* * * So on Friday afternoon, in a bid to get the hell away from the computer, I was sitting on the couch watching “I love the 70s” on VH-1 and reading a magazine. At one point they began discussing The Waltons. Now, I enjoyed The Waltons, although I did not see every show, and I had a wee bit of a crush on, uh, one of them. Maybe Jim-Bob? Or Jason? Ben? One of the redheads, anyway, if that narrows it down, since I’ve always had a bit of a thing for redheads. I even read Spencer’s Mountain, which was probably owned by my brother Tracy – Let me take a moment to say that Tracy used to HATE it when I’d take books from his room and read them without asking permission (which in retrospect was rather rude of me, wasn’t it?). It was Tracy’s copy of Carrie that introduced me to the magic that is Stephen King (HE DOES NOT SUCK, YOU JUST SHUT UP), and also inside that copy of Carrie that my mother wrote “I don’t approve of this, do you?” – and upon which the series was based. But I digress. I was watching “I love the 70s”, and the topic of The Waltons came up, and someone said that the show was about a bunch of hillbillies. And I was aghast. Because believe it or not, it never once occurred to me that the Walton family was comprised of hillbillies. When Fred got home later that afternoon, I said “Did you know that the Waltons were hillbillies?”, and he said “Well, duh. THEY LIVED IN THE MOUNTAINS OF WEST VIRGINIA”, and I said “I never thought of them as being hillbillies, though.” I guess part of it is that the word “hillbilly” sounds so insulting, and the Waltons, they were nice folk who did the best they could with what they had, and so to hear a description that was somewhat insulting bothered me. A freak? Me? I don’t know why I find “hillbilly” so insulting – I certainly don’t find “redneck” insulting at all, and they’re definitely in the same descriptive category. If someone referred to Bo and Luke Duke, those fine young specimans of studliness, as rednecks, I would have no problem with that at ALL, since it is so clearly true. Later that evening we were watching “America’s Funniest Home Videos” (and if watching that show is wrong, I don’t wanna be right), and I turned to Fred, my brow furrowed, and said worriedly, “But they’re not white trash, right?” At which point he laughed out loud with a mouth full of Ben & Jerry’s, and two peanut butter cup bits went shooting out of his nostrils and bounced across the room.

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I went to the zoo this summer. First time in many, many years. I must say that I too was obsessed with the ‘five-legged’ zebra. I wanted to put a bunch of thick gold chains around his neck and hang a glittery disco ball above his head because, damn, that boy was pimpin’. *grin*
I am a Stephen King fan too and NO he does not suck!!
Reese’s bits out the nose huh? Ouch!!! I am jealous,that sounds good..I am at my, uh, time to be craving such delicacies as Ben & Jerry’s now I have ice cream on my mind and will probably not rest until I go get some..gee thanks Robyn LOL.
I must say I have never saw a zebra penis. So..I am assuming it is like a donkey or horse? Spud is right,,that is gross. If our men looked like that I think I would be a lesbian.
Robyn, just a note re: The Waltons. That lovely family lived near Rockfish, VIRGINIA, not West Virginia. The family was based on the true life family of Earl Hammer who grew up in that area and wrote most of the series. I loved every episode–I guess because I’m a “hillbilly” too. And proud to be one. There is no place on earth (at least as much of it as I’ve seen) that can compare to the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. P.S. I LOVE Stephen King, too.
Heh, I was coming over to make that correction, too. Not that there’s anything wrong with WV, but the Waltons lived in the Virginia mountains, aka God’s Country!
Blasphemy! Heresy!
The Waltons were my only model of an American family when I was a kid. I loved them! Hillbillies, ha! Be thankful, o ye people in the land of the free, for the Waltons, because otherwise all of Europe would run around thinking that the proverbial American family was a mix of the Carringtons and the Ewings. Do you want that? Hmm? (Don’t panic, we don’t get the Osbournes here … yet 😉
Thanks for my dose of laughs, Robyn. For the record: I think Stephen King is one of the great contemporary American novelists, once you get him out of the genre cage. 🙂
Yeah! The Waltons are NOT hillbillies! (Did you know TVLand shows it every morning at 6:00 CST, and yes, maybe I have gotten hooked on it, and yes maybe I have a little crush on Jason — I’ve always liked musicians — but I’d marry Zeb in a heartbeat.)
I’m still thinking about the phrase: “fugi on a pussy willow” with a slight grin on my face.
That’s because you’re a pervert, Mo. Which is why we love you so!
Waltons defenders – I’m on your side! I always saw the Waltons as poor folks with good manners, never the slightest bit hillybilly-like, always eager to help a neighbor, etc. It’s Fred who agreed that they were hillbillies. And if I could remember who on “I love the 70s” called them hillbillies, I’d sic y’all on ’em!
I’m re-reading the Dark Tower series in anticipation of the November release of The Wolves of Calla. Because I am a big Stephen King geek, I am.
[I even went to an academic conference about his works in 1996 at the University of Maine, Orono.]
I gotta go with the Spud on this one, “Gross!”.
Robyn…..did I read this wrong, or did you say that one of your cats was missing?? I read every day and don’t recall seeing that….so what is going on? Did someone climb the fence? I hope that all the Anderson kitties are home, safe and sound…..please let me know! I have come to love your kitties so much and the thought of one of them out in the cold cruel world is upsetting.
All the pictures you post of Tubby meowing crack me up! I was wondering if when he meows if his whole body moves. Like he’s putting his weight into it, or his ass. My fat boy does that. I should try to get some pics of him mid-meow.
I have to second the statements made above that the Blue Ridge Mtns of VA are gorgeous; I was raised there in good ole Harrisonburg until I left for college in NC, and every time I go back up there I’m just so happy to see the mountains all around me, ESPECIALLY in the fall.
I love the way Tubby is looking at the camera when he’s sitting on the landing w/ Spanky in front of him. Those pictures were the first good belly laugh I had today!!
5th leg? Huh- Lucky zebra girls……
I love that Tubby! Fred NEEDS to bring that grey kitty home so they can continue the love affair in the privacy of their own home.
Jesus. Does Tubby ever shut the fuck up?! It slays me when just about every pic has him bitching “meh”! 🙂 Kudos to the spud because that last one is the absolute best Tubby pic ever!
Besides, hillbillies all drink hootch, or scootch, or whatever. And the Waltons were NO hootch-drinkin’ folk.
I think I would call the Waltons good ole’country people. After moving from the suburbs of Washington, D.C. to the countryside in beautiful Virginia I can attest that I have yet to meet a hillbilly, just nice country folk who have a much more laid back and serene lifestyle. I have actually learned to enjoy sitting on my front porch watching the sunset. It’s a beautiful thing.
Well, I went to the zoo today and saw an elephant who’s extra leg would make your zebra run away in shame! : ) My goodness! He was actually taking a poo and it came sliding out (don’t boys have any control over those things?). A little boy behind me (4ish) says “Man, he needs some privacy!” ’twas funny ; )
Kathy – Fancypants went missing a few months ago – June, maybe? – and hasn’t been back since. But we’re not giving up hope! 🙂