Father Ray (played by B.D. Wong) said “fuck”, Fred turned to me and said “A priest who says ‘fuck’! That’s my kinda priest!”
* * *
I think that
Wendy feels the same sort of hatred for
Jemima J. as I do for
We Were the Mulvaneys.
I could be wrong, though. She seems a little wishy-washy about it. I think she might secretly like the book.
* * *
Pet store kitty pictures are
* * *
So, I ran over to Target this morning to buy some paper towels (the cat room was out of paper towels, which makes it somewhat difficult to clean the cages), and while I was there I wandered by the book section.
This book looked really, really good, and I picked it up and thought about buying it, but ultimately put it down because I have so many books to be read on my bookcase; I decided to add it to my Amazon wish list, instead.
(And I had a hell of a time finding it on Amazon, because I couldn’t quite remember the name. Sickly? Sicken? Sickening? Finally I searched on Munchausen By Proxy and found it.)
On my way back by the book section toward the cash register, I stopped to look at a few “chick lit” type books, and I glanced at the top of the display, and did it say “Chick Lit”? Why, no. No it didn’t. It said “Hip Lit.”
Hip Lit? Kinda sounds like a display of books written in the 70s, doesn’t it? Does anyone say “hip” anymore? Is “hip” making a comeback, in that throwback-to-the-70s kinda way?
I need to know these things.
* * *
Fred came upstairs this morning after I thought he’d already left for work SCARING THE HELL OUT OF ME as I walked out of the bathroom.
“Did you order an empty box from The Humane Catalog?” he asked, holding up a huge box.
I blinked and thought for a moment (see? I can do two things at once!), and then stared at the box.
“I ordered a black and white
cat egg to round out the collection,” I said. “But it’s really small. There’s no way it needs a box that big!”
I opened it up, and under ten tons of packing was this very small cat egg that fits neatly in the palm of my hand.

For an idea of the size, here it is next to Spot for comparison purposes.

Aaaand here it in sitting on a corner of the box it came in.

I’m thinking they might want to stock up on smaller boxes in the future, just in case.
* * *
From this angle, Tubby looks twice as big as Spanky. Oh, wait. He IS!
Gad your entries make me laugh every friggen day. Thank you. You are now the first site I jump to as I’m sipping my Ovaltine and downing my Lithium/Prozac coctail (no connection, I swear!).
I just wanted you to know that your entries rock for what its worth.
Simone still hasn’t been adopted??? Oh, I think it is time for Fred to take the plunge and “cheat” on you with his “girlfriend.” 🙂
OMG, I cannot believe the box and packaging for that little cat!!! Unbelieveable!
Hello Robin,
I discovered your journal about a month ago. I didn’t want to form an opinion until I read through all of the archives and such. Although I have to say I enjoyed it for the most part,I can’t get my head around the whole “” I saw this book in Blah ,Blah, Blah” and had to put it down because I have too many already” So I will just put it on the wish list.I mean talk about dropping hints.You just take for granted some reader will buy it for you. Sheesh…Talk about El Cheapo! I can see sending a wish list for family and friends at holiday time to take the guess work out of things……….But this just takes the cake. It is not like you can’t afford to buy those things yourself. How about that yellow barbie VW and how you moaned about it being $22.00. You knew that somebody would just break down and buy it for you. I hope you are as giving to others as they are to you. But, somehow, I doubt it.
Your journal absolutely cracks me up!!! Especially today’s entry, how do you do it? Hehe. Life just plain sucked this morning but your entry brightened what looked to start out as a gloomy day. Thanks!!!
What in the fuck is your problem? You obviously don’t know a thing about Robyn including how to spell her name – read her journal for a month and still can’t figure it out – are you a simpleton? Stupid question because we already know the answer to that one.
You don’t have a clue about her and yet you feel the NEED to write a nasty comment like that in her journal?
Way to be an angry, bitter bitch! Go get a fucking life, cunt.
Hey Sandra:
Go fuck yourself.
(Oh, and Robyn, you’re welcome!)
>>>I hope you are as giving to others as they are to you. But, somehow, I doubt it.
Thank you for the best laugh I’ve had all day. Twat-headed bitch. Hee!
But seriously, why don’t you tell us how you really feel about it?
Nance – A big ditto from me. Twat – Haven’t heard that word in a long time. But I have to say you used it appropriately!!!
Robyn – Seems there are a lot of angry psycho-bitches coming out lately but you are the only psycho-bitch that we love!!!!
Sandra, Go FUCK yourself.
Nance, you’re my hero!
I guess we know where that fucker “Mr Fancypants” is. Hanging out with some bitch named Sandra. I’m sure he put her up to that.
How I really feel about it is that I’d like to kick some Sandra Skank-ho Ass for coming in here and bashing Robyn. My apologies to other skank-ho’s out there that don’t come into people’s web sites and fling insults, of course. Hee!
Note to Twat-Head Sandra: See, I’m NOT afraid to list my email address and URL. Nobody likes a Chickenshit.
Jeez, I need to remember not to be drinking when I’m reading here, I think it almost came out my nose when I read twat headed bitch! Sentiments I completely concur on.
I think Robyn is very giving, she entertains us all almost daily, besides the myriad of other things she does, which you’d know if you really did read her archives.
Anyway, sounds like a case of jealousy to me, hopefully you’ll find a life at some point Sandra.
Btw, have a great day Robyn, and if I had the cash, I’d buy the book right now just to fucking spite the bitch :o)
Nance, I was about to take offense at the skank-hos comment until you ammended it ;o)
Off subject, but I bet some assembly line worker is laughing his ass off cause he packed that itty bitty kitty in that huge box.
On the other subject, Robyn gives back by writing this journal and making every day a bit brighter for her readers. Like the cc commercial says, that’s priceless.
Obviously, Sandra doesn’t doesn’t know anything about Robyns giveaway area. I was the proud winner of two of Robyns books awhile back- “Rachels Weekend” and “Angels” – I loved them both – thank you again Robyn!!
Heh – you guys are cracking me up!
Sandra, don’t be a dumbass. I’ve never once asked anyone (other than my husband) to buy me something from my wish list; it exists so that when my family wants to know what I want for Christmas or my birthday, I can send them there. It’s linked in the sidebar because people enjoy looking at the wish lists of others. I know that half the stuff on my wish list is there because I saw it on someone else’s wish list.
(Tina, it’s the thought that counts. 😉
All I can say is that some people should read for longer than a month and really get to know Robyn before they judge.
I have the twin to that kitty egg 🙂
Maryanne – I have the calico (to represent Miz Poo), the all-black one (Fancypants), the orange-and-white one (Spanky), and now the black and white one to represent Spot and Tubby. I know it’s weird, but I felt like the set wasn’t “complete” without that last cat!
Robyn, Sandra makes such a great point. You held giveaway drawings for WEEKS on end, mailing everything from books to clothes to phones, paying for shipping out of your own selfish pocket. You volunteer your time each week taking care of homeless kitties. You purchase things on vacations solely for readers. You answer even the most mundane questions, and will spend time researching answers if you don’t know them. You are SUCH a greedy bitch!
Sandra, you have succeeded only in making yourself look like an ass.
Seems like someone who’d leave a spiteful, pointless little comment like that one in a public place, rather than sending it directly & privately to the one it’s directed at, is looking for some drama & controversy, hmm? I’m guessing she’s maybe, what, 12?
And now I would like to take the time to say “Thanks, RobYn, for the ultra-cool bandana from the 3-Day that you sent me last year that I wanted, simply because you’re NICE and you DIDN’T HAVE TO.” And how many copies of the Bullshit tape did you make for all of us in readerland that wanted to see the show but couldn’t? And how long did it take you to form the mailing lists and organize all that? And you got paid how much for that? Oh, yeah, that’s right–NOTHING.
Whatever, Robyn rocks.
Yeah, she’s a ROCKYN ROBYN, tweet-tweet!! And now I am going to send her a little gifty thing, cause I WANT TO! You just watch the mail ROCKYN ROBYN! I will send you something to show my appreciation for all you have shared and done for your readers, and the joy you bring to the day with your posts. That’s what I’m talkin bout.
And let’s not forget that Robyn sends postcards from Maine to anyone who wants them while she is on vacation AND she mails out holiday cards as well!
Sandra…as for you…well, Nance et al. have said what I think about you far more eloquently than I ever could.
Jeez, Robyn, you really are attracting the psychos lately! 🙂
What? Jeesh, sorry Robyn. I told the poster to just take her trash-talkin’ gutterslut self to the site she was spankin’, and I guess she took me seriously! I bet if we compared IP addresses, we would find it is one and the same poster. Too bad I already deleted all the trash in my guestbook. Ah well, I had to work all day on the computer today writing, and it was an interesting diversion when I needed a breather.
The box thing is hilarious by the way…
Diane – I think it’s my perfume! 😉
Santana – yeah, tell me about it, I’m sure they’re probably one and the same! It’s handy to have the IP address, though. You can do all kinds of interesting things with IP addresses. 😉
you crack me up…
This entry just did me in for like 45 minutes cuz of all the good links.. damn those link tangents… LOL
I’m TOTALLY appreciative of the chick lit list… that’s awesome…
And i’m damn impressed that you walked out of target with just the paper towels and not the book.. i can’t go into target to get just one thing.. i end up spending 80 bucks.. no matter what… it’s a disgusting addiction… They need a target support group or something…
anyway.. thanks for a great entry 🙂
Too bad it was marred by that dumb bitch.
I was thinking the same thing as Santana. Darn. Can we pretend I’m the brilliant one who said it first?
Robyn is a giver. I won a t-shirt that ROBYN paid the postage on from the giveaway page. I was sent a postcard from Maine : postage paid by ROBYN. Money is donated to needy animals from the “Tubby Loot” from which I bought a shirt and a mousepad. The list goes on and on…Is Sandra a little embarassed now? I don’t believe she read ALL the archives in a month anyway.
Oh my gooodness! Such a silly, silly girl, Sandra is. Damn. How can anyone be so crass?!I bet she would’nt have the stones to say that shit to anyone’s face. Robyn & Fred rule!
Looks like I stumbled in on a riot. Good to see your readers handing an ass whooping to that twat-headed bitch. Going to look at your wish list now — oh, gee — is that a rolls I see? *click* Cause we KNOW Robyn demands the shit. Some people.
That egg has Spots EXACT markings! It’s scary as hell. (Well, not as scary as the dog pic from yesterday!)
Sandra obviously has not read the journal very well. Robyn is a very wonderful and giving person. Robyn, i am sorry someone like that left such a nasty comment on you journal. I enjoy and looke forward to reading your journal everyday. I ALWAYS laugh at it and even read some parts to my hubby.
Nance, would you be my bodyguard?
Sandra, you twat-headed bitch…LMAO (oh, the vision)…God, woman, be reasonable. What kind of moron are you?
Robyn, I have been reading your journal for about a month now, too, and I find you hilarious, and never once thought you were trying to get me or anyone else to buy your Wish List items. BTW, did you get the pink flamingo lamp shade I sent?
Just one more thing about Robyn being a giver…I emailed Robyn once about missing an exciting scene on ER and she had a video tape copied, mailed and in my hand in 2 days. I had never so much as left a comment here before and she did that for me! I still can’t get over the generosity for a total stranger! Take that, Sandra!
You know, I only know Robyn through the internet and she was one of a very small amount of people who donated money to help my husband and I with in-vitro fertilization. Obviously, she’s a pretty giving person. Somehow I’m thinking twat head isn’t coming back in here anymore (Nance probably scared the shit out of her- yay Nance!) but I wanted to add my two cents.
And I know you didn’t take that stupid comment personally Robyn, but I also want you to know that I think the world of you. Twat head is a fool. xoxoxo
you know we all got your back! Don’t you wish we could all just follow you around on your day to day so that you can always say what you damn well pleased and wouldn’t have to worry about anyone getting back atchya cause they would have a CROWD to deal with!
1) Did anyone else see the irony that you (you greedy biznatch, you) were in Target to buy paper towels to donate to a charity with which you were going to wipe up the poop of several orphaned cats–for free? GOD! You are so damned selfish!
By the way, how many copies of that book have you received now? I think you were posing as Sandra merely to get gratis copies. (Kidding.)
2) Thanks ever so much for the books I received from your giveaway page. If you like, I would gladly let you re-give them, and *I* would buy the envelopes, print the labels, stuff the envelopes, troop my as to the post office AND WAIT AGES, pay the postage and drive home in horrible traffic, only to be abused by nasty, petty women like Sandra. Because I’m greedy like that too, y’know.
2) I need to start reading the comments more. They are nearly as entertaining as the actual journal.
3) I believe that it’s PC Magazine maybe (?) that has a back page devoted to moronic stuff. They once featured a single PDS stylus mailed in a full-sized Amazon box. I think you’ve got that beat.
Whoops! Give me a 4!
It’s a whole little subculture here in the comments, isn’t it Amanda?
I may take you up on your re-giving offer. There should be another giveaway coming up in the next month or so. 🙂
All I want to know is WHAT the person doing the packing was thinking. Were they down to their last box, or what?
Damn I miss everything these days. Robyn has to be about the most giving and caring person I have ever “met”. I have been on the receiving end of cards, giveaways and have never known a more generous person in real life. I better start reading comments more, its an entry in itself!
Found you from Kate’s diary on OD…and I’m sorry, but this entry made me laugh so hard. Just the picture of that tiny cat egg on the gigantor box…thanks for the giggle. 🙂
I know, jmelyn, isn’t it ridiculous??
I ordered address labels from them earlier this week. I can only imagine what size box they’ll send THOSE in!
I have been reading Robyn’s Journal, Archives, Links, everything for almost a year and I still haven’t read everything. I am a slacker and I received the Bullshit! video and lost my list and didn’t have the balls to email Robyn and let her know I fucked it up and didn’t come through with sending video tapes and postage ( I slave for an atty. & we can only use a video (1)!!!time for DUI cases, then I take them home to record over and I offered to send Robyn a shit load of barely used video’s & some stamps and slacked on that too. I am a twat-headed bitch. So between Fred making everybody confess their sins and Sandra’s insane comment, I must say that my mission in life is to:
1. Find the Bullshit tape and mail it back to Robyn.
2. Buy Fred’s book.
3. Send those video tapes & some postage to Robyn asap.
4. Hope I am forgiven.
5. Keep reading Robyn & Fred.
6. Not be a Twat Head!
Robyn & Fred are so good they shoud charge a fee to read them. Free entertainment! Christmas cards to strangers! The lady is delighted with someone sending smylie face stickers! She cleans cat shit for FREE. She mails out books she’s read for FREE. Well, everybody already said what all she did. So just to soothe my conscience (sp?), I shall do these reperations to R&F and also do some kinda Oprah random act of kindness. Except still screw that woman who called Robyn selfish. She’s a soul in need of enlightenment and a bit of evolution. I wonder if posting that message gave her enough of a thrill or if seeing all the responses and bad vibes she got for sending it are more of a rush for her. Maybe Sandra gets off on abuse?