Operation OFB.
And at no point did anyone see my eyes, make the sign of the cross and then scurry away, looking fearfully over their shoulder at me. I’m a little saddened by that, actually.
* * *
If you read the pet store kitties page, you might remember
Puzzle, whom I saw for the first time last Thursday. She was sick and on medication for an upper respiratory infection, and she vomited while I was there.
Last night, due to complications from the infection, Puzzle died. There’s a raging case of Upper Respiratory Infection going through the set of cats at the pet store, so they’ve suspended adoptions for at least the rest of the week. I sure hope the rest of the kitties end up okay. Keep them in your thoughts, won’t you?
* * *
Man, this whole running-a-business thing is strictly FOR THE FUCKING BIRDS. For sales inside Alabama, we have to collect sales tax. Now, can we just send the whole 8% sales tax to the state of Alabama and go about our happy fucking lives? Well, NO. No, we send 4% to the state, 2.5% to the county, and 1.5% to the city. A HUGE pain in the fucking ass, and what’s worse is that it all has to be postmarked by the 20th, and I still don’t have a county or city account number because I am a HUGE stupidass who didn’t want to deal with it all, and now I’m all running around like a chicken with it’s stupidass head cut off.
Don’t you want me running YOUR company?
* * *
Fred put up more pictures from Friday night, if you haven’t already checked them out, they’re
here. You’ll also note that our fence (the part on the right on the last picture belongs to the neighbors) is already repaired. Fred called them yesterday morning, and the guy was done by the time Fred got home from work. Too fucking cool.
* * *
Oh, but all y’all want is the nekkid (or half-nekkid) German Men, isn’t it? We’re taking a break from AKT today, because I only have one more of him, and I want y’all to appreciate the magic that is AKT. Today we have Achiim. Achiim thought it would be a good idea to toss on some snow-white undies and get comfy on the bed with his mouse.

(That’s just part of his email address I’ve blurred out) Is it just me, or does he bear a striking resemblance to Phil Collins?
* * *
The Hummingbirds – a story in pictures (and also some text)
Hummingbird 1 enjoys the yummy sugar water provided by we wonderful And3rsons.
Hummingbird 2 swoops in and chases Hummingbird 1 away.
Hummingbird 2 partakes of the sugar water.
Hummingbird 1 sneaks back in and slurps down some sugar water as fast as he can, his little tail end wiggling the entire time.
* * *
We briefly had a digital camcorder, before we realized that what we’d wanted was another model. But before we sent it back to exchange it for the other model, we made a quick little movie of the spud.
See it here. It’s a Windows Media movie. We saved it as an .mpg, which took up way more room than we wanted.
And if you’re going to be all stalker-like and watch it over and over again, please download it to your hard drive so you don’t eat up my bandwidth. Thanks!
I think he looks like a cross between Phil Collins and Kevin Spacey. 🙂
🙂 Great movie (and great horror movie scream the Spud has!).
Oh, you beat me, Elissa. I thought I was going to be first! *wink*
Poor Puzzle. That makes me sad. I really hope that the others will be okay.
Poor Spud. That’s child abuse, you know? And it was funny. hehe
I just had to come here because you updated and I love you, Robyn, in an unstalkerly way, of course. How much longer can I procrastinate from doing my research project and not want to kick myself tomorrow?
Hmmm…Got any more nekkid German guys?
Is it me or is the german guy wearing like um panties and not guy ones?
Mean mean mommy…I am more of the walk right up to my child and yell boo really loud for no reason kind of mama.
I’m with Elissa…he’s a bit creepy…
and *ahem* not much of a package to be proud of, it seems.
Darn! Had I been there when you were walking down around town, I would have instructed my youngest to scream and cry at the sight of you and say, “Mommy, Mommy, there’s a monster with bleeding eyes over there!” Then I would have covered her eyes as we ran away in sheer terror. Hey, we just want to see you happy.
The new guy looks like Kevin Spacey to me, but I see Phil collins, too.
Enjoy the rest of your day!
I suppose he does look a bit like Phil Collins, although I think Phil is cute, but this guy does nothing for me. Elissa said he was a cross between Phil and Kevin Spacey. I find Kevin Spacey attractive also. You’d think I’d be all hot for this man. Yes, I have strange tastes. 🙂
I was looking at yesterday’s photo of AKT (the censored version), when my 21-year old son walked in the room. He was totally freaked out that his mother was looking at porn. I tried to explain the situation, but he would have none of it. Heh.
That’s not Phil Collins, that’s Dave Matthews!
My dad has hummingbirds and those things can be very obnoxious. But cute!
oh, here i thought i’d be all smart and come flouncing into your comments section and announce that Achiim looks like kevin spacey. but i see that you’ve already decided that!
God, that’s something I SO like about you, R. You can scare your daughter into horror film shrieks, and then post the film on the net for our amusement. Spud has a career ahead of her in movies, hasn’t she? What a great scream she has.
Cripes that girl can shriek!
Nice panties, Achiim!
Oh, no! Poor Puzzle. I was sharing the newest batch of Pet Store Kitties with Joe, and he commented that that was a beautiful name for that kitty.
Poor puss. 🙁 I am sending lots of healing thoughts for the kitties.
Poor Puzzle. I hope you can contain it and not lose any more kitties.
As for Phil/Kevin/Dave- Just plain creepy! But I guess there is someone out there for everyone!
Robyn- I hope your eyes get better. Even though no one seemed to be staring at your eyes I am sure you were mentioned at many a dinner table!
“Oh Honey- you should have seen the lady I saw at the grocery store today….”
Love Ya’ Baby!!!!
Guess where I AM! Really. Guess? Nope! I am in Alabama! Gadsden (or some other po-dunk town.) Call Tracy and get my cell number, or give him your number ok? My mom had emergency surgery yesterday and I just drove 13 hours!
Oh, fug it. Figure this out: [deleted]
I’m going to bed now. Call me in the morning?
Robyn, I think we need a movie with Fred scaring you….that would be so funny!!!!
my thoughts, as I perused the daily bitchynews:
Oh my gawd, it’s so HUGE! she had to blur halfway up his…
waitaminute, it’s not attached to his…
aw, damn. The woman gave us tightywhities without even a suggestive bulge.
I miss AKT.
So far,I think that all of the nekkid German guys have looked like Phil Collins. Whatever happened to tall,buff German men ? (oh… they don’t feel the need to pose nekkid,or half-nekkid!)
Yesterday, the nekkid guy looked like Billy Bob Thornton. Today, Phil Collins …
Tomorrow … Kevin Costner?
I too, at first perusal, thought today’s nekkid guy had a huge schlong. What a disappointment. 😉
I’m so sad about Puzzle.
Great scream from the spud. I wanna hear your scream Robyn!
I just played the little movie of the Spud. When she screamed, my cat Sam who sleeps in a basket on my desk, just about jumped out of his fur! I can’t stop laughing… he’s all freaked out.. thanks for that!
Poor poor Puzzle. I am sending healing vibe thoughts to the rest of the little kitties.
I, too, had scary eyes from a bout of the stomach heavies awhile back. It took 2 weeks to completely heal, and ppl at work were convinced I was being beat senseless about the head by my guy. No one could believe all those blown blood vessels were from a mere worshipping of the porcelain god….hope you heal soon Robyn. And, if ppl stare, you can always tell em it’s a fatal thing…and make em feel bad for gawking.
I love your pics of the hummingbirds. Have your ever seen a hummingbird moth? I havent until today. Was the weirdest thing ever. I had to look it up on inet to see what it was.
Yes, Spud must become a famous horror movie actress. She’s already got the screaming down. Hehehehe…I enjoyed it.