* * *
A partial picture of me so that you can see the dye job, and that my eyes are no longer creepy zombie eyes.

Excuse the slightly loony look on my face. That’s what happens when you raise one eyebrow in an attempt to look cool and above it all.
* * *
One of the things I had to do Saturday after The Big Reformat was download the newest version of Eudora, so that all the components would be in a single file, because that’s how I like it (and also, that will make it much easier when I have to back up all the important stuff before the NEXT reformat. Because you KNOW it’s gonna happen). I thought I pretty much had it set up the way I’d had my old Eudora set up, until I was emailing with Nance yesterday and Eudora got all old-lady tsk-tsk on me.

Obviously Eudora doesn’t know Nance. It would probably take WAY more than that to offend Nance.
Later, I was adding people to the
Go Fuck Yourself page, when another one popped up.

I feel like Eudora’s a creepy old lady hovering over my shoulder, reading my email, and threatening to tell my mommy on me.
* * *
Speaking of the Go Fuck Yourself page, if you emailed me to be added in the past 6 weeks or so and didn’t get a confirmation email yesterday, you need to email me again, because I’m somewhat certain that I lost some of that email in the transition from old, crappy hard drive to new, reformatted hard drive.
Speaking further of the Go Fuck Yourself ‘burb, I think it’s probably not out of the question that one day I will receive an email from the spud requesting to be part of it. The thought both amuses and horrifies me.
* * *
Sunday morning Fred went out to run some errands and do some shopping, and when he got home I saw that he had a Books-A-Million bag.
“Did you buy me anything?” I asked hopefully. He reached into the bag and pulled out
The Ultimate Weight Loss Solution, by Dr. Phil.
Close your email clients, angry people. He knew that I wanted to read it, but just hadn’t had a chance to go out and buy it. I started the book Sunday night, and about ten minutes in I was just wishing it was OVER. I need to do a more in-depth entry about it over at OneFatBitchypoo one of these days, I suppose, but unless you’ve read and enjoyed other Dr. Phil books, I don’t recommend it.
I’ve listed the book on my
reading list, but I don’t think I’m going to rate it, because I’ll be the first to admit that right now I have a big chip on my shoulder regarding Dr. Phil, and I didn’t read his book with an open mind, and it wouldn’t really be fair to rate his book with an “eh”.
Closeminded with a big chip on my shoulder, that’s me!
I do have two books to recommend, though, if you’re looking for something good to read. The first is
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon. It’s an absolutely charming book written from the viewpoint of an autistic 15 year-old, and I loved it even before I read the line “I can’t do chatting.”
At one point I turned to Fred and said “I feel like I’m reading a book about you.” Highly, highly recommended.
The other book is one that a reader saw on my wish list and sent me about a year ago,
Plainsong, by Kent Haruf. The thing about this book is that it is such a simple book, and I didn’t expect much from it, but I was charmed and drawn in from the very first page. When I finished the book (and it left me wanting more, the way good books do), I immediately went online and added his other books to my wish list, and can’t wait to buy and read them.
Heh. I’m such a good book reviewer, aren’t I? Why didn’t I just say “Books good. Me like!”?
* * *
Oh, and speaking of books, I have to mention the craptacular
The Last Victim. I read it while I was in Maine, thinking to myself “The boy corresponded with John Wayne Gacy and other serial killers. How can this NOT be a gripping, thrilling read?”
Well, let me tell you, it was dull as dirt. Total yawnsville. Stay away, folks, stay away! My sister-in-law made the mistake of picking it up and beginning it after I’d finished it, at which point I felt like I couldn’t really say “Oh, don’t bother. It SUCKS”, because what if it was just me? What if I just couldn’t see the amazingness (is TOO a word) of it?
Turns out it WASN’T just me. Poor Lee!
* * *
He’s a pretty Spot. Yes he is!
Yup. It sucked. I actually WANTED Gacy to kill him by the end of the book.
LOVING the hair color! Very dramatic.
Oh, and *snork* I am somebody’s “sister-in-law!” (Still not over that.)
Hey Robyn!
Your hair color looks good on you, I like the contrast. I am still ROFLMAO at the Eudora..kinda is creepy isn’t it?
Thanks for the heads up on the books, I have been buying alot lately and had alot of disappointments.
Well, I’m certainly glad that somebody realizes that your Jon Stewart Boyfriend Stealing Talk would most definitely offend me. Hee!
PS: Since I’m sitting here feeling the Robyn-love because I have Boar’s head mustard with my cheese, you can officially have my boyfriend, Jon because you sent me the Boar’s head! Mwah!
But I want Ellen back. You never know when you’re gonna need a back-up lesbian.
Meant to add about the bank thing, I worked for one for 7 years and you would not believe how many times that happens to people. If it makes you feel better, the bank employees don’t laugh TOO long….
just kiddin..
Isn’t it funny how your outgoing mail thinks “Damn” might offend someone, but our e-mail boxes are constantly full of porn solicitation? Don’t you just wish that our e-mail clients would just bounce back those porn e-mails with a note that they should be ashamed of themselves? Or even better, bounce back 1,257 “Kiss my a**” e-mails for every one spam e-mail? I know, I know, most of them can’t be traced, but dare to dream!
I did that exact same bank thing. Only I didn’t apologize profusely. I cussed at the teller and called him an idiot before I realized the mistake was, in fact, mine. Oy, that was a good day.
Your experience at the bank *almost* beats the time I took a paycheck and tried to deposit it, but found, to my dismay, that it was the direct deposit stub, not a paycheck. I slunk away.
All kinds of things happen at a bank. When I worked there I had college kids come in griping about their insufficient funds using their ATM and/or debit card because the MACHINE told them they had money.
I am not even gonna explain that one.
Aidan- I have had customers like you!! (or rather non customers–giving the evil eye to Aidan—LOL just kidding!!)
Von–I am assuming you had 2 different paychecks since you would not be depositing a paycheck that already had been deposited via direct deposit?
Hey things like that spice it up down there at the boring ol bank!! More more!! LOL
Yay! Now I don’t have to buy Dr. Shrill’s book because Robyn did it for me! (And feels the same way about it, evidently…)
Robin- any news about Fancypants? I keep waiting for the day you write “guess who just pranced into the yard”.
Yesterday, the 23rd, was my birthday and guess what I got? A Tubby t-shirt and sticker! It was the best present ever!
Heather – not yet!
Michelle – awww, how awesome! And happy birthday. 🙂
As the reader who sent you Plainsong, I’m really glad you liked it. And I totally agree with your review.
And thanks again for sending it, Cathy! 🙂