poo), so I had to rate it 4 Poos on the
reading list. The question, though, is whether the book actually rated 4 Poos, or whether my brain was so thrilled to read something well-written after I subjected it to that horrible book written by Carni3 Wils0n that I overreacted.
Seriously, y’all, don’t waste your time with the Carni3 Wils0n book. The spud, who is 14, could have done a better job.
Of course, nothing could be as bad as that fucking
Mulvaney book.
(Speaking of that damn Mulvaneys book, we were in a used book store over the weekend, and I saw three copies of that book. I turned to Fred and said “I feel like I should buy those books and burn them just to remove their offensive presence from the face of the earth.” Fred said “What’s funny is that I bet ten bucks there’s at least one person in existence who claims that book as their favorite.” True. No accounting for taste, I guess.)
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Miz Poo poses for PlayPussy.
Motorcycle? I feel your pain. My dorm window faces the main street in Reno, so all day and night I hear cars zooming all over playing loud music with the bass up at 293489 decibels.
Oh, what I wouldn’t give for a good night’s sleep. Sigh.
That Mulvaney book – gack!!!!!!!!! Oh, how I loathed that book. I will read anything…ANYTHING…even cereal boxes, but that one I could not even finish. Oh, the horror.
I have that same “fat cat” picture–my mother gave it to me about 12 years ago, and I still love it as much now as I did back then. Cracks me up when I look at it. 🙂
Love you — love Miz Poo. Thank you — Robyn! You are THE BEST.
i was so happy to read your post today…i was in dire need of a good laugh and a big smile. thanks!!! 🙂
I LOVE that cat picture!! I’ve got those same Fat Cat figurines and one of mine is black and white. I think they came from the Cats, cats and more cats catalog. good luck finding them 🙂
You need to quit linking to other peoples journals. Everytime you do, I go read it and I inevitably end up on their notify list! Pretty soon I am going to have so many to read, I will never get any work done. Then I will lose my job. Then I won’t be able to afford to pay for my internet service. Then I won’t be able to read anymore journals. No No No please not that, anything but that…..
I wanna be One Dollar fi’teen!
Another thing(s). I LOVE that falling cat photo, and I must have it.
Also, that dead spider entry was the reason I decided to keep reading you. I laughed my ass off!
Robyn,I totally agree with your comments yesterday and today on the Ten Commandments nonsense. Sheesh. This is getting way WAY over the top.
Have you ever considered writing book reviews? Well, at least one on the Carnie Wilson book! (Or did I miss your thoughts in a past journal entry?)
Lucy – I’m not really the book reviewing type; I fear my reviews would be either “Damn that sucked” or “Damn that was good.” 🙂
Mo – I can still remember the horror of finding that spider…::shudder::
Joanne – I’ll see what I can do. 😛
Maryanne – I have a feeling the rest of my afternoon will be spent doing an online search!
Amber – glad to help! 😉
Erin – back atcha babe. 😉 Now, when will Oprah be calling? I mean, you’re RIGHT THERE, how easy would it be to get you to the show?
Yvonne – I’m such a spaz I’m thinking about moving the picture so the sun doesn’t fade it!
Susan – great minds hate the same book… or somethin’ like that!
Delusive – actually, they rarely roar by here. Which is probably why I was so surprised!
Oprah needs to HIRE me, Robyn. Heh! Oprah! My friend! Drop me an email! We’ll chat!
Oh man, working for Oprah would be SO cool. I think when Oprah gets bored, she walks around giving houses and cars to her employees. Hell, I’d work there for no salary just for the benefits!
LOVE the falling cat picture and MUST have it for my sisters. Must.
Mz. Poo posing for PlayPussy was the best laugh I have had all day….except for the dead spider in your hair entry, which is where I am currently at in the archives…during my sabbatical from the working world I decided to read you from the beginning,…heheheheh.
The ten commandments, ugh. Our local news has a “24 Hour Monument Watch” going on (I’m in Montgomery, yay). I had the news on in the background this morning, and 10 minutes into the program, I heard “There aren’t quite as many supporters here this morning as yesterday” no LESS than eight freaking times. Can anyone possibly give that much of a rat’s ass anymore?
I, too, have that cat pic. Mine has “Fat Cat Capsizing” and the photographer’s name on it. I have it hung in my office at work. I think I’ve probably seen that happen to my fat boy, but could never get the camera quick enough.
Speaking for motorcycle riders, I apologize for the loud one that scared the hell outta ya! Most of us don’t add the customized mufflers whose soul purpose is “rattle the timbers!”
Your pictures are great- the first one is so incredibly peaceful looking… you feel like you could walk right on to that porch…
Fat Cat Capsizing can be found here.
You’re welcome. 🙂
And Santana, I completely agree. The more I look at the picture, the more I like it!
Yvonne, I just spent HOURS looking for more of those damn cats, because I’m so suggestible.
And here they are!
I’m so persistent when I’m PMSing.
So back to Oprah… just how many letters do you think it would take to fall between “hey, let’s do a show on dietblogs”, and “not within 100 meters”…?
Hmmm… I think that if they suddenly got around 100 – 200 emails on the subject, it would at least catch their attention, don’t you think? As long as they were from real people and not from, say,,, and so forth? 🙂
I don’t see why we can’t put the critters to work as well… our tabby needs to lose weight- perhaps he and Tubs could do a joint project. I’m feeling it: “Women who have blogs who love cats who have blogs, who are losing weight via blogs, on the next Oprah…”
Then again, perhaps we’re approaching Springer territory now.
There’s this guy at work. A black hole type of guy. I tell myself that I won’t get sucked in, I will resist, I will not engage him in conversation, but eventually, I get pulled in, snatched from the real world and into his little universe. This is not a good thing. I consider him to be mildly unstable.
He drove to AL from NC this weekend and spent the weekend on the courthouse steps. Got his picture in 2 of the AL newspapers and his picture, as well as a quote, in USA T()day. He told me, “If JC was tortured, blahblahblah (listing all the torture mechanisms and whatnot) for his beliefs, I am willing to get arrested and pay a fine for mine.”
I shit you not.
I have the unique privilege of knowing him. It’s a challenge, let me tell you, keeping my mouth shut enough to remain professional and yet not let him get the last word in. Grrrr.
Robyn, who is the artist of the first picture? It is just beautiful!
Jen, I don’t know. I forgot to make note of it, and now the mat’s covering it up!
Kat – I’ll meet you on Springer for a slap-fight! No hair-pulling, though. 🙂
Von – Oh my lord! Hey, I could have caught a ride back to NC with him if I’d known! 😉
Robyn, thanks so much for putting up Erin’s GMA interview. I was in complete dispair about ever getting to see it. Much appreciated!
No problem, Erinn – I was glad to do it. 🙂
Jen – after spending some time looking on, I found the picture, and it is here!
Who loves her readers?
Help! I can’t see the link to the GMA interview with Erin and other diet journallers. How did I miss it?
I forgot to link it, Lulu (Erin linked it on her page), but it’s here. Let me know if you have any problems – it’s in 4 parts because our old camera (which will record sound; stupidly we bought a new camera that does not) can only record 1 minute at a time. And you may hear flashes of “Lord of the Rings” in the background.
Thanks, Robyn. I got it to work (but I still don’t understand the camera comment, unless you mean that you used your “still” digital camera because I thought all digital video cameras record sound.) But no matter. Thank you very much. I did search Erin’s site a couple of times but I somehow missed the link. Perhaps she took it down.
You’re the best!
Robyn, you’re the best! I know that I am very late with my reply, but I was out of town until today. Thank you for finding that picture!h
I was glad to do it, Jen. 🙂