Holes on Tuesday (also rented: A Mighty Wind, Door to Door, and Real Women Have Curves). Since I have the book but hadn’t read it yet, I started it yesterday morning and finished it last night. What a great book! Why on earth hadn’t I read it before now? I’d heard of it because it was on the spud’s assigned summer reading a few years ago, and someone – Eliza, maybe? – mentioned it in her journal in highly flattering terms, which I’m pretty sure is why I put it on my wish list, and I know that it’s been sitting on the bookcase for months, but why did I not read it before now? Why? I’m sure my tendencies toward dumbassery has something to do with it. As a side note, if you buy the book and it’s the version with the color pictures from the movie in the middle, skip looking at the pictures until you’re done with the book, or you’ll ruin the ending for yourself. Today I’ll begin reading the Patricia Heaton book. I have no idea why I bought the book, and I only hope that it doesn’t suck. At least it’s thin, so it won’t take long to read, and I can start reading the Al Franken book that Fred keeps guffawing over. Which he’s probably ruined for me by reading the funniest parts out loud to me. Which I TOLD him not to do, because I wanted to read it for myself, damnit! Actually, I had no interest in reading it until I realized that Fred was laughing out loud every 2.5 seconds. I hope I find it as funny as he does!

i don’t know how you don’t adopt every kitty at the store! i love them so! *sob*
How much do your kitties weigh??
Jen – it’s hard not to bring them all home. I must resist, though, because I don’t want to be in the news as the latest crazy chick with 130 cats in her house, living in the ducts, and 3 feet of feces everywhere.
Bonnie: Tubby weighs around 25 pounds, Miz Poo weighs between 10 and 11, and Spot and Spanky both weigh about 10 pounds. Fancypants was a good, solid 10 pounds, too.
Hey; is it just me or did Bob seem kind of feminine to you? I caught only a little bit of the Bachelor and thought he really came off gay; and I am not saying that in a bashing way; just that he seemed gay. You know?
Allison – I hadn’t thought about it, but yeah – I can see it! Which would make an excellent ending to the show, if he got down on one knee and proposed to Chris Harrison instead of one of the Bachelorettes! Heh.
Real Women have Curves is an awesome movie, its funny as hell 🙂
This is totally off subject, since Survivor wasn’t mentioned in your entry today, but there’s a site that I’d like to pass on to you. It has so- called spoilers, although they are not always correct in their predictions. Every week at around 3 on Thursdays, they put up who they think will be booted and which tribe will win immunity and reward. They do it in a very entertaining way. This week they do it in a song with the tune of that old 70’s hit “Please Come to Boston”. I thought it was amusing and found myself singing along. Anyway, here is the link, if anyone is interested. http://www.acmebraintrust.com/index.php?page=358&parent=85
Heaton’s book is quite funny! I hope you enjoy it.
Ok. Here’s the deal. You go to the pet store and get Kendellee for us. We will pick her up on our way back from AL on Monday. K? (Uh, maybe I should clear this with Tracy? Nah!)
Yes, that was me slobbering all over the Holes! Lisa and Melissa love it lots, too. I mean, WHAT IS NOT TO LOVE? I liked the movie, too, even though Stanley was skinny. It’s one of the best books I have ever read. Yay! I am so glad you read it.
I just read Al Frankens book and it is SOOO funny. I kept laughing out loud also.
It is probably a good thing that I do not live where you do or my house would runneth over with kitties!!
Don’t forget Survivor is tonight too! Or did you give up on it after last season?
Thanks for the book recommendations, always looking for my next one to sit on the shelf to get dusty till I get around to it!! HEH!
I’m so going to hell for this, but I giggled when that girl cried at the end because she didn’t get a rose. Not only that, but I told her (or the TV) to shut up.
She embarrassed herself on national TV by crying over some guy she’s known .6 seconds. And that is hilarious to me.
But I’m a bitch, so oh well.
Kate – “Tracy! It’s a girl!” heh
Kay – I think I will NEVER give up on Survivor, and will probably watch every single show no matter how crappy it eventually gets! Hey, maybe the Spud will be on Survivor:Minneapolis (’cause they ran out of places, of course)
Delusive – the twins creeped me out, and I KNEW he wasn’t going to give one or the other or both a rose because come ON. As IF. And these girls are WAY too much into him, for only having seen him for a few minutes on The Bachelorette.
Delusive- THEY LOVED EACH OTHER. Poor thing, he was her SOUL MATE. I mean, don’t you believe in Love At First Sight?? Oh? What? You live in the real world where people can’t take 3 months off to play in a game?? Where people know that Love, honor, cherish, and yes, OBEY are vows meant for life???
I’d like each and every one of those twits to come live my life for a day.
PS- Get Kendellee NOW!!!!! She needs to be loved by you and the rest of your crew.
No! She needs to be loved by ME!!! (And Tracy too!)
I to thought it was funny how the girl on last nights show were so in love with Bob. And did anyone catch how he drunk out of the Pepsi twist can? I could have sworn he was gay when I seen him do that! If you taped it go back and watch it it will crack you up!
hey i’m new here, but i voted.. not entirely sure why though.
real women have curves is great. thoroughly entertaining. i saw so much of me and my mom its a shame. i hope you enjoy it.
i’ve been investigating your site and i gotta tell that you quickly became a shero for me. definitely someone that i will look up to as i attempt to loose all the pounds i have to w/o going completely loopy and doing something stupid. you’re very encouraging. thanks.
You have to go back the the shop and get Kendellee NOW!!!! Oh my i wouldnt have been able to walk out of that store without her. Of course Calico kitties are my favorite.
Didn’t Fred just mention how the house seemed empty with only four cats? Seems to me that gives you permission to bring home Miss Kendellee.