Cricket. 1. Are you a good bitch or a bad bitch? (There’s a pronounced difference, as all true bitches would know.) I’m a good bitch, of course. Except when I’m being a bad bitch. All good bitches have their bad bitch moments, but usually they’re few (pms) and far (pms) between. 2. How long did you live in Canada? As a Canadian myself – one that only acknowledges Southern Ontario as being Canada – what was it like living in Labrador? I was pretty young – about 2 years old – but we probably only lived in Labrador 1 – 2 years. And all I remember is that it was reallly collllllld. Which is probably why I tend to think of Canada as a frozen wasteland. 3. How do you feel about telling people that you met your husband online? Does the stigma that tends to come with that bother you? I’m fine with telling people that we met online, though I don’t volunteer the information unless asked. Meeting the love of your life online is more common these days than it was 7 years ago (but even then it wasn’t completely unheard of), and if someone’s weirded out by the fact that we met online, I can always point to the fact that (as of next month) we’ve been happily married for 5 years and are still going strong. 4. Does Fred like cats or is this a one-sided furbaby romance? Fred loves cats as much as I do, thank god! In fact he said earlier today that the house seems empty with only (!) 4 cats. 5. I lived in New England for 2 years but never made it to Maine. Did I miss anything? You did! It’s gorgeous there, it has it’s own feel – when I’m in Maine, I’m very conscious of the fact that I’m not in one of the other New England states. I love it there, and you must visit it! All of you! Chop-chop! 6. You watch Spike TV, the new channel for men. We have it too. What do you think of it? There are certain shows I like – I definitely want to see how Joe Schmo turnes out! – but there’s this awful dubbed show with people running goofy obstacle courses. Fred LOVES it and must ALWAYS stop and watch it, but I loathe it and have to run from the room. So I’d say so-so on the Spike TV. 7. Do you have a favorite cat? If so, why? Miz Poo is my favorite. She knows it, all the boy cats know it, and everyone in the house knows it. She’s my bayyyyyyyybeeee, and always has been more needy and cuddly than the boy cats. The boys will let themselves be held for a minute or two, but they’re like “Oh, enough of THAT!” and will run off. Miz Poo will pretty much let you hug and cuddle her 24 hours a day. 8. My job consists of baby-sitting a three year old 20 hours a day. Sometimes my being a “stay at home” drives me insane. Do you sometimes wish you worked outside the home? Almost never. On the rare occasion that I wish I had a job to go to and keep me busy, I remember how much I like doing what I want to do when I want to, and I stop thinking about looking for a job. Of course, I have a lot more autonomy than you do, since I don’t need to worry about a three year-old! 🙂 9. Do you miss the north? I miss it an awful lot sometimes. I know that I’ll never drag Fred to Maine when we retire, though, so I have to be happy with my yearly visits. 10. What does the spud call Fred? Does she ever see the sperm donor? She calls him Fred. (Heh – did anyone else get a flash of “My name is Forrest Gump. People call me Forrest Gump”?) We talked about having her call him “Dad” (she calls her father “Daddy”) or “Pop”, but she seemed most comfortable with “Fred.” She talks to her father on the phone about once a week, and spends time with him in the summer. They have a pretty good relationship, but it’s less father-daughter and more two equals who like to goof off and hang out and fart at each other. (Okay. I’m assuming about the farting, but it’s a pretty solid assumption.) Most of her father-daughter experiences come from Fred’s direction, which is not a dis at her father – there’s only so much parenting you can do with a phone call a week and a visit in the summer. I’m just glad we’ve got Fred to do the dad stuff.

oKAY! My fiance has to watch that stupid, STUPID japa-obstical-course show ALL the time and I HATE it!!! I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who is blind to the allure of that show!!!
Miz Poo looks like a tortoise shell…(sorry have’t been reading that long) am I right? If i am, that’s perfect…wonderfully bitch least mine is! 🙂
Dirk looks like he went overboard on the self-tanner! LOL
Yeah, I feel you on the obstacle course show pain. I get roped into watching it every now and then… mainly when we have company over, because what’s more fun when people are visiting than watching that shit? What kills me is that these people are actually participating of their own free will… some of those traps on the courses are downright brutal. 🙂
That is a great picture of Miz Poo. I love the leg dangling off.
OK, I’m a dumbass. What does the fence being down have to do with the birds? I can’t make the connection.
I had a tortoise-shell kitty for 10 years. She went insane and started ferociously attacking people if they moved too quickly for her liking, so my mother had her lethally injected on the advice of her veterinarian. Poor Narcissa.
OK, I think I’ve got it, now. The birds are happy b/c the cats can’t go outside with the fence being down. Right? Do I win anything?
I didn’t realize that my old email address (that no longer works) was the one that was on your notify list. So now that I’m back, I realize that I missed something (ok a lot of somethings). How come only 4 cats? Something happen to one?
Jen – Yeah, she’s a tortoiseshell. And she’s the boss of the kitties!
Jenniffer – Yep, the cats can’t go outside, so the birds feel safe! You win the knowledge that you figured it out yourself. 🙂
Jennah – back at the beginning of the summer, Mr. Fancypants went missing. We checked all the shelters, put up signs, talked to the neighbors, but he never showed back up. 🙁 We haven’t given up hope, though!
Robyn, I LOVE New England–especially Maine. My husband and I spend many vacations in that beautiful state, most of them on Mount Desert Island. In fact, I have a lovely oil painting of the Otter Cliffs and surf in Acadia National Park. Wish I were there when Isabel hits Thunder Hole.
Excuse me, waitress, but there’s a unicorn on my German… could I see the menu again?
Okay, this is getting scaree! I’ve enjoyed seeing more naked German flesh in this journal than I have seen in all the years I’ve lived here, but I think I KNOW that tattoo. Please God let it be beach knowledge.
It be Talk Like A Pirate Day, and I am marauding ’round the net leaving pirate-like messages in coments sections of my favorite blogs and journals!
That Mzz Poo looks like she’d make a fine ship’s cat, scurrying after bilge rats and the like.
Perhaps that is what happened to your Mr. Fancypants! I’d wager that he was cat-napped (argh, I’m afeared I can’t remember how to spell Shanghaid) and is now sailing the seven seas in search of booty and pirate glory!
Hiya Robyn. I, too, met my husband, Stephen, online 7 years ago. And, like you, we will be married 5 years next month… October 17th. Strange small world in which we live, eh?! Happy early anniversary.
BTW, I’m trying to get the AJC (Atlanta Journal Constitution) to do a book review on Fred’s tome. So far, no response, but I’m being persistant!
My cousin met her husband of 5 years online. Heh, that sounds like her husband is 5, ok Im stupid 🙂 Anyway, I think its actually a better way to meet people. You can automatically eliminate anyone who wouldnt share your values, humor, and interests. Ive met alot of great friends online. People give lip service to the fact that its ‘whats inside that counts’ but the rarely support that claim. Online, unless you send naked pics 🙂 you only have your personality online. So perhaps people who are so against online hookups are just afraid that they have no personality….
yea no edits here. Can I say ‘online’ a hundred more times 🙂